does this mean i wont be alone in hell.

my parents go to church every sunday. they have faith in their lord... they know i question my faith but they dont force anything on me.... like Judge Judy says: "if it doesnt make since then its not true." frankly it just dont make since to ME. when it comes to the bible. i picture people no different then you and me writing this book. those people are no different then me so this book is not holy in my opinion. sorry if i offended anyone but i always like to hear both sides of a subject. also whenit comes to the virgin getting pregnant....ya right someone was sneakin around and diddnt want to get caught.... you cant get away with saying that now but i guess back then you could....
another point I was trying to make, if the bible was written in one form and left that way, that's one thing, it however has been rewritten several times to fit the needs of those who want things there way.
this kinda gives relevance to what I always say, you believe what your taught and you reverted right back to it in a time of need.
If your not taught to FEAR god, you wouldn't chase spirituality because you would understand it's all B.S.I don't fear your's or anyone else's god, because I don't believe in them,Just like you don't beleive in allah,or buddha. i also don't thank a god for giving me the strength to kick the crap out of another human being after a fight like alot of fighters do.

That's your business. I'm not asking you to be afraid of anything. I'm just throwing in my 2 cents here. And if I did revert back to it, so what? And some would say Allah is the same God of Jews and Christians.

Jews don't believe in hell either, It's all made up from fragile human minds who have to look up everytime they need an answer, if you can't find an answer, it must be YOUR god's will, THE BIBLE, Ninja please, it's a book written by people who have changed it hundreds of times over the years to suit there needs, KIng james comes to mind.

And the very badly documented quote was actually from the Talmud. If I can't find an answer it is God's will. I'm at peace with that. And personally, I think we all believe in the same God. Just because I'm a Catholic doesn't mean I have the eyes-wide-shut worldview so many people would presume I/we have. Take your flame war elsewhere.
That's your business. I'm not asking you to be afraid of anything. I'm just throwing in my 2 cents here. And if I did revert back to it, so what? And some would say Allah is the same God of Jews and Christians.

And the very badly documented quote was actually from the Talmud. If I can't find an answer it is God's will. I'm at peace with that. And personally, I think we all believe in the same God. Just because I'm a Catholic doesn't mean I have the eyes-wide-shut worldview so many people would presume I/we have. Take your flame war elsewhere.
go push your beliefs on someone weak minded, I can't people still believe in this crap in 2010. Oh and cathlocs is an awesome religion, you can sin all the way to your deathbed, as long as you ask for jesus forgiveness, your in the club, and if you don't believe the same as us,you go to a different place. BWAHHAHAHA!! what a fool believes.
Im convinced when you die nothing happens your energy is dispersed back into the universe and reused later on. Your thoughts are in your brain there organic they wont come with you when you die they will be lost when your brain starts to shut down. Your physical items such as your face (Pretty much your identity) will just rot in the ground it wont come with you. You barrow energy from this universe and you must give it back. For some reason life was put into highly organic items, The universe must think life is disposable for that very reason.

Live your life to the fullest don't be scared of death, we all have to face it one day. Its the natural order of things. Hey look on the bright side we are constantly making soil for the earth and giving it life!...
I know there's a higher power out there. But I dont follow any religion for the fact that more thing's disprove most religions then actually prove anything. your just supposed to TRUST someone's word. I feel if there was a higher power out there that wanted to be warshiped he would allow himself to be known and understood. no drama. BUT warshipping false profit is a big big NONO imo.
O yeah... and you know in ur heart if wether or not your a good person. The difference between right and wrong is not religion based
Im convinced when you die nothing happens your energy is dispersed back into the universe and reused later on.

The way some folks tell it, you become a Tree and a Christian comes along, chops down that tree and prints Bibles with it. ...:fire:
OR, you become a Tree, it gets chopped to make brown grocery bags... and a Stoner cures their weed in it. :mrgreen: :bigjoint:
The only time I ever felt religious was when I watched the Tool DVD with all there awesome crazy videos... and ate an 8th of some powerful mushrooms.. As I was exploring that strange world I felt the presence of god. But in reality that was just my left temporal lobe fucking with me. The sense presence I guess. I tend to believe what Karma puff believes.. there maybe a higher power but maybe power isn't the word that best describes creationism.. In my acid and mushroom days I thought I had shit figured out.. but once I leave what I like to call the spirit world I forget and become jaded once again lol..
It's also the cause of all wars and thousands of deaths every year, you don't see athiests bombing religious people.

exactly true my friend. it causes conflict and unwanted war. thats why its there. for fear and for control!
if you do this you go to hell, do that you go to hell, your gay, you go to hell!
what the fuck is all that. its there to put fear and control into the people.
you just gotta be able to see through it to understand it.
i think its Jahova witness's that hand the pamplets out at 711's every morning..well im a nice guy so i take the pamplets and throw em away usually but i read one and it was such bullshit in my opinion...
there was a picture of a deep canyon one side was present life, the other side was heaven, the deep part was hell. well the bridge that links the 2 sides was the jahovas church or what ever you wanna call basically were all going to hell unless were JW's.
See yall there..everyone bring a bag of ur best n well blow down LoL
this might sound silly but even though i question my faith. i do (kinda-sorta) believe in ghosts/spirits. i had an expierience once. i was on a tour at a place called Waverly Hills (google it).. its one of the most haunted places in america. while i was there i encountered something that i really cant explain. i saw a person in the form of a shadow.(seemed like a man to me) this shadow was not on a wall it was standing in the doorway. it disapeered and reappeared right in front of my eyes. i almost felt a connection with this person....this event is the string that keeps me wanting to believe in a higher power. to this day i wonder if my brain maid this up or did i really see something. i guess i will never know but this memory is locked in for the rest of my life. along the way they had an area with a bullitan board. it was filled with pics that people had taken. they sent a copy to Waverly b/c there seemed to be orbs and ghostly people in the pics.. there was a picture with two women standing infront of an empty window seal. literally right between their heads was an image of an older woman stairing into the camera. it was very freaky and it wasnt a fake. do some spirits stay in tacked or are these things figments of our imagination?
this might sound silly but even though i question my faith. i do (kinda-sorta) believe in ghosts/spirits. i had an expierience once. i was on a tour at a place called Waverly Hills (google it).. its one of the most haunted places in america. while i was there i encountered something that i really cant explain. i saw a person in the form of a shadow.(seemed like a man to me) this shadow was not on a wall it was standing in the doorway. it disapeered and reappeared right in front of my eyes. i almost felt a connection with this person....this event is the string that keeps me wanting to believe in a higher power. to this day i wonder if my brain maid this up or did i really see something. i guess i will never know but this memory is locked in for the rest of my life. along the way they had an area with a bullitan board. it was filled with pics that people had taken. they sent a copy to Waverly b/c there seemed to be orbs and ghostly people in the pics.. there was a picture with two women standing infront of an empty window seal. literally right between their heads was an image of an older woman stairing into the camera. it was very freaky and it wasnt a fake. do some spirits stay in tacked or are these things figments of our imagination?

if i wanted to be known as the most haunted place, i would make sure everyone who goes there sees something. The brainis easily manipulated if you get my drift.
you guys should really read the bible...or join a study group. there are a lot of stuff happening today, the bible just dont state it literally you have to understand what is written. take revelations for instance you will be worried and see how everything is happening already on israel and neighboring countries, the eagle will fall down and the dragon will rise sounds famillar?
it's easy to call something prophecy when you actively have people trying to constantly fulfill it. was it god, or the U.N. that gave israel to the jews? is it god causing the middle east to be highly volatile, or U.S. policy?
Religion is totally a form of control.
The bible was written by someone who smoked lots of weed and took heaps of acid!

And religious laws are based on peace.

Now, the fact that religion has god and the devil and all, well, these two were ruled out by science quite a long time ago.
In my honest opinion, religion was created to control and influence the masses. One thing we have to remember is that it was a creation of man, man fears death in all forms, it was then so designed to take the fear away from death, and make man feel as though he has a purpose on this earth, which is also rubbish! Much like the fly you just squished with a rolled up news paper died, and to you meant nothing, we die in much the same way. Our lives don't mean shit outside of ours and our companions heads.
We wont go to heaven (or hell) we will infact become part of the energy that we are derived from. We are atoms, in a general sense. And atoms represent energy. I could write a book on this theory, but I recomend you take a look at budism. While budism has it's gods and acolytes and dieties. It's basic recognition of energy is spot on.

Religion has too many flaws to quote, prophecy is bullshit. Much like christianism or cathlocism, the religions of the middle east are ful of bullshit and lies. It is used as an excuse to fight. And make money, control people.

Unfortunately the human mind is fragile and weak, if someone tells us we are going to heaven or hell we will believe them. It is because of our fragility that the world is in the state that it is now.

And...........I don't know what else to say now. If I think of something relevant, I will post it later.

Religion is bullshit, reality is the truth.

it's easy to call something prophecy when you actively have people trying to constantly fulfill it. was it god, or the U.N. that gave israel to the jews? is it god causing the middle east to be highly volatile, or U.S. policy?

Don't get me started man!
btw you dont need a religion to be saved from the fiery pits. and theres nothing to loose in believing God, morely a good news for us. you guys just need to know him more, just like knowing any people you met in school, work or even with your family. believe in him, have faith in him and youd be blessed. i for one dont have any religion, i do read the bible (the only means we can know him more and talk to God).

so you don't have a religion but you read the bible to get closer to god......... wow