Some people raise chikens or goats, then chop their heads off or slit their throats and eat them.
Some people raise chikens or goats, then chop their heads off or slit their throats and eat them.
i had a bassett hound that always wanted me to blow shotguns in his ear, i'd do that a few times then he'd turn his head toward me and start licking at the smoke. Then we'd sit on the couch and eat pringles and watch cartoons together. I miss ol marley. Rip.
yeah I used to have a dog who had seizures every once in a great while, and the vet gave us valium to give to him after the seizure cause he used to get anxious afterwards. Then he died. From old age though, not from valiumI dont think there has ever been a study of the effects of cannabis on canines. I have first hand knowledge that it's ok to give a dog pain killers when they get hurt. Also they use anti-anxiety pills for canines that are almost identical to the pills we take. If you're looking for scientific answers you'd be better off asking google.
You mean, all this time, Google has been feeding me lies? Fuck!
Best story ever and best dog name ever, RIP Jack shit. lol but my dog just sneezes when i blow a hoot at her and runs away so i dont think she likes it, i've only ever done it like twice though so who knows.I had a Rottweiler named "Jack Shit" he was always getting snake bit.I got home 1 night and he was on my steps with a swollen face and ya could tell he was waiting for me to get home and fix him up,he was only 6 months old.I laid a towel on my bed threw a half of a Lortab down his throat and started blowing Bong Hits to him.I swear in 3 hours all of the swelling was down and he was a happy little fucker.Copperhead got him that time.He ran into a Timber Rattler and he didn't make it through that one.R.I.P. Jack Shit.
I had a Rottweiler named "Jack Shit" he was always getting snake bit.I got home 1 night and he was on my steps with a swollen face and ya could tell he was waiting for me to get home and fix him up,he was only 6 months old.I laid a towel on my bed threw a half of a Lortab down his throat and started blowing Bong Hits to him.I swear in 3 hours all of the swelling was down and he was a happy little fucker.Copperhead got him that time.He ran into a Timber Rattler and he didn't make it through that one.R.I.P. Jack Shit.
i guess theres nothing wrong with it if the dog likes it but if you have to restrain the dog to get him/her high then i do see something wrong with that