Donald Trump

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In other words you like him as he is a SOCIALIST. I don't understand how you think you know he isn't molesting children or that other popes did. I'm not a fan of any pope, him least of all.

The guy dresses like a bum n sneaks away from his security detail n mingles with the poor n gives em dough... No other pope I've heard of would do that.. I have no idea if he's a socialist.. But he does seem to actually give a fuck about the poor people.
The guy dresses like a bum n sneaks away from his security detail n mingles with the poor n gives em dough... No other pope I've heard of would do that.. I have no idea if he's a socialist.. But he does seem to actually give a fuck about the poor people.
Almost all people who are rich as hell, pretend to give a cap about poor people. The pope is not worried about somebody raising his taxes. He lives on his own land, with his own government, and with his own laws. He has some of the strictest immigration laws in the world.
Fuck the pope... he's an outdated relic and a false idol. I really hope Trump wins. Why is he popular and winning? Because he is the only one with the balls to say what he thinks, rather than pander and be a typical political douche like all the rest, which is why people have no trust nor respect for politicians. All a bunch of liars and thieves. I am living for the day Hellary doesn't get the nomination. She is pure evil and people with half a brain are finally catching on. This should be the final nail in her political coffin. I certainly hope so. All you have to do is look into her eyes....
Fuck the pope... he's an outdated relic and a false idol. I really hope Trump wins. Why is he popular and winning? Because he is the only one with the balls to say what he thinks, rather than pander and be a typical political douche like all the rest, which is why people have no trust nor respect for politicians. All a bunch of liars and thieves. I am living for the day Hellary doesn't get the nomination. She is pure evil and people with half a brain are finally catching on. This should be the final nail in her political coffin. I certainly hope so. All you have to do is look into her eyes....

what is it with you idiots and your ellipsis abuse?
Pope - Catholicism - Christianity aside, the point remains this pope is clearly moving and mobilizing to assist the poor. He does this personally and within his church. He's not outdated when millions of people follow his word all across the globe. You don't have to feel he's relevant in today's world, but you have to acknowledge his influence.

Edit: I had to look up "ellipsis" - full disclosure
That is why he is a false idol. He is a living deity and that is blasphemy. Maybe cares about the poor out of guilt from the crusades. Catholics.... the original radical extremists lol
Whatever. I was trying to have a serious point and you're not. That's cool.

Yeah..I'm no fan of religion but as far as popes go..this guy is alright.

Crazy windy here.. 40-50 mph with gusts to 70-75, u getn any of that? It nice n warm though 55 ish.. Seems like tornado weather.
There is nothing wrong about caring about your fellow man. That is not my grievance. My beef is with the idiots in the world that place such a high importance on someone and treat them as a living God, when their own ten commandments advise against such things. But therein lies the issue. Humans and their affinity for celebrity.
Why would a protestant or reformed ever care about what the pope says?
This pope is political. Did you see the Mormon prophet come out and endorse Romney for president? I didn't.
Francis speaks kindly of Cuba and Mexico, but thinks America's immigration laws are too strict. Mexico has allowed 1,500 immigrants to enter their country in the past 10 years. Nobody accepts more immigrants than the United States. And we do it year after year.
In other words you like him as he is a SOCIALIST. I don't understand how you think you know he isn't molesting children or that other popes did. I'm not a fan of any pope, him least of all.
I don't like any if the popes. I think the romantic Catholic Church is a false church.

But that's a another story for another time...

Funky phone and it's auto correct.
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