Well-Known Member
You can rename or fill in the blank on the USA companies.... that's fine. I am talking about your premise...which is INSANE btw...of using a Russian corp as opposed to a USA corp.... UHHH DUH!!!! incredibly naive. Incredibly so.....go sit in the corner.
So, in Paddy's world.... the companies should say nope...we aren't going to war with the country we work in.
Paddy's country was taken over last week after only 4 weeks of being in existence.... now ur country gets to work for ....some other country.
When your country calls upon you in time of need.... you best answer that call. And answer it well.
Dude, it's so hard to have a conversation with you. Reread what I wrote.
I'm saying it's wrong for a corporation to use their power to influence politicians to vote for wars. Why is that so hard for you to understand, and how could you possibly oppose it?
My company makes and sells munitions. It's peace time, nobody is using any munitions. Would it not be financially beneficial for me and my company for some kind of conflict to break out so that my company starts selling more munitions? These corporations have incredible amounts of money and power, this happens all the time.