Does Weed Help You With Your Art?

Nothing to do with weed man, if you are gifted with that skill then you will be a good artist! Maybe you can practiced it if you want to be good
Yea dude...some sativa strains get me all wonky and paranoid and shit and the only thing that keeps me sane is cleaning! I clean like a motherfucker till the "too high" feeling goes away.
Ya know...I should try smoking and painting again...I tried it a couple times and it didn't work out for me. I'm just strange. What I find I do best when I smoke is...CLEAN. I'm a cleaning mother fucker when I'm stoned. Anybody else notice that?
I can draw without it, but if I'm distracted by problems, it can help me focus. I don't really think it unlocks my creativity too much beyond that, but I guess it can help me with source connection. I'm curious as to other artists' experiences when smoking weed (or eating edibles) while creating.
Good question. Mj destroys my pencil or charcole, but I think it works for my painting.


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my latest baby:
I used to think getting high helped my creativity...did but now I don't think it helps at all. Because I was finally able to do a piece I like and finish it without being high at all. Which I have not been able to do stoned in a long time.
Looking back on all the art I have created, my best pieces were done while not stoned at all.
This is the one I just finished. I hate to say it but its true.
I don't know if being high would help my writing or not. It's been a couple of years since I stopped writing, and it has only been six months or so since I fell off the wagon. If there were more hours in the day, I would test it and see how I did.
I used to think getting high helped my creativity...did but now I don't think it helps at all. Because I was finally able to do a piece I like and finish it without being high at all. Which I have not been able to do stoned in a long time.
Looking back on all the art I have created, my best pieces were done while not stoned at all.
This is the one I just finished. I hate to say it but its true.
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So which do you prefer doing drawing or smoking.Im inclined to think your abduction picture is more interesting-I also like the rubbed out effects. thats just my taste tho.BTW.
nice to meet you.I like to draw.from my bong mostly.
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I don't know if being high would help my writing or not. It's been a couple of years since I stopped writing, and it has only been six months or so since I fell off the wagon. If there were more hours in the day, I would test it and see how I did.
Wait untill the summer-theres more hours in the the day.Cant wait to find out how it goes.:sleep:
Yea dude...some sativa strains get me all wonky and paranoid and shit and the only thing that keeps me sane is cleaning! I clean like a motherfucker till the "too high" feeling goes away.
Yeah,we used to call it TIDY ATTACK!Get stoned have a Tidy Attack-bang goes the theory that stoners are slobs.If i go in someones home and they say 'sorry about the mess".I say,wassup-you ran out of weed?
Yeah,we used to call it TIDY ATTACK!Get stoned have a Tidy Attack-bang goes the theory that stoners are slobs.If i go in someones home and they say 'sorry about the mess".I say,wassup-you ran out of weed?

I almost named the BP plant from my Sidetracked: strain Larry's Cleaner Too. What ever you do, don't smoke a bowl of it then pick up a duster. Time will get away from you, but your blinds will be dust free.
I have so many unfinished paintings. I lose interest in them 65% through. I'm like, "yea i see what i was thinking. Ok, haven't got a clue how to finish." Rare day i finish one and heaven's gates open.
I can draw without it, but if I'm distracted by problems, it can help me focus. I don't really think it unlocks my creativity too much beyond that, but I guess it can help me with source connection. I'm curious as to other artists' experiences when smoking weed (or eating edibles) while creating.
Im an artist too, painting is the way I made my living also is my hobby and my passion, this is why it will never be a job for me... smoking weed is one of my tools to work, like brushes or pencils are, weed no make you more skilled or creative, weed just make you a free worries and not be afraid to put paint in 4 canvas at the same time, to many ideas that you cant work on them, i cant believe that could be any talent with out smoke... for some reason the old pipes from the master willian shakedpeare were positives when testing for cannabis residues.
Actually, I did a search for famous artists who create under the influence of weed and I couldn't really find anything. But I did find this gallery of weed-inspired art and noticed that there's almost always an intense attention to detail. I wonder if that's linked?

The stuff I do when smoking is often pretty detailed too - a lot more than the stuff I was creating when I was completely straight. Maybe it's an attention span thing.
But thoses are painting about mariguana, not that someone smoke mariguana to do thoses painting... lol