Does anyone use the Freaken Wick System anymore

Holy fucking batman!!!

-Case in point, damn, you're one pissy motherfucker...

Is it that time of the month?

What is that, 5,6... Posts in a row???

You ask for advice, and everyone tells you "it's outdated" "there are better ways"

Is there some misunderstanding?

The question was:

"Does anybody use the freaking wick system anymore???"

-Several answered in the same manner as I did... And you, sir, attacked me. I gave you my input, and reasons behind the answers I gave you. If you don't like it, don't reply. There's no reason to get all huffy puffy defending a wick setup.

You asked if people use it, no, no they don't...

My reputation is pretty good around here, and I assume most would agree with my statements.


-P.S. You're a total bitch :finger:
:finger:ohh nooo's kiss my ass? and im sure everyone reading this thread can see that you like to dog people for asking for other people to share there systems... im so not gonna sleep tonight cause your dumb ass called me a bitch... LOL what ever thank god you unsubscribed to bad youll be back to talk more shit.. ok so no one that read this uses it anymore good thing there are five or six more threads of people that do that want to chat it up about it... get a fucken life you stroke... and hopefully i wont see you on there thread being a complete moron lol... have a nicer day... your the reason I agree with abortion as you should have been!:peace:
look i dont want the bad rep bra.. just leave my thread alone.. if you started the thread then i would gladly leave possitive information or opinions... you started the hate and people can read that in the thread. i only turned into a bitch when bashed about something i am very passionate about... horticulture.. no offense taken and im sorry if I turned a fool... I use marajuanna as medication and tend to get grumpy when im out of it since im in pain... I understand that you have helped people in the past and im greatfull for you passion.. just dont piss in my cheerios and were irea...
i am very intrested in learning more about this system...KISS many wicks,how big are the wicks,how large a resivoir,could this be applied outdoors...any info would help

I love highgrow its awsome and my wife played it all her shit died though lol!!:bigjoint:
I myself use both Aeroponics and Wick Systems! And to be honest the Wick Systems are a lot less work than the Aeroponic Systems. To Mr. Evil Inside many growers still use Wick Systems because there simple to use!!! I mean let's be real here:roll: Also your post was informative. But to state nobody uses Wick Systems Is a little misleading to say the least!
Thank you for all the info and research.

Opinions are valid, yes, but short negetive comments are deffinately not helpful.

I've used a master wick reservoir for a balcony garden I had in a big city. It worked very well to keep many different plants with different water requirements very well. Fill the reservoir once a week. Although I never used it on a full hydro setup.

That being said... I'm looking into a similar setup. Very hands off. I'm currently researching into combining Wick and DWC. I have a very limited space. It's 9' tall but rather narrow footprint.

I'm not growing for profit, or anyone else but me. So speed isn't an issue, simplicity in maintinance is.
True story:

A friend of mine with limited access to his remote garden asked for my help with unattended watering.
Automation for him is subject to the following conditions:
a. He wants yields to meet or exceed his current expectations.
b. He eschews complexity
c. He lives on a shoestring

Given the nature of his circumstances I suggested a wick system because it's
a. effective
b. the simplest to build and operate
c. as inexpensive as it gets
Indeed it is the only system I can think of that satisfies his particular requirements so elegantly.

To dismiss it as irrelevant just because newer methods exist is to lack perspective.
Passive irrigation is a proven, practical (and popular) technology that works as well today as it ever did.

once again whether the wick system is antiquated or not ..people are still using it. I believe the newer issue of Skunk or TY has a small tutorial on building a wick system. What i've gathered from it is seems to work great for small container planting, less gear than DWC, and you don't have to stick to any specific substrate to use it.

I'd imagine the best way to keep algae away would be to keep light from penetrating the res, use a well aerated substrate, use proper wicks, in some cases the more the better. I'm sure this has all been covered in this thread but ...I'm curious to see a nice wick style garden. I doubt i would ever use this method ... but it's interesting to say the least. And yes it's fucking old skool .... most things that are have a certain beauty to them yall... PICS PICS? Bueller?
I used to use a wick to grow calea z. and salvia, worked fine for a good 6-9 months however it was windowsill grown and as the cold rolled in it rotted around the stem, sadly.
However I do plan on using it again for mary-j to see how it works and with the controlled temperature and humidity I don't see a problem.
It has always made me wonder how the root does get oxygen however :/ any ideas?