Dogs overdosing on marijuana, veterinarian warns


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Dogs overdosing on marijuana, veterinarian warns
A Nova Scotia veterinarian is warning pet owners after treating an increasing number of dogs for marijuana overdose, and said he's worried more cases might happen once pot is legalized.

"Dogs are getting into people's stash, brownies or suckers, and basically they've been pretty messed up by it," said Dr. Jeff Goodall, who runs Sunnyview Animal Care Centre in Bedford, N.S.

Goodall said he can't remember treating a pet for marijuana toxicity a few years ago.

But in the last two years, he's had about eight dogs come into his clinic showing the telltale signs — urinating uncontrollably, wobbling, and vocalizing.

"We're definitely seeing many more suspicious cases," he said.

While marijuana doesn't make a dog high, it does cause them to become incredibly ill and in rare cases kills them, he said.

"Dogs are extremely sensitive to much lower doses than people are," he said.

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Important to seek treatment quickly

Goodall said owners sometimes come in with a sick dog reluctant to explain what happened, delaying necessary treatment.

"Because THC stops vomiting, we need to either flush their stomach or give them activated charcoal," he said.

"[We] keep them in one of our treatment areas where we have a lot of padding around because they are still wobbly," he said. "Then we let them ride it out."

Marijuana toxicity in dogs quadrupled in Colorado

These types of cases might become more common once pot becomes legal in Canada.

A recent study in Colorado of 125 dogs found cases of marijuana toxicity in dogs quadrupled after pot was legalized there.

"People are not treating it as carefully as they should," he said.

"With the pending legalization of marijuana in our country, people need to be aware they need to treat it like any other prescription medication."

Goodall said he's also worried people will think what they feel is good for them is also good for their furry companions.

"One of the cases we had was somebody trying out marijuana on their pet for what they thought might help its pain," he said.

Medical marijuana for dogs?

While the type of marijuana humans consume is toxic to pets, Goodall said there's a growing interest in other forms of cannabis extracts, which some say are useful.

The most popular for pets is cannabidiol or CBD oil, which is derived from cannabis. It has low or no THC, which is the compound that gives the drug is psychoactive effect.

"I've certainly had people ask about it," Goodall said, saying some studies show CBD oil may help pets with pain, inflammation, epilepsy or cancer.

While veterinarians can't prescribe it, the oil is available commercially, and some dog owners are flocking to it.

CBD oil for allergies, anxiety, pain

In Western Shore, N.S., Sarah McCorriston treats her four canines with CBD oil.

She said it's helped her furry companions with everything from allergies and anxiety, to pain and arthritis.

"My senior dog has actually shown more energy and life to him than I've ever seen," she said.

McCorriston first started taking CBD oil herself two years ago after being diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. After seeing the benefits it had in her life, she said she decided to look into getting a similar product for her dogs.

She's since made a business selling the product online, and said customers from across Nova Scotia contact her every week asking for the oil.

'Unproven effectiveness' said vet association

However, in a recent statement, the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association warns against the use of any marijuana product, including CBD oil.

"Due to lack of sufficient evidence about effective, safe dosage and optimal frequency of administration in dogs and cats, owners should not dose their pets with any type of marijuana product," the association advises.

"For now, marijuana of any type is not approved for medicinal use in animals, and giving products to your pet may have unknown side effects and unproven effectiveness."
" cause them to become incredibly ill and in rare cases kills them"", he said.

I guess this is why my kids little black 15 pound PUG ...just LOVES searching out and EATING as many roaches as he can find along his walks EVERY DAY!..
He doesn't get so fucked up anymore but you can see him searching and destroying any roaches..after a while you stop trying to keep him from them..
He's just to quick lol and really..he only sleeps it off the rest of the day!.:eyesmoke:
No worse for wear

I forgot about the SPITS buddy had a s well

we used to check our hash with it..if he didn't like it it was repressed lol If it wasn't.he'd almost rip your hand of trying to get at what you had lol
Viscous little white dog it was lol
I recently had my dog of 16 years die. He was in rough shape until we tried cbd oil. I was truly amazed at the effect it had on him within hours of the first dose.
That being said the dog I still have licked a drop of butter off the kitchen floor that I hadn't noticed. Went comatose for an hour or two then started seizuring. I rushed her to the vet. Explained the situation. The vet called the police and animal services. Once I showed I was a medical cannabis patient the police and animal control left. Gave me a ticket for not having my dog registered.
I felt so bad. Just made me extra careful now.
Cheers :)
I recently had my dog of 16 years die. He was in rough shape until we tried cbd oil. I was truly amazed at the effect it had on him within hours of the first dose.
That being said the dog I still have licked a drop of butter off the kitchen floor that I hadn't noticed. Went comatose for an hour or two then started seizuring. I rushed her to the vet. Explained the situation. The vet called the police and animal services. Once I showed I was a medical cannabis patient the police and animal control left. Gave me a ticket for not having my dog registered.
I felt so bad. Just made me extra careful now.
Cheers :)
Odd. I made a batch of cookies especially for my dog (bone cancer) with some fairly potent butter and half of one would make her comfortable. I watched closely but I didn't see any negative effects.
oh .everyting is different ..dogs included..
..they get right fucked some people do when they eat or ingest
they sleep it off....even your dog seizing didn't sad as it was..
"I've certainly had people ask about it," Goodall said, saying some studies show CBD oil may help pets with pain, inflammation, epilepsy or cancer.

Which contradicts....

Goodall said he's also worried people will think what they feel is good for them is also good for their furry companions.
One of the cases we had was somebody trying out marijuana on their pet for what they thought might help its pain," he said.

While the type of marijuana humans consume is toxic to pets, Goodall said there's a growing interest in other forms of cannabis extracts, which some say are useful.
Firstly, have there really been studies done on the toxicity of cannabis to dogs but nothing for humans?
Owning a cat is like buying from LPs. Why would you enter a relationship with someone/something that doesn't give a fuck about you and enjoys fucking with you at every turn, lol

Just jokes for all the sensitive cat people lol. Id rather own a loyal animal that won't try to smother me in my sleep or eat my face if I happen to die in its company
Phht!. We feed our old cat some small pieces of our cookies every day. The young fat one likes to lick the leaves when I hang a plant of leave cutting on my work desk. Both cats are doing fine, never had an issue.
I do remember my buddy's dog ate 5 grams of hash and flaked out for almost a day. He was fine after that.
I call BS on this guys me a link to a case where any animal has died from a Cannabis overdose?!?!
growin up they used to say it twists up their legs and they die a miserable death...

so when the 20 pound whacked out white spits dog ate our few grams of shmea ...WE nearly killed it as it ran away munchin on the last tid bit we ALMOST go back....fucker ate it all. Was grade 9 and all we could think of was how we were going to explain the dog dying :lol:

it just didn't move, or bark, or eat ,,,,for two entire days..,
.then it became a hash munching feind! :-P
I call BS on this guys me a link to a case where any animal has died from a Cannabis overdose?!?!
I think it is like how genetically certain people of Austrian decent are predisposed to THC sensitivity. For you me and the rest of the neighbors those cookies were good; but for that one guy who is German of Austrian decent he went nuts off half a cookie...type thing.

Of course it is extremely unlikely any animal has DIED from Cannabis. Got high and too excited about food and choked on it, more likely.