Trump being sued in New York Federal court for raping 14 year old child

What about him? He clearly should have committed his crime in Florida, where they don't kill white people for killing black people.
He should get the death penalty, but if not he will be preaching hate to all the young Aryan's who where not bad people but will become bad people.

Zimmerman should have gone to prison too but our justice system is shit. I also imagine he had a real good lawyer like OJ Simpson.
He should get the death penalty, but if not he will be preaching hate to all the young Aryan's who where not bad people but will become bad people.

Zimmerman should have gone to prison too but our justice system is shit. I also imagine he had a real good lawyer like OJ Simpson.
I'm just not into revenge killing. Sorry.
I approve.

Put Trump in prison for rape, and Hillary in prison for espionage. Put the Bills (Cosby/Clinton) in prison for rape as well.

Take back our country.

Johnson/Weld 2016! Make America sane again.
Don't people need to be convicted before sending them to prison? Cosby is probably closest of the three.

I must have missed the announcement. What is the charge that Hillary is facing?
I don't actually like Donald Trump he's a corporate thief but we do need to convict the son of bitch first. He's running for president this could all be fabricated by his opponents, also corporate thieves. It's fun to let some rapist comments fly and probably a little healthy at that. But at the end of the day we need to see some evidence.

apparently the original was dismissed for technical filing errors, so the victim of childhood rape got a lawyer this time and filed again.

they have a witness to the rapes ready to come forward and testify as well.

the story:

Jane Doe says that Mr. Trump “initiated sexual contact” with her on four occasions in 1994. Since she was thirteen at the time, consent is not an issue. If Mr. Trump had any type sexual contact with her in 1994, it was a crime.

On the fourth incident, she says Mr. Trump tied her to a bed and forcibly raped her, in a “savage sexual attack,” while she pleaded with him to stop. She says Mr. Trump violently struck her in the face. She says that afterward, if she ever revealed what he had done, Mr. Trump threatened that she and her family would be “physically harmed if not killed.” She says she has been in fear of him ever since.

New York’s five year statute of limitations on this claim - the legal deadline for filing — has long since run. However, Jane Doe’s attorney, Thomas Meagher, argues in his court filing that because she was threatened by Mr. Trump, she has been under duress all this time, and therefore she should be permitted additional time to come forward. Legally, this is calling “tolling” - stopping the clock, allowing more time to file the case. As a result, the complaint alleges, Jane Doe did not have “freedom of will to institute suit earlier in time.” He cites two New York cases which I have read and which do support tolling

i thought assault on a minor is a lot longer than 5 years which is why those were able to come forward on catholic priests..Penn State etc.

my first question is as a 13 year old, how she was in his company alone 4x..where were her parents?

even though there were errors and couldn't file at the time..why now? why 2016? Trump has been high profile forever especially with "apprentice"..why didn't she take him down then?
No bill cosby really needs to hang. I would enjoy watching him kick his way to death. I do not tolerate rapist I have permanently disabled a couple of rapist in gruesome ways.

stories you can share?

I've heard a couple of crazy stories to those who deserve..maybe they were from you under another name?
Let alone why wouldn't he have done it somewhere like Thailand where it's a normal thing? Sounds like bullshit to me it happened in 94 and she comes out when hes the Republican presidential candidate.

Probably couldn't even get the charge to stick no evidence. But hopefully it ain't true just a Shillary Cunton tactic she needs dirt on him some how as Hitlary is dirt.

Remember, Hillary's Campaign is the ORIGINAL point of origin on the Birther thingy (that STILL won't die)..Trump just picked up on it seeing how they are friends and go to each other kids weddings etc.

He just ran with it.

they're all lying, nasty people and not to be trusted.

you're getting pretty desperate with trump down by 6-10 in the polls.

i'm not listing off some story from the national enquirer, which your hero and savior thinks is actual news. i am citing a pulitzer prize winning news site which seems to think that the pending child rape case against trump should be taken quite seriously, since he has been charged with rape multiple times before.

Haha you fuckin indoctrinated loser , ole wild bill was thrown out of college for raping a fellow student , not charged , thrown out , he then paid $800 grand to shut another rape victim up " lying whore slut bitch pig " according to Hillary , then his next raoe victim ends up dead as a doornail .

Keep telling yourself your winning bucky boy because its dicks like you that's destroyed the democratic party's chances of ever being taken seriously again , they chose a life long lying thief guilty of treason , murder , genocide & a fucking socialist creep who looks like he shit his pants all the time .

Keep swinging for the fences & one day socialism may provide for you .