Do you think incest is bad?

Is incest ok??

  • Yes

    Votes: 38 48.7%
  • Hell no

    Votes: 40 51.3%

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Well-Known Member
Kaendar, is just trying to stay true to his faith which I respect. And I don't think he is a terrorist. I do wish that more Muslims would grow a set of balls and take their religion back.
actually he drinks smokes and curses he failed

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
But Seriously I think its more of a cultural thing than anything. Wasn't it a custom in certain cultures where they have arranged marriages between family members? Back in the day would u really wanna send ur daughter off to marry some dude u don't know or would u feel better with her marrying someone in ur family that you know would take good care of her? So yes the PC thing to say is that Incest is bad, but would u say that if everyone was wiped out and the only chicks left to make babies were ur family, would u say well shit I ain't gonna bang u so I guess we gonna become extinct. Everything is relative, a big grey area. And if not I guess I'll have to bang ur retarded sister.
I can't even think of banging my brothers. Yuck.


Well-Known Member
Kaendar, is just trying to stay true to his faith which I respect. And I don't think he is a terrorist. I do wish that more Muslims would grow a set of balls and take their religion back.
Hey WW :).

I don't respect that at all. Somebody shouldn't change their morals just because of faith in a religion. If I did respect people's beliefs because they're staying true to their faith, I'd respect christians hitting their black slaves (I know they don't do that).

Ps, your sig is awesome.


Well-Known Member
Kaendar, is just trying to stay true to his faith which I respect.
you respect someone for saying they deserve more rights than someone else because of what they do with their private parts?

that's funny, i don't respect people that compare homosexuals to dog fuckers. why do you?


Well-Known Member
I can't even think of banging my brothers. Yuck.
I only have half brothers. And I guess I did always say if I ever met somebody who's HALF as good as I am in bed i'd just have to speak to this sex Prince/Princess. I'm kidding i'm kidding. Well half kidding. Haaaaa.


Well-Known Member
At the end of the day, the select few can call me a bigot all they want, but they are the true bigots for verbally attacking me simply because my personal beliefs differ from theirs. I dont insult ppl that have a different view than me, they are entitled to that, but I guess human emotion runs scarce here on RIU.
lol ok what ever you say

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
actually he drinks smokes and curses he failed
No man is sinless, expecting someone to be sinless is not dealing with the realities of the world. Maybe he should switch sides and be a smoking, cursing (I never, ever use the Lords name in vane, if I do you had better clear the room), drinking Christian. Fits my MO.


Well-Known Member
But Seriously I think its more of a cultural thing than anything. Wasn't it a custom in certain cultures where they have arranged marriages between family members? Back in the day would u really wanna send ur daughter off to marry some dude u don't know or would u feel better with her marrying someone in ur family that you know would take good care of her? So yes the PC thing to say is that Incest is bad, but would u say that if everyone was wiped out and the only chicks left to make babies were ur family, would u say well shit I ain't gonna bang u so I guess we gonna become extinct. Everything is relative, a big grey area. And if not I guess I'll have to bang ur retarded sister.
The only time incest is remotely appropriate would be the need to re populate the earth.


Well-Known Member
I identify as Christian, yaaa...I haven't come across an anti marijuana scripture in my Bible buuuut...i'll letcha know if I ever do...
I have found plenty of scriptures that tell it's followers to not use drugs.. It harms the temple of god or something.. If you want me to bring them up, I can. But I'd rather not since we're talking about incest (lol)) here.
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