Well-Known Member
M.O. You are not wrong. That is exactly what layered mulching is. And imo the best system. However the best use of teas would be after your harvest and are re-ammending your soil for your next grow. When its all depleted. Throw some EWC/ and a good couple handfuls of your soil and bubble away. Throw that on your chopped up rootballs, cover, and presto!
Now thats not to say i dont mix some shit up and throw it on my plants. I just use rehydrated kelp meal, aloe, and coconut. Hillbill above has:
I use to use this exact recipe in 5 gallons. Easy and simple. I stopped useing it when i got the same results i was looking for with just the kelp. And being the cheap bastard that I am, I was a easy sell on it.
Just keep in mind. Compost teas are all opinion. (Why do you think theres so many recipes out there?) The science has not proved out one way or the other. Some people swear by it. Others like myself, feel that compost teas are a waste of time. (Unless your a soil biologist that is looking at it under a microscope) In some cases if you're not careful you can kill your soil with a bad batch of tea. If you ever brew a tea and you get close and it smells like anything other then forest-y heaven throw that shit out.
Topdressing still makes me laugh. If you google topdressing you get cannabis and if you do mulching you get the rest of the gardening community. Its like we had to come up with different names for the same shit so we could pass the info on more directly.
Agreed 100%. The only argument in favor of compost teas would be for when you're mixing a new batch of soil, however even then compost teas are incredibly inefficient. No point in using compost teas when you've mixed the exact same compost into your new batch of soil.
Furthermore, if you're that interested in getting a jump-start you can just grab a $20-$30 bottle of Grower's Recharge. No need for buckets, pantyhose, and air stones. Just mix the Recharge with some water, apply to your soil, done. Huge waste of time, effort, and compost.
As for guano/nutrient teas? Stay far the fuck away from those unless you want to find out that using organics can and will burn your plants.
Respectfully though, the top dressing is simply not true. Top dressing and mulching, while similar in some ways, are in fact different from one another.
Mulching's main purpose is for water retention and reducing growth of weeds/etc., where as top dressing is for nutrient applications. Mulching involves covering the entire top layer of the soil mass, where as top dressing is typically just a sprinkling of amendments.
Top dressing typically involves a more "thin" layer where as mulching covers the entire soil mass to the point where you can't see the soil underneath the mulch.
For example you can see on the back of this Dr. Earth bag it specifically says "top dress" and "mulching" separately.