Donald Trump

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I understand. You're upset. After south carolina, it's understandable.
After Nevada, your PMS levels will be astronomical.Trump has already won that state too. I don't want to upset you chica. I agree with a lot of what you have to say, but the world is much bigger than just two of us.
Having trouble staying on topic?

That was on topic. The pope criticized trump for not allowing immigrants yet the vatican is not importing all the immigrants so by his own measure the pope is not being christian.

There is a saying. Doctor, heal thyself... Look it up.
That was on topic. The pope criticized trump for not allowing immigrants yet the vatican is not importing all the immigrants so by his own measure the pope is not being christian.

There is a saying. Doctor, heal thyself... Look it up.
Why is there something wrong by wingnut standards for the pope to question that Trump is a Christian. Yet all wingnuts, every single one -- question or deny Obama's stated Christian faith.
Even if the United States paid every penny for the wall, and Mexico nothing.
The savings we would keep not having to deal with as many immigration problems,
would pay for the wall ten times over. Easily
would you care to put some numbers together on that, Tbone?
I thought Ricky was Tbone?
So how about putting up or shutting up about the finanical pay back for that wall. 10 times you said. Easy you said. How about amortizing the cost of building, guarding, maintaining and patrolling the grounds for tunnels over a period of 20 years to estimate this payback. 10x you said.

I think you are a braggart and a lightweight and can't do it.
would you care to put some numbers together on that, Tbone?
You all look alike to me. Only Buck can tell the difference. It's like a mother being able to tell the difference between twins.
So how about putting up or shutting up about the finanical pay back for that wall. 10 times you said. Easy you said. How about amortizing the cost of building, guarding, maintaining and patrolling the grounds for tunnels over a period of 20 years to estimate this payback. 10x you said.

I think you are a braggart and a lightweight and can't do it.

You don't even try to warm me up first. It's always straight for the ball sack.
Maybe you should work on your trolling
Trump is in the lead no doubt,, he's not getting any support from establishment.. I wonder if they will ignore the vote n delegate Rubio.
Why is there something wrong by wingnut standards for the pope to question that Trump is a Christian. Yet all wingnuts, every single one -- question or deny Obama's stated Christian faith.

Cause the pope has supposedly higher standards than the wingnuts....

This pope acts much more common that most.
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