Nitro did complain that I was over-using one of Trumps great lies regarding his seeing Muslim-American celebrating in thousands upon thousands when the WTC was destroyed. Nobody said anything rational to defend Herr Trump but I'll move on from that juicy bit of demagoguery. Here's a few more Lies and Distortions that The Donald has made recently:
• June 16: "The last quarter, it was just announced, our gross domestic product … was below zero. Who ever heard of this? It’s never below zero." Pants on Fire. The gross domestic product was not "zero," and the growth in the gross domestic product has been below zero 42 times over 68 years.
• Sept. 28: The unemployment rate may be as high as "42 percent." Pants on Fire. The highest alternative unemployment-rate measure we could come up with thathad any credibility was 14.8 percent.
• Nov. 17: The federal government is sending Syrian refugees to states with governors who are "Republicans, not to the Democrats." Pants on Fire. Refugees are in fact sent to states with Democratic governors.
First off these are all lies. The Donald could not have believed any of this.
Do you see what he's doing here?
The picture he's painting is that the economy is in a state of total disaster. Much worse than it really is. 42% unemployment with zero gross national product. Wow that's a whopper. Actually, 15%, worst case unemployment estimate and 16529.70 USD Billion GNP in the second quarter of 2015
Also too, he's claiming the oppressive Obama admin is forcing red states to accept terrorist-refugees. Again, playing the bigot card. Totally not true.
These are false. But after he says them, he then put himself forward as the only person who can fix it. Pretty convenient, isn't it?
Any Donald supporters want to refute me when I say that those statements are lies? Or do you just want to pass them off as unimportant faux pas? That would be convenient. Just roll over, go to sleep and get fucked.