My name is a cross strain of marijuana. Not like you would know that on a POT WEBSITE. Northern lights crossed with skunk... Very tasty!!!

As for the kid, it is the expression given when people look at your grow.... Shock and pain... So sad!!

I have never had any weird thoughts about my avatar yet you seem to have. There is therapy for that.

Baseless accusations end up in court all the time. Fuck, watch Judge Judy just once. All it takes is one person filing paper work and you are going to court over it.

Sexual predators are the worst, especially when children are involved. But until proof is brought forward, it didn't happen.
I think you have it backwards. Sexual predators are rarely accused of a crime. And filing paper work is not a trivial matter. There are rarely witnesses and without physical evidence the case ends up as the word of an adult against that of a child. The parents more often than not decide it's not in the child's best interest to go through the trial and sitting on the witness stand. In this case, there were three witnesses. Not a normal case.

I have never eaten ramen in my life. Not even in college. Since last month was the best since my business started less than a year ago and this month is CRAZY I dont think I will need to try it any time soon.

Points for trying to be helpful though!!
My name is a cross strain of marijuana. Not like you would know that on a POT WEBSITE. Northern lights crossed with skunk... Very tasty!!!

As for the kid, it is the expression given when people look at your grow.... Shock and pain... So sad!!

I have never had any weird thoughts about my avatar yet you seem to have. There is therapy for that.
you've said before that you don't grow. What the fuck are you doing criticizing somebody for doing what you know you can't do?
I have never eaten ramen in my life. Not even in college. Since last month was the best since my business started less than a year ago and this month is CRAZY I dont think I will need to try it any time soon.

Points for trying to be helpful though!!

Not that you SHOULD do this, mind, I'm just curious if you've ever THOUGHT about it: Have you ever thought about tying your ankles to spandy's wrists, and vice versa, and leaping into the sea? I bet you two would get along GREAT (for those last few minutes)!
Alleged rape victim.

Hmmm . . . alleged treasonist, money launderer, election rigger, and rumors, (supposedly from the NYPD) say she may be a possible pedophile.

Yep, lot of fiction out there!

** I'm with Him ** (and you're losing!)

30 years and the adventure continues

It doesn't bother you at all that it's 30 years of 100% spin, not one fucking serious case. Zero. No use being an asshole unless you're going to speak up and prove it, right?
you've said before that you don't grow. What the fuck are you doing criticizing somebody for doing what you know you can't do?

What the fuck are you talking about?

I have grown pounds...

I dont grow right now. I can buy it legally in great quantities.
Not that you SHOULD do this, mind, I'm just curious if you've ever THOUGHT about it: Have you ever thought about tying your ankles to spandy's wrists, and vice versa, and leaping into the sea? I bet you two would get along GREAT (for those last few minutes)!

Have you ever thought about why your arguments are so weak that they inevitably dribble off into either threatening violence or suggesting the person kill themselves?

It does not advance the conversation... Oh wait, you are not here for that....
you've said before that you don't grow. What the fuck are you doing criticizing somebody for doing what you know you can't do?

Oh, I'm no 'grower' by any stretch. (Tons of successful vegetables, flowers, herbs, etc., though.) The difference being, of course, is that I never claimed to be anything more than an amateur/apprentice in the field. ;)
(Glares knowingly at several lowlifes that peruse these threads.)
Have you ever thought about why your arguments are so weak that they inevitably dribble off into either threatening violence or suggesting the person kill themselves?

It does not advance the conversation... Oh wait, you are not here for that....

Why on earth would I want to "advance the conversation" with a moronic, willfully ignorant, cucked-out racist slimebag like YOU, though?

Why on earth would I want to "advance the conversation" with a moronic, willfully ignorant, cucked-out racist slimebag like YOU, though?


You spend an enormous amount of time not advancing the conversation. Doing the same thing again and again and expecting a different result is considered insanity.

Why have the conversation at all? The answer seems to be that you simply have nothing better to do.
You spend an enormous amount of time not advancing the conversation. Doing the same thing again and again and expecting a different result is considered insanity.

Why have the conversation at all? The answer seems to be that you simply have nothing better to do.

I'm here to make sure that filth like you - and your ilk - all have a GREAT TIME, of course!

200 (52).gif
What the fuck are you talking about?

I have grown pounds...

I dont grow right now. I can buy it legally in great quantities.

I said you don't grow.

I said you don't grow, this is what you said a few months ago:

ROLFMAO!!! Been there, done that. I dont really like growing all that much. After all the hype it is just a lot of repetitive monitoring and tinkering which is not a kick for me ;] Besides, I am a legal MMJ patient. All I have to do is check the menu's at the local dispensaries and hop in the car and go pick it up. They are now having telephone orders so I dont even have to worry about them being out of stock.

So, you don't like growing yet you've grown pounds. And it was top shelf stuff. yeah. sure.