Does freewill exist?

Does freewill exist?

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I think it might be a combination of free will and predetermination. Maybe you murder someone in this life and so you have the responsibility to be a murder victim in the next life, but between being born and being murdered you have free will to live your life? I'm quite sure it will all be explained to us, in time. I'm okay with not having it all figured out just yet.
How can you prove that "nobody can prove a bit of it"? You said we use freewill everytime we make a decision. How can you prove anybody has ever made a decision? Can you prove that? Can you prove that after opening your door to someone choosing to knock on it, that you can be nice to them or tell them to fuck off? How can you prove that, if you can, and then how you can prove that you can prove that? So you also say that when you "take a shit" that you can either wash your hands or not. Can you prove that? If so, how? In which way can you prove that you can take a shit, and to whom? Yourself? How can you prove that I have ever made a choice, ever? Are you implying that I can do whatever I want because of my "freewill" and have no consquences? If you are not implying that, can you prove that you are not implying that? And if you can prove that, then how can you prove that? Can you prove that I have ever made a choice? If so, how?
why do i have to prove anything to anyone? why isn't my word enough? why do you have so many trust issues? people tend to see their own personality traits in other people...maybe it's just you that's not trustworthy?
free will
  1. 1.
    the power of acting without the constraint of necessity or fate; the ability to act at one's own discretion.

    Free will was created so the masses had something to dream about. We can comit acts that are of our “own free will” that will inspire, dismay or nobody will give a shit about. I think people are deluded if they think they live there whole life of there own free will. Deluded people are a necessity.
free will
  1. 1.
    the power of acting without the constraint of necessity or fate; the ability to act at one's own discretion.

    Free will was created so the masses had something to dream about. We can comit acts that are of our “own free will” that will inspire, dismay or nobody will give a shit about. I think people are deluded if they think they live there whole life of there own free will. Deluded people are a necessity.

I can decide not to eat today, but I can't exercise free will to prevent some not eating for 3 months, I'd probably die from starvation.

I agree with you, none of us lives in a world where our free will presides over some unavoidable consequences.
I think it might be a combination of free will and predetermination. Maybe you murder someone in this life and so you have the responsibility to be a murder victim in the next life, but between being born and being murdered you have free will to live your life? I'm quite sure it will all be explained to us, in time. I'm okay with not having it all figured out just yet.

I sometimes wonder if Karma and reincarnation is a thing. It certainly seems based in justice, very difficult to prove though.
I believe we have a little bit of freewill. People that are prone to addiction even less. Study neurology over philosophy, and psychology with this subject. Then decide for yourself.
I believe that we are pure awareness. Therefore have no say so in what can happen in the future. Like we perceive, but do not choose what we perceive. I mean if I could choose everything that I experience I would be like. Maybe not, but if I have free will then I know for a fact that I have no more of it then a chimpanzee or even lets say an insect or even a marijuana plant (any plant). Or even a rock. Okay, if I had free will, would I not know it? If so, then maybe I do have free will that I deny having. That would make sense. I'd go with that. But who else has it? Everybody? Lol thats alot of people.
Can freewill exist alongside predeterminism/predestination? Like can I have freewill while being predestined to have freewill? Or like can I be predetermined to choose? Does anybody ever recall being given an infinite amount of options to choose from? And before we all were alive, did we have freewill then? If not, how could it make sense that out of nowhere we were suddenly given freewill or that we suddenly found freewill?
free will exist predestination does not. we choose the road we travel and our destiny. we may not be smart enough to predict all the consequences of our action but we choose those actions
free will exist predestination does not. we choose the road we travel and our destiny. we may not be smart enough to predict all the consequences of our action but we choose those actions
If I want to be president I cannot choose to become president. I cannot choose to do impossible things.
philosophy is a game we play with our egos. I submit that a person who has found certainty has ignored the infinite possibilities of circumstance and perspective. so, while it's a fun game to play, answering your question wouldn't definitely answer your question.
Dogs freewill exists

Free will exist. No matter what circumstances you are in, every moment presents new choices. If you make a choice it’s free will. A choice to fuck up or not to fuck up, to go to work or call in sick, pick up the ugly chick at the end of the bar or go home alone. The police confronts you, cooperated or not cooperate.

The thing about free will is the consequences attached to it, and this sometimes makes free will feel like you only have one choice. That’s why those situations are called hard choices. We all saw that on 9-11. Some people made very hard choices on how they wanted to die and jumped from windows rather than burn to death. A very hard choice indeed.
Damn i feel sorry for this dog lol. Where's it's free will?

I mean, natural law, rule of the jungle and all.
