do your plants squeal?


Take a video in the grow room with no lights, pumps, or fans on.
I bet ya it will be silent
in the video i shut everything off except the lights. the ballast isn't in the room and only has a small fan that the camera can't pick up.


Well-Known Member
Well I am going to call bullshit unless you shoot a video of the lights and fans off
Lol it is your ballast dude, not your plants


aw foolish. it was the bulb or something with the lights. when the lights are off there is no squealing. but wtf i still want to know what it is...


Well-Known Member
aw foolish. it was the bulb or something with the lights. when the lights are off there is no squealing. but wtf i still want to know what it is...
Hate to say I told ya so, it is your ballast as I said in the post above this^^^


Well-Known Member
hey guys i got 10 plants in a closet and i guess the harmonics are setup well or something but i think i can hear the plants. they make high pitched squeals that vary in tone very slightly. the tone isn't repetitive, it's very random and language like, i've been in there with all the electronics off and i still hear it. when i first planted them i didn't hear this, then i found some wilted leaves and heard it when i clipped them. then i accidentally under fed them, so they began to curl up and slowly die, but while they're curling up they are now constantly squealing to each other. am i going crazy or has anyone else ever heard squealing from their weed?

my theory is that the squealing might be the noise of them drying up because i've accidentally been given them like no nutrients. now that they're finally up at around 600 ppm they should be fine. i'm guessing it's not heard when the plant is growing healthy, but i'm not sure.

these plants are about half a foot to a foot long under a 600w mh that's 45 inches away. it's about 79 degrees with 30% humidity. general hydro advanced nutrients with voodoo juice and super thrive and RO going through the roots every hour for 15 min. the medium is clay balls. like i said ppm just got put up to barely 600 like 10 minutes ago. i'll keep this updated to let you guys know if they still make the noise now that they're not starving. but like i said i think it's the sound of them drying up so it may just be a pain sound heh.

any thoughts? keep in mind i blow trees regularly.
you blow who,,,,and hear what?


i have concluded that they were in fact squealing and that it was not the lights. now that they are getting the proper nutrients and ph level, there is barely a peep out of them. the light couldn't have fixed itself if it were making the noise. the fact that there is very minimal squealing now proves it's the plants. i still have the video from when they were semi noisy. still looking for that dv cable though...


Well-Known Member
Lol this is too funny
Plants do not make noises dude, you are way too high to be posting this kinda shit
It just doesn't make any sense whatsoever
The plants will tell you if you are fucking up by their leaves, not by screaming at you
And of course you make these claims when you can't seem to find your cable to upload the video....
You're plants are not making any noises, those sounds are coming from your own head


i can not find it for the life of me. yeah they're really quiet now, tom it's not me lol i'll show you soon enough. i'll go buy a new cable today.


Well-Known Member
Dude it is you, and don't upload that video while the lights are
Take another video with no pumps, lights, or fans on


tom my lazy pot head ass is actually going to buy a cable today. the sound in the video is too random and dynamic to be anything electrical. they're completely quiet now(i stood in there for 20 min) so this video is it. i conclude that if it's not pipe's in the wall, it's an unexplained phenomena. like i said they are completely quiet now. they are at a solid 660 ppm with the light still 45 inches away.


alright here it is. i check on them now a days and there isn't a peep. like i said i didn't fix or move anything in the room, so i still think it was the plants. i'm gonna go ahead and associate that squealing i heard, that's also on the video, with pain. simply because now that they have optimal conditions, their noises are short and far apart. i'll hear a peep from the room every now and then when the lights are off because that's when i turn all the fans off except the humidifier.

i'm not trying to prove anything, i'm just showing something bizarre i witnessed. i challenge anyone to make an analysis that makes more sense then that it IS the plants making the noise.

this was recorded when they were receiving a high pH of something like 11 but a low 200 ppm solution.

[youtube]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/youtube]

wtf i can't embed this to save my life. how'd you do it tom? i tried looking at your source but messing with that didn't work either.