Dog in my neighbors yard crying/barking since last night...

My hair is also up, I a now mindful of, because of times when I've been scolded for approaching hurt and frightened animals... you see it messes with my overall attitude which really needs to stay calm and nonthreatening and if someone, no matter how well meaning, is scolding me it is rather frustrating to say the least. Are y'all not aware of Bee tamers?
My hair is also up, I a now mindful of, because of times when I've been scolded for approaching hurt and frightened animals... you see it messes with my overall attitude which really needs to stay calm and nonthreatening and if someone, no matter how well meaning, is scolding me it is rather frustrating to say the least. Are y'all not aware of Bee tamers?

You should of heard the chewing out I got from animal control when I carried in a injured coyote. Two coyotes ran out in front of me and I ran one over. It was so sad. The mate was pretty agressive when I scooped up the injured one.

I have a way with animals though. I know it sounds crazy but even the military noticed and I was put to work with a group of dogs. I have several scares on my hands from bites but love them anyways. Just reminders of good times mostly.
You should of heard the chewing out I got from animal control when I carried in a injured coyote. Two coyotes ran out in front of me and I ran one over. It was so sad. The mate was pretty agressive when I scooped up the injured one.

I have a way with animals though. I know it sounds crazy but even the military noticed and I was put to work with a group of dogs. I have several scares on my hands from bites but love them anyways. Just reminders of good times mostly.

You must have a good thing with animals to grab a injured coyote. Did you know dog groomers get bit more often then full time attack dog trainers?
You must have a good thing with animals to grab a injured coyote. Did you know dog groomers get bit more often then full time attack dog trainers?
Nice Medicine Man!

That's because most dog groomers are trained by Petco... I despise Attack Dog Trainers Grrrr:fire:
Get jumped in the Bronx by 5 dudes when your 15. My parents GS saved my ass. Have had one since I turned 18. Different stokes for different folks. None of my dogs has ever bit even one person who didn't have it coming. On my fifth dog now! And of course Dozer my ATTACK PIG! And not that many groomers are trained by Petco where i'm from.
You talk alot of shit. But, know very little. Comparing yourself to a Golden Ret. Duh!!! Done Here!
Explain yourself. Are you one of those bozos who teaches dogs to be Attack Dogs? Good DAy then unless you wanna learn a little, you don't think I'm trained too? I just didn't see spouting off I was because anyone and their Grandmother can be.... seriously?
Explain yourself. Are you one of those bozos who teaches dogs to be Attack Dogs? Good DAy then unless you wanna learn a little, you don't think I'm trained too? I just didn't see spouting off I was because anyone and their Grandmother can be.... seriously?
Yeah, your a dumb ass for arguing with dozer. He has been training dogs for hella days.
Is this damn dog still barking ?
Most likely. It sounds like padawan doesn't want to confront his neighbors. lol.
Is this damn dog still barking ?

I still hear it bark for at least a few hours a day. Shit is goddamn ridiculously annoying.. Hasn't woke me up though in the past couple days at least though, so that's good.. I'm just about positive it's barking for attention and because it's in a (correction after further investigation) 9ish x 6' pen.
Get jumped in the Bronx by 5 dudes when your 15. My parents GS saved my ass. Have had one since I turned 18. Different stokes for different folks. None of my dogs has ever bit even one person who didn't have it coming. On my fifth dog now! And of course Dozer my ATTACK PIG! And not that many groomers are trained by Petco where i'm from.

Dozer, I'm lost about who getting jumped in the Bronx? GS? I was joking about Petco sort of, based on what I've seen as true and now thinking numbers on it... how many Petco's are in your city? We have like 4 or so? They all have a Grooming staff of at least 5, I'd think more which is makes low ball 20 Groomers at Petco all trained by Petco. Petsmart same deal so now we are close to 40 groomers trained by Corporate Whores. The Independent Groomers in the Yellow pages are 7... Independent Groomers rarely staff here

I'm confused where you got all this hate towards me? The only thing I have come up with is you have been claiming to be a Dog Trainer leaving out you don't train them do shit except attack? I hope not but if so I will listen if you want to explain why training dogs to attack is of benefit to anything other than your wallet. Ask Bobby Brown's Daddy if he taught him to attack? Then ask him if he is worried Bobby wouldn't protect him or his property? Rotties, Dobies and Pitts off the top of my head are naturally loyal protective and strong, you don't TRAIN them to attack that is how it comes to be people Fear the sweet babies, why everyone's barking I'M crazy to approach a strange dog; from Assholes training them that to be mean and aggressive is expected. It is terribly sad and unneccessary as well as harmful to those who love these feared breeds. If anyone out there believes an animal will naturally attack you for no reason for simply for walking onto it's property or up to it you are completely wrong. I'm talking about people falsly believing any dog was Born Mean and not Taught Mean. For example, Cruel inbreeding is a factor in Mean Pitts, but not the ultimate and singular cause. Pitts are Huge Pleasers, Praise Motivated they live to make their masters happy just as much as my Golden does and when they have a sick twisted fuck as a master they work really hard at pleasing him too, it's purely environmental!

Now so's not to hear from the peanut gallery: Not All Pitts, Rotties and Dobies are Sweet Babies so don't think I'm advocating everyone to go to their neighborhood dog fighting establishment and bring home the biggest meanest one and that instantly it'll be a great pal for your toddler. If you do however care to approach what seems like a friendly or unfriendly pooch, slowly approach with similiar body language you'd use if approaching a frightened child with one hand slightly raised, palm up. Make sure your hand is Not higher than it's head! You are doing this to allow him to sniff your hand, respectfully making his acquaintance. If he growls and snaps, he doesn't want to be bothered. If this goes well you can slowly raise your hand above its head to pet it. This was taught to me at age 3 and should be to every child yet I've seen little evidence.
Okay GS German Sheperd. My parents dog saved my ass on more then one occasion. There are 3 Petcos in my area. But, 15 private dog groomers. As far as attack dogs about 15% of the over 5000 dogs I have trained were for that purpose. Most dog owners are not capable of the rigorous obedience training involved before I will even teach a dog to bark at someone let alone bite. Training attack just brings them to a higher level of what they were originally breed for. My average guard dog goes through about 80 hours of obedience first. Only 10% ever do any bite work. All my dogs have always been trained for personal protection. Yet, They are quite social with children, other pets and people. No mishaps in over 30 years of having them. Police K-9's mostly are attacked trained yet, are brought to childrens schools so kids can learn about dogs. They don't attack the kids because they know what a non threat is. They have been brought to a higher level. I'm not saying police dogs are always the best trained but, it's an example. The majority of personal protection dogs I have trained were for single women who have had some prior issues dealing with there own personal security. Lot's of folks would rather own a loyal, faithful companion who will die for them, rather then a gun. Personal preference for them. And myself. Though I do also own a few firearms. They don't do me any good if i'm not home. But, my dog does. A dog growling and showing his pearly whites is a pretty good deterrent for bad guys who want to kick your door in and rob you or worse. I always say alarm systems don't bite they alert. My dogs do both! Which would most people want to try and beat?
Dozer, I'm lost about who getting jumped in the Bronx? GS? I was joking about Petco sort of, based on what I've seen as true and now thinking numbers on it... how many Petco's are in your city? We have like 4 or so? They all have a Grooming staff of at least 5, I'd think more which is makes low ball 20 Groomers at Petco all trained by Petco. Petsmart same deal so now we are close to 40 groomers trained by Corporate Whores. The Independent Groomers in the Yellow pages are 7... Independent Groomers rarely staff here

I'm confused where you got all this hate towards me? The only thing I have come up with is you have been claiming to be a Dog Trainer leaving out you don't train them do shit except attack? I hope not but if so I will listen if you want to explain why training dogs to attack is of benefit to anything other than your wallet. Ask Bobby Brown's Daddy if he taught him to attack? Then ask him if he is worried Bobby wouldn't protect him or his property? Rotties, Dobies and Pitts off the top of my head are naturally loyal protective and strong, you don't TRAIN them to attack that is how it comes to be people Fear the sweet babies, why everyone's barking I'M crazy to approach a strange dog; from Assholes training them that to be mean and aggressive is expected. It is terribly sad and unneccessary as well as harmful to those who love these feared breeds. If anyone out there believes an animal will naturally attack you for no reason for simply for walking onto it's property or up to it you are completely wrong. I'm talking about people falsly believing any dog was Born Mean and not Taught Mean. For example, Cruel inbreeding is a factor in Mean Pitts, but not the ultimate and singular cause. Pitts are Huge Pleasers, Praise Motivated they live to make their masters happy just as much as my Golden does and when they have a sick twisted fuck as a master they work really hard at pleasing him too, it's purely environmental!

Now so's not to hear from the peanut gallery: Not All Pitts, Rotties and Dobies are Sweet Babies so don't think I'm advocating everyone to go to their neighborhood dog fighting establishment and bring home the biggest meanest one and that instantly it'll be a great pal for your toddler. If you do however care to approach what seems like a friendly or unfriendly pooch, slowly approach with similiar body language you'd use if approaching a frightened child with one hand slightly raised, palm up. Make sure your hand is Not higher than it's head! You are doing this to allow him to sniff your hand, respectfully making his acquaintance. If he growls and snaps, he doesn't want to be bothered. If this goes well you can slowly raise your hand above its head to pet it. This was taught to me at age 3 and should be to every child yet I've seen little evidence.
Please, do yourself a favor, and please shut the fuck up. Most of the shit you say doesn't even really make sense. Your trying to educate dozer about dogs. Obviously you don't know dozer very well.
I have felt totally on the defensive this entire thread I am not attempting to teach Dozer and my Petco/Dog attack joke was ignorant to Dozer training protection dogs. Thank you peanut gallery.

Dozer, I don't agree with your view but please understand my disgust is towards the greedy fucks preying on Fear to make a quick buck. The ones that train the dog to bite and not much else with little or no training of the owner. I am sure you are very responsible and skilled and very pleased to know how demanding you are on the owners. I did study and train with the intent of making my living that way but it wasn't my best idea- I understand the dogs ;-) I'm at a loss on how to train humans! :wall:



Talk about messed up. That dog was crying/barking for like 3 hours this afternoon, I got up to see what was going on, this is what I found. They had it chained up so tightly to that post it couldn't even lay down. I watched it and took this clip for about 5 minutes then came back in and went to check again a couple minutes later and they had moved it somewhere else, I can't hear it anymore, I wonder if they saw me looking at it
I would kick their asses and take the dog, but I am a confrontational person when it comes to things like this so it would be an easy decision for me.
Okay get a .22 rifle, get 5 condoms, climb up to your roof, put 1 condom over the tip of the barrel, aim right behind the ear, squeeze the trigger and repeat until dog stops barking. You may need more fire power but at 20 feet you should be okay.
If that fails get a .40 cal hand gun, knock on your neighbors door, when they open the door put 2 rounds in the chest and one in the head, walk through the house, open the back door, and give the dog some water

Let me know how it goes..

Edit: Whatever you do don't call aspca, nobody likes a snitch

A snitch is an informant. Somebody who thought they were built to be a criminal but broke the code. That's what a snitch is, nothing else.
A tattle-tale is a regular person who reports crimes.
I would kick their asses and take the dog, but I am a confrontational person when it comes to things like this so it would be an easy decision for me.
Then off to jail for you and they get their dog back. Nope, gotta go about it a different way.

"that is so fucked up" yup :(