Well-Known Member
You must be talking about great periods in history like the Spanish Inquisition, The Crusades, The Dark Ages etc etc etc all wonderful church oriented times in this worlds past, truly a Philosophical Smorgasbord of religious zealotry! Religion has caused more suffering than all wars combined.
Actually, the opposite is true. While there were religious wars, we are talking about a minuscule amount of deaths that occurred in ancient times. Notice how far back you need to go to find examples - and not all are valid.
The huge mass murders were notably secular in nature. Stalin's killed upward of 20 million people in a distinctly atheist Russia. We all know what Hitler did, but few know he was vehemently anti-religion and that was a big part of his motivation. Then there are the killing fields of Pol Pot and of course the tens of millions murdered by Mao.
Men can be brutal creatures and always seem to find reasons to go to war. Hell, wars have been fought over women. Religion has been one of them, but it has also been a force of great good.
Judging from what the middle East looks like today, what do you think it was like before Moses came down from the mountain? I've got news for you, they weren't all playing kick the can - well maybe with a human head.