Donald Trump

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lol which also increases spending per person which also boosts the economy one thing is having your money go further then it is now think about it what will you do with extra 50 / 100 every pay check i know spend it which means more money being turned around instead of the digital fake money
think about it if anyone one of them can turn a dollar into 10 dollars it will be trump bernie pff he money will be coming from the rich clintons money from clinton foundation lol more fraud and insider trading ..
if we look at actual IQ out of all of them who do you think is really the smartest ???
lol which also increases spending per person which also boosts the economy one thing is having your money go further then it is now think about it what will you do with extra 50 / 100 every pay check i know spend it which means more money being turned around instead of the digital fake money
think about it if anyone one of them can turn a dollar into 10 dollars it will be trump bernie pff he money will be coming from the rich clintons money from clinton foundation lol more fraud and insider trading ..
if we look at actual IQ out of all of them who do you think is really the smartest ???
The economic hit to federal revenue if you decreased the top tax rates by as much as Trump is proposing would be catastrophic, which is why there are no credible economists who have endorsed his plan. Poor and middle-class people don't pay high rates as it is (25% or less), it's clear to anyone with any kind of basic understanding of economics that his plan is targetted at decreasing the tax rates of the upper-class as much as possible (the lowest rates since before WW2 according to his own website).

Here are some threads about why supply-side economics/Austrian economics/Reaganomics/horse and sparrow economics/"Trickle-down economics, etc. is fundamentally flawed when economies are experiencing recessions or depressions;

Why America’s Struggling Middle Class Has Businesses Scared
Richest 1% now own more than the rest of us combined
Joseph Stiglitz: Trickle-down economics is 'absolutely wrong'
The American Middle-Class is Shrinking
Income and Wealth Inequality: Crash Course Economics
51 Percent Of All American Workers Make Less Than 30,000 Dollars A Year
The Rich Are Taxed Enough (Debate) - Intelligence Squared U.S.
Causes and Consequences of Income Inequality: A Global Perspective
The Truth About the Economy
U.S. Paychecks Grow at Record-Slow Pace
The Four Biggest Right Wing Lies About Income Inequality
Pay low-income families more to boost economic growth, says IMF
Economic growth more likely when wealth distributed to poor instead of rich
Thomas Piketty, Paul Krugman and Joseph Stiglitz: The Genius of Economics
So much for intelligent dialogue.

Pot calling the kettle black. :clap:

Now this is funny!

That's ignorant

Where did you get the idea that his plan raises taxes?

Current tax brackets:


Trump's plan:


As you can see, his plan decreases the tax brackets across the board. If he plans to decrease the revenue brought in through income taxes, how does he plan to pay for the commitments the federal budget requires? How does he plan to pay for any of the things he's proposing on the campaign trail? Put politics aside for a second and consider the math, these are the numbers:


Income tax brings in nearly half of the federal revenue, so if he plans to reduce the top marginal tax rate by nearly half, and significantly reduce it for everyone else (including corporations), how will we pay for anything?
There you go again with the graphs and pie charts. I thought we had this conversation already.
Coorporations will be paying more taxes because loopholes will be eliminated. You're always the one who cries about crony capitalsim, and then when somebody with a solution comes along, you start bashing him. If there is one person who knows about the tax code and corporate inversions, it's Donald Trump. He wants to simplify it, make it more honest. Instead of GE paying zero taxes, they are going to have to start paying their "fair share".
There you go again with the graphs and pie charts. I thought we had this conversation already.
Coorporations will be paying more taxes because loopholes will be eliminated. You're always the one who cries about crony capitalsim, and then when somebody with a solution comes along, you start bashing him. If there is one person who knows about the tax code and corporate inversions, it's Donald Trump. He wants to simplify it, make it more honest. Instead of GE paying zero taxes, they are going to have to start paying their "fair share".
So your contention is that Donald trump wants to raise HIS OWN taxes?
There you go again with the graphs and pie charts. I thought we had this conversation already.
Coorporations will be paying more taxes because loopholes will be eliminated. You're always the one who cries about crony capitalsim, and then when somebody with a solution comes along, you start bashing him. If there is one person who knows about the tax code and corporate inversions, it's Donald Trump. He wants to simplify it, make it more honest. Instead of GE paying zero taxes, they are going to have to start paying their "fair share".
What loopholes is Trump going to eliminate, specifically, that will allow him to shore up nearly half of that 46% figure current income taxes bring in?

Name 5 of them

If he want's to eliminate crony-capitalism (he doesn't), great! That's not why I'm highlighting the flaws in his tax proposal. Those are two completely separate issues.

No, Trump doesn't want to "simplify the tax code", he want's to lower the top income earners tax bracket from 39.5% to 20%. You are falling for the exact same verifiable nonsense that the republican party has been pushing since Reagan was in office. Lower taxes on the rich does not grow the economy, we have nearly 40 years of evidence to show you this, but here you sit, proposing the same failed economic policy of all of Trump's predecessors.
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