Donald Trump

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I'm not racist
Fucking bakery across the street it's waving the Italian flag.

So What?
Ya that's the one thing I miss everyone waving their cultural heritage flag it's just a sea of American flags here
Nothing wrong with that but you're an American citizen you have a heritage a culture you should be proud and know it doesn't make you a bad citizen
Americans seem to think that because they are American they must erase all cultural or heritage past

Uh hell no not in Canada be proud of who you are where you came from and what country you are currently in
Ya that's the one thing I miss everyone waving their cultural heritage flag it's just a sea of American flags here
Nothing wrong with that but you're an American citizen you have a heritage a culture you should be proud and know it doesn't make you a bad citizen
Americans seem to think that because they are American they must erase all cultural or heritage past

Uh hell no not in Canada be proud of who you are where you came from and what country you are currently in
come to California and say that.
there are all kinds of gang bangin Mexicans out here and border brothers that talk down on America proud to be Mexican, sure don't wanna live there though.
Ya that's the one thing I miss everyone waving their cultural heritage flag it's just a sea of American flags here
Nothing wrong with that but you're an American citizen you have a heritage a culture you should be proud and know it doesn't make you a bad citizen
Americans seem to think that because they are American they must erase all cultural or heritage past

Uh hell no not in Canada be proud of who you are where you came from and what country you are currently in
yeah don't foget your culture. but if it's so bad where your at you should be proud to be American and fly an American flag. not let's fly the flag of the country that has us starving and people getting murdered in the street like the guy posted previously
yeah don't foget your culture. but if it's so bad where your at you should be proud to be American and fly an American flag. not let's fly the flag of the country that has us starving and people getting murdered in the street like the guy posted previously
Just curious what is your nationality/ culutural heritage and don't say American you're not American you're a citizen
And you're not "white" either
I mean like British , Scottish etc
yeah don't foget your culture. but if it's so bad where your at you should be proud to be American and fly an American flag. not let's fly the flag of the country that has us starving and people getting murdered in the street like the guy posted previously
Yeah because everyone wants to fly the flag of the country where everyone keeps telling them they don't belong... also how many "gang bangin" americans do you think there are?
that btw is another stereotype about white people in case you're counting - that westerners are always trying fuck them over and basically rape them for their resources, a lot of countries think this about westerners and to be honest they actually have a lot of precedence to draw from. See how this works both ways with stereotyping yet? You almost definitely haven't had anything directly to do with extorting resources from other countries but in some parts of the world you will be blamed for it. The truth is you can't really say you have any more of a right to live in the states than them, morally speaking at least, people just like putting themselves above each other and somehow this is the fucked up system that has resulted from it in the states and many other countries around the world. It's sad really even before you think about all the good peoples lives that are ruined and destroyed by it, so I think the least you can do is think about it before you go on slinging your random aggro at people who really don't need it.

Maybe you should do some homework before shooting from the lip... the notion that you aren't comfortable with the truth of my words isn't justification for whining at me about bringing it up.
Hell lets just open our boarders to everyone. Americans can pay for all immigrants needs,adjust our school system and pay for their childrens education. Pay higher taxes for more police services and social freebies. Don't forget to help cover their medical needs! Oh and its ok that their children aren't vaccinated like ours are required to be to even go to school,we can risk it. You realize our immigration requirement states people must prove they can be self sifficiant correct? There is a reason for that and a reason all immigration proccesses are set up to be a selection processes. There's so much more but I'm tired of conversations like this outlining how "bad" we are if we stand up for the requirment to go through the legal process set up for proper entry to our country. We are taking away from our own society and our own needs to support illegals in this country. I don't mind helping but when we are forced to allow a different set of rules and expectations for people who believe some how its owed to them just because they had it rough in their country its bs. We have a poor education system,our veterans get shitty care,we can't afford a proper military to protect our country and we have millions of Americans homeless,un educated,underfed and out of work. But hey lets let everyone in regardless of the cost,health risk and drain on our social services system and educational system. After all we can just print more money right all the while we ongoiningly ignore our own internal issues causing so much difficulty and strugle for American families.
Oh and stop with the race bs, America and its people are the most generous people on the planet regardless of what country needs our help or money. And Mexico is not held down by America there held down by corruption and drug lords.
If America decides to build a wall who's business is that? So you don't like the fact that a country doesn't want you in it? So what. Just like if Mexico didn't want Americans there we wouldn't go. You wouldn't hear us saying no Mexico don't build a wall to keep us where we have no business in the first place.
no sunny, it's not the same. Your missing the point. I understand that I am not a native of America. Doesn't mean that just because my ancestors are not from here that we should just let everyone else in. Just like when a country invades another country, it is now their country.
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