Donald Trump

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The richest man in the world is a Mexican. Mexico treats central Americans poorly. Mexico has a macho culture that is also racist against the indigenous population. Mexico is the richest latin American country. Money buys power in latin America. Mexico is purging the peasant class and encouraging the underclass and criminals to go to the U.S. The immigrants who come from India, China or Nigeria are typically educated and highly skilled. This is a statistical fact, what is the controversy?
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Hey Trump gave you a shout out. He said even the poorly educated support him. That's you. Congratulations

If I was really poorly educated why was it that I graduated from a trade school at the very top of the class out of 900 people. Number one was not easy to achieve and there were a lot of people with papers like what you have that couldn't even read a mic after 12 months. TRUMP!
Latin America is exporting the poor and uneducated indigenous people. The democrats claim they want to eliminate poverty but they import millions of illiterate low skilled poor people. Say what you want about Trump but he doesn't use teleprompters or speech writers.
Trump loves the poorly educated for a reason. They too stupid to understand what's going on. He will get beat in the general election

For that reason alone Trump will do very well with the hispanic vote and the Black vote. And I thought the dems like poorly educated voters. You better smarten up before for you make your self look dumber than you are. TRUMP!
For that reason alone Trump will do very well with the hispanic vote and the Black vote. And I thought the dems like poorly educated voters. You better smarten up before for you make your self look dumber than you are. TRUMP!
Boy you dumber than a box of rocks. Trump is only doing well with the Republicans, which says a lot about them. He will get murdered in the general.
I'm saying you are a criminal what.

Argued yourself right into a corner and you dont even have the class to admit you were wrong about a simple statement. It says a lot about you. It is one of the reasons no one has ever won an argument with you for starters. Dont worry, I wont endlessly chase you around with your mistakes. I am not like Uncle Bucky and others here ;]
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Boy you dumber than a box of rocks. Trump is only doing well with the Republicans, which says a lot about them. He will get murdered in the general.

You need to gather up a few more rocks for that head of yours before you wear out that diploma and it becomes worthless by next november. TRUMP!
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