Doctors say you should drink fluoride

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my grandpa spent his whole life doing research and writing books on how fluoride causes cancer. he said that it was just propaganda and that fluoride does not have any health benefits. the government puts it in our water because its taken out of farmers fields, and they don't have anywhere else to put it.

or thats what gramps believes at least :)
well of course doctors and dentists (ie, the Gov.) want us to do that...
did you know- nazis used this exact chemical on all the incarcerated in their "internment camps" to make them calm and lethargic so they would be less likely to fight back or try and escape?
The article doesn't state that water is toxic... it says that if you drink too much water, it rids the sodium from your body.
-- which does, cause death because
"Sodium is important for essential processes within the body, including circulation, digestion, metabolism and nerve impulses."

besides, anything in large enough quantities can kill you-- even oxygen-- does that mean you're going to stop breathing? lol


Does this mean cannabis can kill you in large quantities ?
Yes. That one ton bale will squish you good lol
Haha i remeber reading some where that some maths boff worked out the exact amount of cannabis it would take to kill a human, i cant remeber the number of pounds you who have to smoke in the space of half hour but i remeber it was loads and not humanily possible to consume that
Water is big business. I don't care to drink fluoride if I have the choice, but I'll take it over bottled water any day. I don't get why people would pay for filtered water. Not that I ever have, but I will definitely never buy a bottle of water after watching this documentary!!
No kidding we get water piped to our homes for practically nothing and people would would rather get in thier car and go pay for water lol fuckin amazes me :wall:

I drink flouride water all day, get flue shots every know what a matter of fact I've had the anthrax vaccine, the small pox shot (thats nice one) all kinds of shots
No kidding we get water piped to our homes for practically nothing and people would would rather get in thier car and go pay for water lol fuckin amazes me :wall:

I drink flouride water all day, get flue shots every know what a matter of fact I've had the anthrax vaccine, the small pox shot (thats nice one) all kinds of shots

anthrax vaccine lol

thats like wearing a helmet to protect yourself from a nuke
The question was: Why do people drink bottle water? That's like asking why people eat organic fruits and vegetables. Or why do they eat free-range chickens and eggs produced by those chickens. Why do people eat beef that is not raised with hormones and steroids? The answer is, concern for health ... and taste.

Why do people use bottle water? Because of taste mainly. Coffee and tea taste MUCH better when made with bottled water.

Some people really care about the quality of ingredients that go into their cooking, baking and beverages.

And again, fluoride in small quanities is not harmful, it is a benefit. The idea that our government is trying to poison us with fluoride is ridiculous. Americans are growing larger and living much longer due to improvements in nutrition. What's laughable are those who complain about a little fluoride in their water, but live on a diet of Diet Pepsi, High Fructose Corn Syrup and Hydrogenated fats.

For all of you that are complaining about flouride in the water, here's something for you to do: Take off all of your clothes, stand in front of a mirror stark naked, then ask youself: "Am I driving a Ferrari Testarossa, or a 1953 Buick?" :lol:

i have no idea why we still have fluoridated water. it prevents tooth decay topically, but we get more than enough via brushing and mouthwash.
you get little to no benefit from having it drinking water and absolutely zero benefit by ingesting it. nobody seems to care though.