doctor G and his extra large tree

Hahahaha mate this plant is a side project to my other grows.

You know how you can drive a shit car or a ferrari .

Both drive, both get you there, ferrari costs more but it's getting there in style.

My tree is the ferrari, it gets me there in style and is fucking awesome and I do it cause I can, fuck the shitbox
IMG_20160212_165453.jpg IMG_20160214_104316.jpg Seeing some color in the flush, nugs are very dense much weightier than usual, I took a small tester nug and quick dried it to tryand now toasted hahaha and that's off the quick dry, can't wait till she's cured
You do reaalise this 1 tree is the size of all 4 of your plants and you are using even more watts

wtf...where did that come from? I didn't realize I was in a dick measuring contest. Aren't you growing in a 6'×6' tent? My plants practically fill a 12'×13' room. How the fuck do you figure your plant is bigger? What's your yeild off that spindly mess...1lb....2lb? I plan on hitting at least 6...I'm guessing almost 7 though.

Thanks for coming out.
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Lol 3.5 lb buddy from 1 so x by 4 is 14 lb thanks for coming out ,oops sorry forgot to mention my ongoing numerous grows that are also along side which total 25lb cheerio post your pics in your own thread Glory hunter
Lol, Wow man.

First of all, I posted pictures 2 weeks ago to show one guy what can be done with only 5 weeks veg. Because he believed that everyone who grew trees had insane veg times. Then someone else asked if I had bud shots, so I posted those. Not looking for glory, and nowhere did I claim to be doing anything bigger or better than anybody. In fact I've said multiple time that this is not the most efficient grow, but it's what works for me.

Then, out of no where you say that your plant was bigger than all 4 of mine combined and your using less watts. Not sure why those pictures made you so butt hurt but w/e. I don't know how your math works but 3.5lbs is about half of what I would harvest from my 4 plants. So I'm not sure how you can say your 1 plant is larger than my 4.

You have a big plant, congrats. I think pretty much anyone can veg a plant for 3 months and then flip it to flower. 3 months is ridiculous BTW, I can almost get 1 full crop in by that time. Also your plant never looks too happy, every picture the thing is droopy, looks all stretched out and gangly. Not something I would be too proud of.

I don't care how fucking big anyone's plant is, as long as it produced some dank for them to enjoy and they are happy with the outcome.

You can put your cock away, there will be no measuring today.


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LOL ^^ He said gangly.

I didn't read the whole thread but ANYONE claiming to have 1 indoor plant bigger than ALL the plants posted #133 is.....well....probably delusional. Those are some nice f-ing plants PKHydro.

EDIT: I see it was Dr G who said that. He's old and if he's anything like me his eyes are probably getting bad. :eyesmoke:

EDIT2: So I went thru the thread....and maybe his big girl actually is bigger then all of the plants in #133. I apologize for suggesting he is delusional. Looks like a lot of work managing that big ass plant. And the following image is directed at me.
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This thread got awkward toward the end here, and I was really enjoying it. Firstly Doc, amazing, just fucking amazing, I am speechless. Props! That said, I didn't feel that Pk's initial post was done in the spirit of glory hunting. At the time, as I was reading it, he was arguing a case for growing larger indoors, it was a segway but in no way deterred my interest from your grow. I am not going to go back and reread you twos bullshit that went on from there but whatever.

I have a big dick, like a really big dick. Its awkward because I am more attracted to, and generally date more petite women. So I am not kidding when I say there are real problems to overcome in that area for me and I cant grow weed half as well as either of you so stop wrecking this thread for me I want some pics Doctor G. Also can someone tell me how to subscribe? I cant figure it out.
This thread got awkward toward the end here, and I was really enjoying it. Firstly Doc, amazing, just fucking amazing, I am speechless. Props! That said, I didn't feel that Pk's initial post was done in the spirit of glory hunting. At the time, as I was reading it, he was arguing a case for growing larger indoors, it was a segway but in no way deterred my interest from your grow. I am not going to go back and reread you twos bullshit that went on from there but whatever.

I have a big dick, like a really big dick. Its awkward because I am more attracted to, and generally date more petite women. So I am not kidding when I say there are real problems to overcome in that area for me and I cant grow weed half as well as either of you so stop wrecking this thread for me I want some pics Doctor G. Also can someone tell me how to subscribe? I cant figure it out.

Upper right corner.

Right here should say 'Watch Thread' ............................................................................................................................................................................................. ^^^^^^^^

I'm not trying to wreck a thread jack (I even bitch slapped myself as punishment), would it help if I deleted my post?
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Me too I'm just an angry old fart pk nice trees ok, but do not underestimate the size density and quality of my own yeah I don't have a fancy camera so my pics are never too clear but neither is my eye sight hahaha any ways let's all get over the dick measuring stuff hahaha how about plant measuring?