Does this count as a Light-Leak?


Well-Known Member
If a timer failed and the lights stayed on a couple days but something like that or a little light coming under the door aint a big deal.


do you know how many times i fucked up a grow because i thought i knew the answer?being almost 50,ive learned not to guess anymore,too many mistakes because i thought i was right

but hey,do it your way...doesnt matter to me


Well-Known Member
do you know how many times i fucked up a grow because i thought i knew the answer?being almost 50,ive learned not to guess anymore,too many mistakes because i thought i was right

but hey,do it your way...doesnt matter to me
Made my share of mistakes for sure. Done a lot of growing up the last five or six years..... But the light from that cord aint messing up plants and arguing with you would just be another mistake


ok trump,great advice...ill move on seeing how you know it all

ill say this before i go....about 5 years ago i had a humidifier in my grow had a glowing red light on the keypad.i didnt think anything of it....bad mistake.the girls hermed and pollinated the room,not terribly,but every bud hsd seed in it,it was a pain in the ass.i grew the strain in the same room 3 more times without that light and guess what,no problems for the next 3 grows,nuttin ...i wouldnt offer my advice if i didnt feel it was warranted

so take the chance
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Well-Known Member
ok trump,great advice
I have a mexican friend got deported. 25 years old raising two kids that aint his and a 2 week old baby. Boy worked 70 hours a week to take care of his problems. Eats egg salad sandwiches all thru lent because he hates egg salad and god wouldnt want him to be happy. Boys a better american than most.... Fuck trump


Well-Known Member
Duct tape. Why make it complicated?

For those who are terrified of light leaks, no matter how small, I have two words for you:

The Moon
Correct, but the moon only stays full brightness for one day per cycle, the moon isn't always overhead reflecting light from the Sun back down to Earth, so it's as if even nature knows a constant light leak is a no-no.

I think the glowing cord could cause problems, some of those little bulbs shine a decent amount of lumens for their size, they have to be bright enough for people doing construction outdoors and so on, to be able to see without struggling while they are at work, I wouldn't second guess that the light they emit could cause issues, scientifically the evidence points otherwise.