Donald Trump raped teenaged girls and then Covered it up.

Some interesting numbers....................


Hillary 362

Donald 176


In 2012 on 08/18/2012

Obama 297

Romney 241

Total 538

In 2008 on 08/18/2008

Obama 288

McCain 250

Total 538
So it looks like Donald is a bigger loser than McCain and Romney so far. No matter, he is building brand loyalty with his group of kooks.

I wonder if Donald has his own group of shadow advisors? It seems to me he is screwing over the Republican Party in a rather thorough manner in exchange for his own cult of personality. Are there people behind him that are speaking directly into his ear without regard to the party? My guess is yes but I am far from certain. He does show a knack for self promotion that is reminiscent of PT Barnum.

From what I recall, he lost his television show and his beauty pageant. Even his name's licensing appeal has dropped through the floor. He can't get a single retailer to rent the ground floors of Chicago's TRUMP! tower. So what will the Donald do after his ignominious defeat? My guess is that he is going to be milking his supporters dry on TRUMP! Survival Steaks, designer gun accessories, a ghost-written newsletter, a syndicated radio show and probably something to do with precious metals.
51. Taped January 16: Trump denied saying that Americans detained by Iran would “never” be released during the Obama administration. In September, Trump said that “frankly they’re never going to come back with this group.”

52. Also taped January 16: Trump claimed “all of the latest polls have me No. 1 in Iowa.” The Des Moines Register/Bloomberg Politics Iowa Poll released Jan. 13 showed him behind Ted Cruz by three points.

53. January 15: "We’re losing now over $500 billion a year in terms of imbalance with China." The 2014 trade deficit totaled $343 billion.

54. January 15 GOP debate: Trump denied ever telling the New York Times he had called for a 45% tariff on Chinese goods. He lied.

55. January 15: Trump said the terrorist attacks in Paris last year happened despite the city having "the strictest no-gun policy of any city anywhere in the world." In France, private gun ownership, while heavily regulated, is permitted. France has thetwelfth most guns per capita in the world.
He was also at Epstein's island of pedophilia/under age sex trafficked victims repeatedly and probably witnessed it happening (and likely participated).
56. December 18, on Morning Joe: “Our country is falling apart, frankly. Our infrastructure is a disaster. Our bridges are falling down. Sixty-one percent of our bridges are in danger.” As of 2014, according to the agency, about 61,000 of the country’s 611,000 bridges were rated as "structurally deficient," which works out to 10 percent.

57. December 2: Claimed he had predicted Osama bin Laden’s ascension in his book The America We Deserve, blustering, "I said in that book that we better be careful with this guy named Osama bin Laden. I mean I really study this stuff … And now people are seeing that, they’re saying, “You know, Trump predicted Osama bin Laden.” The America We Deserve makes one reference to bin Laden. It doesn’t write “we better be careful with this guy named Osama bin Laden,” or that the U.S. “better take him out.” All Trump wrote was this: “One day we’re told that a shadowy figure with no fixed address named Osama bin-Laden is public enemy number one, and U.S. jetfighters lay waste to his camp in Afghanistan. He escapes back under some rock, and a few news cycles later it’s on to a new enemy and new crisis.”

58. November 23: Trump claimed 81 percent of murdered white people are killed by black people. The truth? 84 percent of murdered white people are murdered by other white people. Trump cited the “Crime Statistics Bureau—San Francisco,” which doesn’t exist except in the mind of a white supremacist on Twitter.

59. November 21: Trump: “Hey, I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down. And I watched in Jersey City, New Jersey, where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down.” There is no evidence to support that claim.

60. November 14: Trump: "Our president wants to take in 250,000 from Syria." Nope, more like 10,000.
LOL! seriously missed this one.......

61. November 9, on Putin. This one was hilarious. Trump: “I got to know him very well because we were both on 60 Minutes … We were stablemates, and we did very well that night.” The two men were interviewed separately in different countries thousands of miles apart.

62. October 31: Trump claimed that John Oliver's program "Last Week Tonight" had invited him to appear on the show "four or five times." Oliver’s response? "Who's he trying to impress with that lie?"

63. October 26: The lie of omitting all the details of his financial rise, only stating, “My father gave me a small loan of $1 million.” Fred Trump — along with the Hyatt hotel chain — jointly guaranteed a $70 million construction loan from Manufacturers Hanover bank, “each assuming a 50 percent share of the obligation and each committing itself to complete the project should Donald be unable to finish it,” according to Trump: The Deals and the Downfall.

64. October 25, tweeted: “Word is that Ford Motor, because of my constant badgering at packed events, is going to cancel their deal to go to Mexico and stay in U.S.” One problem: Ford made that decision four years ago. The company stated, “We decided to move the F-650 and F-750 medium-duty trucks to Ohio Assembly in 2011, long before any candidates announced their intention to run for U.S. president.”

65. October 4: Trump: “You know that was a gun-free zone in Oregon where they had no guns allowed, no nothing. So the only one that had the gun was the bad guy, and everybody was sitting there and there was nothing they could do. Not a thing they could do.” Rebecca Redell, UCC’s vice president and chief financial officer: The student misconduct policy regarding firearms does not apply to students with a valid concealed weapons permit. There is a general prohibition against the possession of weapons on campus that would apply to College patrons, but this, similarly would not apply to those with valid concealed weapon permits pursuant to Oregon law
LOL! seriously missed this one.......


The need to vomit.
It seems that him and his grotesque vater Herr Drumpf, sr. weren't satiated with FUCKING NY state, countless businesses, and a chunk of Scotland...the depravity knows no bounds.
Not surprising, though; a typical sociopathic narcissist case study. His first (purchased/trophy) wife said that he raped her and "choked her", "thrusting his penis inside forcefully". Can you even imagine that this sick fuck not only isn't in prison but is running for p-r-e-s-i-d-e-n-t ?!

Wtf are you doing, people....