Does PH DOWN effect Microbial life in between feeds?

only thing with d-lime is that it's not inert, may be a good idea to JUST adjust the ph without adding any micros
Okay. I just applied a top dress and if I go ahead with a PH'd water will those salts kill the micro life I just introduced from the AACT? I'm thinking it may be worth trying to water (some of them) with it straight from tap along with the top dress for the sale of experimentation
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your plants look fine in the 2nd and 3rd pic. the post before, one pic looked like ph flux, and the other looked like calcium def. but they look great in the more current ones.

if you're going to use a ph down, try lemon juice and see how it works for you.

140ppm is not much higher than my city water so you're fine on PPM/EC. I'd say your well water is totally fine man. if you really want to clear your mind of it, send in a water sample for testing. it should be relatively inexpensive to do. i'm guessing less than 100$.

what did you top dress? if you really want to know your soil ph... blue labs makes a nice soil ph probe for ~$160 or so.
your plants look fine in the 2nd and 3rd pic. the post before, one pic looked like ph flux, and the other looked like calcium def. but they look great in the more current ones.

if you're going to use a ph down, try lemon juice and see how it works for you.

140ppm is not much higher than my city water so you're fine on PPM/EC. I'd say your well water is totally fine man. if you really want to clear your mind of it, send in a water sample for testing. it should be relatively inexpensive to do. i'm guessing less than 100$.

what did you top dress? if you really want to know your soil ph... blue labs makes a nice soil ph probe for ~$160 or so.
I actually sent in a sample to the state two days ago, it was $65 for the total analysis. Yes, I felt I had narrowed it down somewhat to PH the first time around and as I said, that was early on so I wasn't too worried but you always want to know what the issue was regardless of whether your plants are okay or not. Only way to learn. Yeah, the water is about 0.2 EC so I didn't think that'd be a big issue but to be honest, out of fear, I haven't tested the water again since. I think that is what Ill try right now, at least on some of them (all same strains and growing conditions so that I can better tell). I just threw on less than 1/4 a cup of azomite, alfalfa meal, kelp meal, neem seed meal, very little high P seabird guano, and just enough EWC to cover the top. I have seen hints at Cal/Mag definciencies back and forth but haven't had an outbreak so thought the azomite would help in a top dress for a while. I may look into the soil probe, I have the PH/EC combo from bluelab only as of now. Thanks for the reply brother
i have that happen too.... i've read that it can be P def that causes it... but it's never bad enough that I worry about it that's for sure. I wouldn't worry about that little twisting.

I would elect to not use the azomite. it's known to have a good bit of aluminum in it... so if you're composting leaves over and over you could accumulate Al in the soil over time. besides, i think glacial rock dust is a superior product anyway if you can get some. Basalt dust is also good. All minerals are going to have some sort or another of metals though...