Donald Trump

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Its really awesome that Trump is getting so many people that have never been involved in politics out and voting and engaged!

Hey Doc, It is pretty awesome. Its a packed house everywhere Trump goes. He is attracting people from all groups for some reason. I am not sure why even the protesters don't like what he says if you think about it. It must be his honesty they don't like , or just the way he gets his point across or something.

I wasn't sure about Trump myself for the first couple months, and now I know he is in it to win it. TRUMP!
Hey Doc, It is pretty awesome. Its a packed house everywhere Trump goes. He is attracting people from all groups for some reason. I am not sure why even the protesters don't like what he says if you think about it. It must be his honesty they don't like , or just the way he gets his point across or something.

I wasn't sure about Trump myself for the first couple months, and now I know he is in it to win it. TRUMP!
He's sure got his point across to me.....I haven't donated to a pres candidate for many years, but if trump gets the nomination I will send the dems a big fat check......he got me that excited!o_O
He's sure got his point across to me.....I haven't donated to a pres candidate for many years, but if trump gets the nomination I will send the dems a big fat check......he got me that excited!o_O

Right on doublejj, If I were you I would send it to the DNC, just incase Hillary doesn't make it to the end. Then you will know that it went to a Dem that doesn't have such a dark cloud over them, like the criminal FBI investigation . Bernie is cool, but the Dems hold the ace card on him with the super delegate monopoly. Good luck, I can put your shoes on so this is not meant as a jab.
Hey Doc, It is pretty awesome. Its a packed house everywhere Trump goes. He is attracting people from all groups for some reason. I am not sure why even the protesters don't like what he says if you think about it. It must be his honesty they don't like , or just the way he gets his point across or something.

I wasn't sure about Trump myself for the first couple months, and now I know he is in it to win it. TRUMP!
Hi Nitro,
Yeah me too, I really wasn't sure about Trump until last night in the debate.
He really impressed me last night.
I just caught the very last seconds of the Texas Rally and saw that Chris Cristie just endorsed him. WOW that is HUGE! and did you notice last night Trump seemed to have quite a bit of intrenst in Kasik last night, because Kasik was interesting and impressive last night. Christie is good friends with Kasik as well. Its pretty apparent that Kasik knows what he is talking about and he knows his shit.. He is a good negotiator like Trump. So I'm hoping Kasik will be a part of Trumps big plans in the future.
Trump is going to be the "best get out the vote" recruiter that the Democratic Party ever had.

Hillary is doing the same for the republicans. Had a neighbor telling me yesterday she was a life long democrat and is voting for whoever she runs against. And she was mad as hell.

This election will have more people voting for the person over the party than usual. I know they both have folks running the other way. Some are loyal to their party and will look past the issues of the candidate but many will not.
Do you know democrats like hillary Clinton, joe biden, Harry Reid voted to invade iraq?

It wasn't all bush people

As Ronald Reagan once said

The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they’re ignorant; it’s just that they know so much that isn’t so.
Trump is most likely to win the Hispanic vote among Republican candidates; raking in 46% support in Nevada

He almost wins every demographic.

Hey, kid, really you need to learn how to research. You're parroting a figure from Fox News that polled only 100 Latino voters in Nevada. When you look at all Latino Republican voters, Trump lost the Latino vote in Nevada. Womp womp.

Of course he does, and wants to make an impression to the true party leaders.

The damage caused by Exxon was estimated to cost $8.9 billion, according to NJ Department of Environmental Protection for the excavation, restoration, off-site mitigation, and compensation for lost public resources. However, Governor Chris Christie’s administration has quietly and quickly proposed a settlement for just $225 million.

He is good for commerce. Not so much for Humans
Hey, kid, really you need to learn how to research. You're parroting a figure from Fox News that polled only 100 Latino voters in Nevada. When you look at all Latino Republican voters, Trump lost the Latino vote in Nevada. Womp womp.
When Trump said he was "No. 1 with Hispanics," he was referring to entrance polls showing that among Hispanic Republicans who participated in Tuesday's Nevada caucuses, 45% voted for him, compared to 27% for Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, a Cuban-American; and 18% for Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, also a Cuban-American.
When Trump said he was "No. 1 with Hispanics," he was referring to entrance polls showing that among Hispanic Republicans who participated in Tuesday's Nevada caucuses, 45% voted for him, compared to 27% for Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, a Cuban-American; and 18% for Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, also a Cuban-American.

"He got 44% of Republican Latino votes at the caucuses - and just 0.1% of the votes of all Latinos in the state."

We are only talking about the very small percent of Nevada Latinos who are Republican today. An overwhelming majority of Nevada Latinos are Democrats. In a recent poll asking about party identification, 55% of Latinos said they were Democrats, 29% said Independents and just 16% said they were Republicans. Assuming the entrance poll is correct (a very big assumption) and Trump won 44% of Latino Republicans, that means he was supported by about 7% of Latinos in Nevada (44% of 16 = 7.04). What that mean is that most likely, 93% of Latinos in Nevada did not vote for Trump.

CNN's Margaret Hoover: Trump's Unfavorable Numbers Among Hispanics Nationally "Are Above 60 Percent," And "There Is No Way You Can Extrapolate" From The Poll "For The Hispanic Population Of The United States." On February 24 edition of New Day, CNN political commentator Margaret Hoover explained that the entrance polls that showed Trump overwhelmingly winning Hispanics in the Nevada Republican caucuses are "not a bellwether of how Hispanics are going to vote nationally." Hoover pointed out that Trump's unfavorable numbers among Hispanics nationally "are above 60 percent, sometimes closer to 70 percent" and, "There is no way you can extrapolate 1,500 votes in Nevada for the Hispanic population of the United States in a general election":

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