Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
well, u of c law school considers him a professor. mr loco does not. who seems to be more credible? a top law school in the US or some dude in the politics section of a weed forum?

you win mr loco.
and a service station is not a synonym for a car dealer's service dept


Well-Known Member
well, u of c law school considers him a professor. mr loco does not. who seems to be more credible? a top law school in the US or some dude in the politics section of a weed forum?

you win mr loco.
and a service station is not a synonym for a car dealer's service dept
Never said it was, said garage is a synonym for a car dealership's service department, which it is. Nice try to twist it again.


Well-Known Member
I know exactly how it works, they regard lecturers ar professors, because they're not.
No, you really don't know how Universities, tenure, and professorships work. It's really, really, obvious from your statements. The University of Chicago Law School itself said President Obama was a professor there. We're done here, you're wrong, and the proof came straight from the institution itself. So if you think you're smarter than the University of Chicago, we know you're a huge narcissist as well as wrong.


Well-Known Member
No, you really don't know how Universities, tenure, and professorships work. It's really, really, obvious from your statements. The University of Chicago Law School itself said President Obama was a professor there. We're done here, you're wrong, and the proof came straight from the institution itself. So if you think you're smarter than the University of Chicago, we know you're a huge narcissist as well as wrong.
No, I read "regarded as" in THEIR own words. You're either a professor or you're not, if you have to be "regarded as" a professor, you're not. Sorry Charlie.


Well-Known Member
No, I read "regarded as" in THEIR own words. You're either a professor or you're not, if you have to be "regarded as" a professor, you're not. Sorry Charlie.
Last chance to not look like a complete dunce.

"Several times during his 12 years as a professor in the Law School, Obama was invited to join the faculty in a full-time tenure-track position, but he declined."


Well-Known Member
I'll return the favor.

"and are regarded as professors"
Lol okay, you obviously 1) don't know how regard works, even though you tried to use it correctly yet failed. 2) Don't know how Universities, professorships, and tenure work. 3) Are a huge narcassist with delusions of grandeur. 4) Don't know how the English language, sentence, and paragraph structure work. This is elementary stuff. The last sentence in the media inquiry is called the conclusion. The conclusion gives you the final say, elaborate on what you had to say, and finishes your thoughts. Therefore, if the conclusion of the media inquiry is "During his twelve years as a professor..." that would mean the University of Chicago regarded/considered him, a professor. Moreover if I were to say, "I regard you as an idiot," it means I think you're an idiot, meaning in my mind, you are an idiot. Ergo if one is regarded as a professor, he is thought of a professor, he is a professor.

Glad we could have this lesson. You can continue to argue this, but multiple people have told you you're wrong and proved to you how you were.


Well-Known Member
So, you're going to double down on stupid and go on record saying that garage is absolutely not a synonym for service station AND service department.
is english your primary language?

by your words, garage=service station=service dept.

you went all-in on stupidity.


Well-Known Member
he is thought of a professor, he is a professor.
Holy shit, that has to be one of the most ignorant lines ever typed on this forum. So, if I think of you as a hopeless cretin, you are one? If someone IS a professor, there is no need for that person to be "thought of" as a professor, because they actually are a professor.

Found several references to this exact point. "Even though Obama is a Senior Lecturer, he is considered to be a professor." Actual professors don't need consideration to be professors, only individuals who aren't professors need that consideration.


Well-Known Member
is english your primary language?

by your words, garage=service station=service dept.

you went all-in on stupidity.
Again nice try. Garage synonymous with service department. Garage synonymous with service station. Please quote the post where I stated service station is synonymous with service department. Oops, straw man falls apart.

Do you ever win these arguments? Do you always lie to squirm out of your previous bullshit?


Well-Known Member
"So, you're going to double down on stupid and go on record saying that garage is absolutely not a synonym for service station AND service department."

since you are retarded, i'll explain it again using your words. if garage is syn for service station and garage is syn for service dept, then by the transitiive property service station is syn for service dept. FAIL!
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