Donald Trump

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The Republicans really needed to work on their image with other races than white people to win a national election....Trump has a 15% favorable rating with Latinos. He's pushing it the wrong direction...

It`s funny you say that ,.. I`ve asked a few latino`s and some were smart but the most popular answer was, Trump,.. He`s got more money than the rest.
I was thinking,...if you ask all those central Americans coming in through "Mexicans" Why ? they are leaving their country, they say that most everybody there is crooked, murderers, kidnappers and drug dealers, and when you ask Trump what he thinks about most Central Americans,...he says,....what they say. Somehow his is bad.....
So any donation by anyone to anything doesn't count because "they're buying favours"? When I drop a $20 in the Salvation Army kettle, exactly what "favour" am I buying?
You're trying to buy Karma from the baby Jesus, obviously.

You know how I know?

Cos you just HAD to mention it (and more tellingly, the amount).

Well good on you Red, make sure to buy batteries for the smoke alarm since you're so "well to do" now.
Trump can only help the Democrats at this point..

You could be right about Trump helping democrats. I have democrat friends that are starting to pump up trump, so Trump in some funny way is attracting people from both parties. We will have to see how it goes but I suddenly started liking most everything Trump said after his pledge. I am not backing Trump yet but I could, considering his situation with no lobbyist or donors that could influence a person . I think a lot of people are going to be very interested in hearing more from Trump as time goes by. imo
You're trying to buy Karma from the baby Jesus, obviously.

You know how I know?

Cos you just HAD to mention it (and more tellingly, the amount).

Well good on you Red, make sure to buy batteries for the smoke alarm since you're so "well to do" now.
Odd assumption about a non-Christian. Pretty much all odd assumptions. Must be all that potato beer. Anyone not living in shithole Ireland would "well to do".
The Republicans really needed to work on their image with other races than white people to win a national election....Trump has a 15% favorable rating with Latinos. He's pushing it the wrong direction...
The US is 70% white, soother races can go pound sand.
Odd assumption about a non-Christian. Pretty much all odd assumptions. Must be all that potato beer. Anyone not living in shithole Ireland would "well to do".
What's that?

Better check the oven, you don't wanna leave it on...
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