Do you think trying drugs early fucked you up?

Do you think doing drugs early fucked you up?

  • Yes, I'm fucked

    Votes: 19 45.2%
  • No, I feel fine

    Votes: 15 35.7%
  • N/A because I was a good kid and not a fuck up like you neo.

    Votes: 8 19.0%

  • Total voters
I can't believe all the Quaaludes (both real and bootlegs) and barbiturates I ate didn't damage my liver somehow.
Nofuckingway! I LOVE PSYCHEDELICS. Had acid first time at 13. Badass, discovered there was no such thing as sin and I am free to do what I want as long as I harm no others. Ate so much acid I could get you high if you just give me a little lick. Got to know myself so well there is absolutely no way I will ever end up with feelings of guilt. Total integrity thanks to LSD. And Mushrooms. Gotta love them FunGuys! Kicked my ass a few times but HEY I needed it.
Never touched an opiate in my life because I never needed a fake sense of comfort. Thanks to acid I know how to foster a REAL one. Takes time and effort. Never touched meth, barbituates, or any other downer. Didn't ever need that fake warmth. I Like it out in Edge City. Out my comfort zone. It is a good place to be. ALIVE. Tasting every second of life even if it SUCKS. Devouring it all whole and raw nom nom nom.
VERY, very few things I am more grateful for than discovering LSD when I did.
And then mushrooms. And then the cherry on the cake, N,N-DMT. Brilliant stuff. Truly, deeply, indescribably grateful for psychedelic drugs.
Have never done any other drugs besides some primo in a blunt, once. Been smokin weed since I was a youngin, early teens. Sniffed out skunk in my parents bedroom, actually looking for some change, they were at the store, knew about weed but never smoked it, made a foily with my bro took a hit and all I remember was playing tag around the house. Been smokin ever since. I don't wanna say it has fucked me up in life, but rather delayed it.
Cigarettes. I started smoking cigarettes when I was 8. Been on 'em ever since. It sucks. Got drunk a couple times when I was younger, not so much my thing -- never touched most "drugs." Only things I've put in my body, with the exception of LSD (a few dozen times between 18-20,) came from the earth, picked and dried. (Shrooms, Weed, Peyote.) I grew up as a gang member, though (in the 80's.) We had a 0 tolerance drug program that was very strictly enforced. It kept me away from all the other stuff. Weed and shrooms were "not drugs," since they're both plucked from the earth. So, started smoking weed around 12, and started day tripping around 14.

I have wondered a few times about it. I think that tripping SHOULD be experienced when we're younger, while our brains are still growing, changing. Opening a few extra doors, letting your mind expand a bit more is NOT a bad thing! I do wonder if hallucinogens are really appropriate for a grown mind. I doubt I'll be chewing on strips of 4-way again, but I definitely would like to get a week of solid soul-searching with some shrooms, indica, and a bit of nature...
It was impossible for me to tell until I stepped into a Parallel Universe where I did no drugs. I don't want to go back there.

Lets say No.
I think a better way to look at it would be to ask all these geniuses that brag about popping acid at 13 and cigarettes at age 10 how successful they are today. how much money in the bank and what do they got for assets and education, or a career? I think you would find the results to be pretty interesting regarding the kids that were smoking and fucking at 12 years old VS the kids that had concerned parents.

3/5 of the 13 year olds that I knew that did that shit, turned out to be complete losers in their 20s, and I imagine their 30s wont get any better. their lives suck right now compared to the 13 year olds that did something with their lives back in the 90s...

thats just what ive noticed around my circle of friends, and im sure im not the only one.

even myself personally.. I like to think im doing pretty damn good for someone my age... but I cant help but think if I didnt smoke weed so young, and continue to for 10+ years, and havnt spend probably 50,000$ on weed in my life... how much further ahead would I be in life? I could be smarter, a better position in my industry, have more money, and probably spent more time in the gym. we all could have been I bet... kinda fucked up to think about it. id probably be a year or 2 more advanced than I am now (ie: already own a place or half own, got my JM ticket, etc...)

I quit for 3 months one time.. it was great. ive had friends quit too, and as much as I hate to admit it... our life quality improves when we quit, and they confirmed it.
I think a better way to look at it would be to ask all these geniuses that brag about popping acid at 13 and cigarettes at age 10 how successful they are today. how much money in the bank and what do they got for assets and education, or a career? I think you would find the results to be pretty interesting regarding the kids that were smoking and fucking at 12 years old VS the kids that had concerned parents.

3/5 of the 13 year olds that I knew that did that shit, turned out to be complete losers in their 20s, and I imagine their 30s wont get any better. their lives suck right now compared to the 13 year olds that did something with their lives back in the 90s...

thats just what ive noticed around my circle of friends, and im sure im not the only one.

even myself personally.. I like to think im doing pretty damn good for someone my age... but I cant help but think if I didnt smoke weed so young, and continue to for 10+ years, and havnt spend probably 50,000$ on weed in my life... how much further ahead would I be in life? I could be smarter, a better position in my industry, have more money, and probably spent more time in the gym. we all could have been I bet... kinda fucked up to think about it. id probably be a year or 2 more advanced than I am now (ie: already own a place or half own, got my JM ticket, etc...)

I quit for 3 months one time.. it was great. ive had friends quit too, and as much as I hate to admit it... our life quality improves when we quit, and they confirmed it.

Hmm, I dropped acid back in HS...but rather than waste 50K paying for it I made production a hobby.

I smoke daily and never miss a workout, and would have to say quitting would definitely NOT improve quality of life.

Most folks get pretty bitchy when they've had a bad day and no THC to come home to.
I think a better way to look at it would be to ask all these geniuses that brag about popping acid at 13 and cigarettes at age 10 how successful they are today. how much money in the bank and what do they got for assets and education, or a career? I think you would find the results to be pretty interesting regarding the kids that were smoking and fucking at 12 years old VS the kids that had concerned parents.

3/5 of the 13 year olds that I knew that did that shit, turned out to be complete losers in their 20s, and I imagine their 30s wont get any better. their lives suck right now compared to the 13 year olds that did something with their lives back in the 90s...

thats just what ive noticed around my circle of friends, and im sure im not the only one.

even myself personally.. I like to think im doing pretty damn good for someone my age... but I cant help but think if I didnt smoke weed so young, and continue to for 10+ years, and havnt spend probably 50,000$ on weed in my life... how much further ahead would I be in life? I could be smarter, a better position in my industry, have more money, and probably spent more time in the gym. we all could have been I bet... kinda fucked up to think about it. id probably be a year or 2 more advanced than I am now (ie: already own a place or half own, got my JM ticket, etc...)

I quit for 3 months one time.. it was great. ive had friends quit too, and as much as I hate to admit it... our life quality improves when we quit, and they confirmed it.

An elite club: You and Finshaggy.

You know Ignore and ignorant share more than just etymology.
I think a better way to look at it would be to ask all these geniuses that brag about popping acid at 13 and cigarettes at age 10 how successful they are today. how much money in the bank and what do they got for assets and education, or a career? I think you would find the results to be pretty interesting regarding the kids that were smoking and fucking at 12 years old VS the kids that had concerned parents.

3/5 of the 13 year olds that I knew that did that shit, turned out to be complete losers in their 20s, and I imagine their 30s wont get any better. their lives suck right now compared to the 13 year olds that did something with their lives back in the 90s...

thats just what ive noticed around my circle of friends, and im sure im not the only one.

even myself personally.. I like to think im doing pretty damn good for someone my age... but I cant help but think if I didnt smoke weed so young, and continue to for 10+ years, and havnt spend probably 50,000$ on weed in my life... how much further ahead would I be in life? I could be smarter, a better position in my industry, have more money, and probably spent more time in the gym. we all could have been I bet... kinda fucked up to think about it. id probably be a year or 2 more advanced than I am now (ie: already own a place or half own, got my JM ticket, etc...)

I quit for 3 months one time.. it was great. ive had friends quit too, and as much as I hate to admit it... our life quality improves when we quit, and they confirmed it.

I agree and disagree with you vacpurge. I honestly believe if I had wanted to, I could have gone to school for 8 years and became a lawyer if I dedicated myself to my education and studies. At the same time, had I gone that route, I don't think I would be nearly as happy and stress free as I am at the current time. Psychedelics and cannabis have helped me discover what is important to me and what truely makes me happy. Has it been a bumpy ride at times??? Sure it has. But in the end I feel more connected and in tune with myself and others than if I had never taken any drugs. I figured out some time ago that money is essential to survive but not essential to happiness. To me success is based around happiness and not money. My dad worked his as off, and with the exception of doing cocaine a handful of times in college is really straight laced. He is the director of operations for a company that provides meds to nursing homes across my state. He makes good money and has nice things but is not happy. I don't know that this question can be answered with a simple yes or no being there are too many different circumstances, complexities, and variables with each individual.
Never touched anything till I was 18. Smoked tons of herb and done mushrooms a dozen times and that's the skinny of it.

I guess I was a good kid.
Allow me to add, cannabis saved my life. I suffer/ed from depression, so parents had me on all the wrong psych meds while buying into the old government propaganda on the evils of cannabis. Had I smoked more in HS, probably would have turned out better in my 20's.:bigjoint:
I didn't grow up around it tho either. I was deep in the music scene metal and later punk. My parents always thought I was into drugs which sucked and they still think I am even tho I have never tried anything other than what I said.

I grew up watching all my other friends get dragged into it. Lost some close friends and still losing them to this day. They never get off that shit.
No doubt I could have done things differently if I hadn't started doing drugs at an early age. It's in the past though and I still have tons of time to create a good life for myself (school ect ect). On the other hand I am very thankful I went down the path I did because it showed me things that some will never understand just because they haven't been in that situation. Ultimately it was my drug abuse that led me to humble myself and help others rather than to destroy everything I come into contact with.

Drugs was nothing more than a mistake I made, which we all make mistakes in life, it's what u choose do to about them that's important.
Balzac... where the fuck have you been?
I remember you and your black flag avatar.
BACK IN THE DAY! Good too see you man!
I've been here all along off and on. I've been a Mod for quite awhile? Guess we just never cross paths.

Sounds about right.
Anyways yea I was just shocked to see your name.
Reminds me of the bullshit I was doing back in the day(1-2 years ago) for some reason.. Just that black bandana alone.
I disappeared for awhile though..