Does anyone know how many watts i can run in an apartment???

Hey iam getting ready to set up for a grow here in a few days in my apartment. Iam worried about running to much power and shorting a circut in my building. Iam planing on running:
1 -thousand watt light.
1- 8" inline fan.
1 -5000 btu air conditioner

The grow will be in the closet in my bedroom 4x14

I looked every where and cant even find the breaker box for the fuses to the apartment. inside and outside i looked for the fuse box and didnt see it anywhere.

Can this be done? Are there any electrical modifications that I would have to do?

A friend of mine says that he thinks my room in running on a 1000 watt breaker. So i would blow a fuse or something if I run the lights, a/c, fan, my computer and tv

Man I lived in an apartment for 4 years and never grew in there. I was totally freaked that the maintenance guys would come walking in etc. It's also very hard to control smells in the paper thin walls. I think your asking for trouble. Normally you have a 100 AMP service going into your APT. So long as the amps being pulled doesn't increase over the amps on the panel or for that socket you should be okay. I would run the light & fan on one breaker and the A/C on another. Check your fuse panel normally they are labeled so it will tell you which room is what, you can easily test with a lamp & start flipping switches.

Look into a tent I was thinking about using a whole room until I found a nice tent. At a friends house he has a 8x8x8 and we walk into when caring for plants etc. Also helps to keep unwanted bugs out extra layer of defense etc. Just things to think about because you can always plumb an A/C vent into the intake port and exhaust the air through an open window eliminating the need for an extra A/C...
1000 watts for your closet might be a lot of heat for a small space, unless you have a big closet of course. You should be fin running everything, at least I think so. You should not blow a fuse.
I'll second that you should be okay you won't blow a fuse you will trip a breaker if the power usage of your appliances exceeds what is allowed. That is why I suggested you plugging your equipment into different plugs a normal room, hallway or bathroom I think runs on a 15A breaker... Just check your fuse panel
0 watts

Thats right I said zero, its not safe. You dont have any control to prevent someone from comming in. I was a property manager for a couple years! If the apt next door floods, they will check surrounding apts to make sure there is no damage to their property. That means they dont have to call and ask your permission they just use their key and let themselves in and look around!
Better rethink!
0 watts

Thats right I said zero, its not safe. You dont have any control to prevent someone from comming in. I was a property manager for a couple years! If the apt next door floods, they will check surrounding apts to make sure there is no damage to their property. That means they dont have to call and ask your permission they just use their key and let themselves in and look around!
Better rethink!

Exactly the reason why I did not grow for the years I lived in an apartment!
Maybe a couple of autos under some cfls for an apartment grow. Still a risk. And there is no possible way to answer your question. If you cannot ascertain the cuircuts you have to work with how can anyone say its safe to do? Could be a poorly wired property already on the brink.
Hey iam getting ready to set up for a grow here in a few days in my apartment. Iam worried about running to much power and shorting a circut in my building. Iam planing on running:
1 -thousand watt light.
1- 8" inline fan.
1 -5000 btu air conditioner

The grow will be in the closet in my bedroom 4x14

I looked every where and cant even find the breaker box for the fuses to the apartment. inside and outside i looked for the fuse box and didnt see it anywhere.

Can this be done? Are there any electrical modifications that I would have to do?

A friend of mine says that he thinks my room in running on a 1000 watt breaker. So i would blow a fuse or something if I run the lights, a/c, fan, my computer and tv


I appreciat ethe response. I know its kinda sketchy to grow in a apt. iam thinking about running a power cord from the bathroom to the grow closet so i can run some of the power to it instead of all the power comming from one room ( my bedroom). my main concern is putting to much watts on one breaker
I think the best thing would just go down to the police station with all your grow stuff and ask them, they will be involved sooneer or later. Don't do it!!!!
I have grown in apartments. Most apartments have only a couple of breakers that everything is wired through. Figure out which breaker controls your outlets. If you are lucky, there is a single breaker for your outlets and all other appliances are run from a different one. In my state, 15 amps is the max breaker allowed for a wall outlet circuit. As long as your max draw is below the amperage available, you should be okay.

Apartments are very hard to grow in as access is pretty open. Most have a clause in the lease that unless there is an emergency, 24 hour notice will be given. This gives to a bit of time to move the plants and equipment to another location. It would be unwise to grow a "for profit" forest, but a few plants for medicinal purpose might be okay. Just do not grow so many or let them get so big they are not portable.

If you live in a state with medicinal cannabis exemptions, read through them to determine if growing is legit and then stay within the specified guidelines.
First of all unless you are totally going overboard with your grow and not taking the needed precautions to minimize your risk then yes you will invite trouble ..Take care of sound sight smell and most of all your mouth !! I dont care who it is tell no-one about your operation..There are people in this world that will kill you over a pound of weed..I say all this becouse since i lost my home in vegas 4 years ago and moved back to cali ive grown only in apartments and ive done very well even without the best smell deterent becouse i keep to myself..Also ive been the property manager of two different complexes as well as lead maintnance and it is against the law for anyone to enter your rented space without a 24 and in some cases 48 hour notice so anyone saying they can is wrong so dont worry be careful and grow green and safe..Peace
i grow in an apt, but that's only because i know the maintenance guys and m neighbors really well, to the point that if they did ever stumbling across my garden, they would never say anything. I agree with everyone else your asking for trouble, especially with that 1000w. I have a 400w and i still deal with heat issues in my closet, i can only imagine the heat problems your going to run into. If i were you, id scale down your operation, invest in a tent or cabinet build one yourself, or do what i did and go make buddy buddy with the maintenance guys...
Well said dante i myself have a two part grow setup i have a small DIY veg box that doubles as a plasma TV stand and then i have a amiore that i use for flowering if you walked into my home you would not notice anything about my grow op..But in saying that i do feel that your desired op is a little bit overboard for an apt...Peace
I would say don't grow if you can't find the circuit breakers because what are you going to do if there is an electrical fire and you can't kill the power?
find out what AMPAGE breaker you have firstly, then add up all the WATTAGE of your equipment and divide it by the current VOLTAGE and it will give you the ampage, providing the number isnt higher than the size of breaker you have you will be fine,

example: if you had a 15A breaker, 2000Watts of equipment, and your house voltage is 220......2000(wattage) divide by current(220 volts)equals 9.09AMPS so your well under your 15Amp limit
I own an apartment - if my tenant wants to grow that´s OK by me - as long as I get a small token of appreciation.