Does anyone use the Freaken Wick System anymore

thanks to all of you who wanted more info and pm me with your setups... great info ...

Im doing regular soil, one wicked and one dwc to see the difference... check out my journal for my cfl grow... but please keep your classless comments to yourself... i love the help and love to help but being ignorant is just not how to get me to give love for being a fellow horticulture grower
You admit there are better ways... Don't you want the best for your plants?

I'm trying to help, I can say whatever the fuck I want, why do you have to be such a dick.

I believe my post was informative.

And to answer your question;
"Doesn't anybody use the freaking wick system anymore?"
-No, there are better methods.

Also the wicking never allows the soil to dry, it's fully saturated, all the time, another reason not to use it, lack of air to the roots, and possible root rot.
you didnt give any information just your opinion which was taken then you persist on bashing me for using a system that has worked for me over and over i just simply want to have more imput from people who use the system as to how to improve it... wtf unsubscribe if your that unimpressed with the system I USE!:spew:
What a mess this thread has turned into.

Yes there are faster ways to use hydro growing but that is irrelevant to the issue at hand,hydro is faster than soil also so are all soil growers fuked in the head as well ?

I grew using the wick method 30 years ago & had large success,it's a time tested method that offers advantages from soil & hydro,is it the fastest no its not but growing isnt about whats fastest,its about finding a style that works well & running with it.
You admit there are better ways... Don't you want the best for your plants?

I'm trying to help, I can say whatever the fuck I want, why do you have to be such a dick.

I believe my post was informative.

And to answer your question;
"Doesn't anybody use the freaking wick system anymore?"
-No, there are better methods.

Also the wicking never allows the soil to dry, it's fully saturated, all the time, another reason not to use it, lack of air to the roots, and possible root rot.

Have you done this have you found that the roots were rotted at harvest??? Do you even know how the other methods are better... All systems have flaws that are usually man made problems... ive used this system harvest with this system and never had a single root rot problem or lack of air to the roots.. which would i might add stunts its growth... your not sitting the pot into water so you obviously havent a fucken clue what your talking about saying that it saturates the soil... its a 1/2 inch wick six inches into the pot your telling me it draws so much water it would saturate the pot... lol..... dont need your help asking for people to comment on if they use it not give some half ass opinion... yes i do aggree that there are better methods of hydroponics... but for you people to say its messy and inefficient is total fucken bullshit.

I want to thank those of you who gave your honest opinion on a subject you have used in the PAST and this thread is hopefully closed..

oh by the way to answer my question by simply saying :NO is moronic obviously your only reading some assholes comments that are negative...

Plenty of people still use this PROVEN method read all the posts if you can read at all LOL... sorry for putting this thread up and thanks for showing the true colors of
Short answer to this one: NO

wow obviously you are bored or some shit...

read more of the thread and trust that people still use it indoor and out...

wtf you guys are just ignorant for being one minded... use your system im not trying to make you change but saying that no one uses it is ignorant...:hump:

That's what my arguement was, then he got snippy.


Damn subscriptions...

im being a dick or pissy or whatever because im not here to agrue with anyone. Simply want to know and talk to people who use the system... good thing they pm me and let me know that some on this site are one minded arogant pricks and there are alot of you on this site. if you want to argue go to the religion section and pick on the churches... must be nice to be bored...

unsubscribe if your so against my methods.. and my bitches are very very happy and pampered..... show some class you bum
What a mess this thread has turned into.

Yes there are faster ways to use hydro growing but that is irrelevant to the issue at hand,hydro is faster than soil also so are all soil growers fuked in the head as well ?

I grew using the wick method 30 years ago & had large success,it's a time tested method that offers advantages from soil & hydro,is it the fastest no its not but growing isnt about whats fastest,its about finding a style that works well & running with it.

Finaly someone who has the balls to speak to those of us who use different methods than the norm.... thank you panhead and what you said is exactly how i wanted to put it but was frustrated at the haters on this site... THANKS :weed:
wow obviously you are bored or some shit...

read more of the thread and trust that people still use it indoor and out...

wtf you guys are just ignorant for being one minded... use your system im not trying to make you change but saying that no one uses it is ignorant...:hump:

It's an antiquated system . . . If you need production and yield there are cheaper hydroponic alternatives. Poorly aerated nutrient solution the whole works its a mess its like trying to grow weed in a giant sponge, it sucks . . .I'm sorry but it does it just plain sucks and I would not advise anyone to use them. :peace:
I cant believe im seeing this,poor sportsmanship to say the least,this is a pretty fuked way to welcome a relatively new member,not only is it wrong it's pure bullshit & definitly self serving on your parts.

Why are you guy's compelled to hijack this man's thread,repeatedly,he isnt trying to convert anybody to using the wick system,he isnt saying that the wick system is the best system or boasting in any way,all he wanted to do was to find out if anybody on this site was using the method & hopefully converse with people who share like growing styles,what is wrong with that ??

I think all you guy's who have taken it upon yourselves to derail & hijack this man's thread have forgotten the two most important reasons to be here ! which are to help others learn to grow & to have fun while doing so,how have you helped anybody ? or made the forum fun for this member ?

Why dont you guy's lay off & let this man do his thing .

EDIT,before you guy's leap all over me with a bunch of cosmic reasons why your in the right look up the term "Thread Hijacking" & you'll find "Radical departure from the topic at hand.", I'd say this is as radical a departure as one can get.
I cant believe im seeing this,poor sportsmanship to say the least,this is a pretty fuked way to welcome a relatively new member,not only is it wrong it's pure bullshit & definitly self serving on your parts.

Why are you guy's compelled to hijack this man's thread,repeatedly,he isnt trying to convert anybody to using the wick system,he isnt saying that the wick system is the best system or boasting in any way,all he wanted to do was to find out if anybody on this site was using the method & hopefully converse with people who share like growing styles,what is wrong with that ??

I think all you guy's who have taken it upon yourselves to derail & hijack this man's thread have forgotten the two most important reasons to be here ! which are to help others learn to grow & to have fun while doing so,how have you helped anybody ? or made the forum fun for this member ?

Why dont you guy's lay off & let this man do his thing .

Not trying to de-bunk it, just pointing out facts. It was cool to have a wick system in the 80's but we live in the 21st century.:mrgreen:
Not trying to de-bunk it, just pointing out facts. It was cool to have a wick system in the 80's but we live in the 21st century.:mrgreen:

Again i find it humerous to see people saying oh blah blah facts... LOL you didnt give any facts... facts would be saying that Light hitting the wick would cause algue, mold... You and your other it sucks buddies are twits... pure pleasure in reading other people freak out when you bash there methods...

We live in the 21st century but your still having the mentality of a tweeker from the 80's its funny to me that you guys love to grow yet want to tell people who grow quantity and quality that they should do differently and make the best smoke in the world... wow have you smoked my grass. Have you seen my nugs... have you ever smoked anything but legal buds yourself.

So i say this close the thread ill just add my comments and get feedback from a thread not highjacked by you freaken know it alls

Panhead pm me i have questions for you since your obviously a respectful PERSON and grower!!!
Not trying to de-bunk it, just pointing out facts. It was cool to have a wick system in the 80's but we live in the 21st century.:mrgreen:

Well all i can say is most of you know it alls are twits... probly tweekers and havent provided any FACTS just opinion.. Thats fine ill close the thread and talk to people in other threads about wicking not highjacked by you losers...

Cheers for pissing in someones cheerios for your own person satisfaction.....

im sure if you tell some of us old timers that were living in the 80's based on how we grow to there face we would fucken punch you in your face and walk on...

Hiding behind your computer bashing people must make you feel good about beating your wifes.. LOL...

Thanks panhead for being a real man, a true to face person and a respectable fellow grower...:hump:
its just fucken stupid that people cant give positive shit to say and just bash bash bash... what i want to know is what if people went to the threads they post with the same attitude and one minded fucken story... Must of been told no most of there incarserated lives... but its fine... it shows the true colors of rollitup and maybe ill get banned for saying this but shows why people are afraid to join this site... dont take my kindness for weekness in real life id burry these pussies.... but w/e... I simply wanted to share my experience with the wick system and get people who Actually USE it to talk to me about how they set theres up.... but thats ok no harm no foul... fuck the haters they want what they want and when i die they can burry me upside down so they can kiss my ass