Donald Trump

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is there a contender that can even compete with TRUMP awe nope not 1
after last nights TRump lol going to love the i told you So now to book a room at trump hotel in Las Vegas woot might as well stay First class or actually winning class lol

Donald Trump triumphed in the Nevada caucuses on Tuesday, in a resoundingwin that cemented his position as the Republican presidential frontrunner with a lead that could soon be unassailable.

The billionaire reality TV star has now won three of the four early nominating states, after other convincing wins in South Carolina and New Hampshire.

The Nevada result was called at 9pm local time by the Associated Press. By 2.30am, when all precincts had reported, Trump had a remarkable 45.9% of the vote.

Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz, the two senators best placed to challenge Trump, battled it out for second place, with Rubio on 23.9% edging Cruz, who got 21.4%.

However, their race for second place was overshadowed by the magnitude of Trump’s victory, which exit polls indicated was predicated upon a sweep of virtually every single demographic in the state, including those previously considered loyal to his
They exploit workers in the American owned factories.
Gee, maybe you could explain how the Mexican government exploits workers when they are paid low wages by a foreign company. More likely it's the American companies exploiting the workers. As Trump's own clothing line does. He even goes so far as to gripe about these very workers trying to make ends meet on a low wage while NOT illegally immigrating to the US. Not clever this man is.

Trump Manufactures His Clothing Line in China and Mexico While Bashing Them for "Stealing" US Jobs

The tag line of the article:
He admits that it has been, however, more profitable to manufacture a large part of his clothing line there - thus falling full force into the chasm reserved for plutocratic political hypocrites.
is there a contender that can even compete with TRUMP awe nope not 1
after last nights TRump lol going to love the i told you So now to book a room at trump hotel in Las Vegas woot might as well stay First class or actually winning class lol

Donald Trump triumphed in the Nevada caucuses on Tuesday, in a resoundingwin that cemented his position as the Republican presidential frontrunner with a lead that could soon be unassailable.

The billionaire reality TV star has now won three of the four early nominating states, after other convincing wins in South Carolina and New Hampshire.

The Nevada result was called at 9pm local time by the Associated Press. By 2.30am, when all precincts had reported, Trump had a remarkable 45.9% of the vote.

Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz, the two senators best placed to challenge Trump, battled it out for second place, with Rubio on 23.9% edging Cruz, who got 21.4%.

However, their race for second place was overshadowed by the magnitude of Trump’s victory, which exit polls indicated was predicated upon a sweep of virtually every single demographic in the state, including those previously considered loyal to his
The GOP snake is eating its own tail. Trump hasn't got a chance in the main election. Then again, neither do the also rans.
Our company's exploit these workers and Mexico and China fail to have labor and environmental standards. Mexico and china manipulate currency, destroy the environment and ignore international copyright law. I suppose Mexico has a good public education and healthcare system?
Gee, maybe you could explain how the Mexican government exploits workers when they are paid low wages by a foreign company. More likely it's the American companies exploiting the workers. As Trump's own clothing line does. He even goes so far as to gripe about these very workers trying to make ends meet on a low wage while NOT illegally immigrating to the US. Not clever this man is.

Trump Manufactures His Clothing Line in China and Mexico While Bashing Them for "Stealing" US Jobs

The tag line of the article:
He admits that it has been, however, more profitable to manufacture a large part of his clothing line there - thus falling full force into the chasm reserved for plutocratic political hypocrites.
Our company's exploit these workers and Mexico and China fail to have labor and environmental standards. Mexico and china manipulate currency, destroy the environment and ignore international copyright law. I suppose Mexico has a good public education and healthcare system?

Trump get's his shit made in foreign countries so he can exploit the labor costs
You should vote for trump. he even likes uneducated people like your self
But most importantly with trump you might be able to get your teeth fixed

a holocaust denier is calling me uneducated?

that's rich.

i have a great dental plan right now. i'm probably due for a checkup, although i have only had one cavity in my life so far.
lol pada seriously which one of them to Rubio or cruz will resign next week Ruby is suppose to give trump a run so far not one run Cruz took a step back i think he is in MI right now praying that his home town supports him there all already out you just do not see it yet will love when he loses in his own town then he will resign Ruby well from what people are saying only person that might be able to beat trump
Have you seen it yet i mean talk is cheap and voters are not on Rubys side so he might as well throw in the towel
you think he'll be the nominee?

i predicted rubio last summer and stand by it.
Yeah I think he will be. I predicted Cruz would be last year, but I think he's turning out to be the Rick Santorum of this election cycle, I don't think he'll do much better outside of maybe Texas
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