Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
You should look in a mirror and present yourself with a medal of honor. I just have to say that your education is really really fucking paying off. TRUMP!

i dont take you seriously too... so poop

i remember while back on there was a thread about grammar, punctuation and all that shit

on a forum ..there is a thing called internet slang

if i was to write sometihng serious .. i can

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Yet at the end of the day, you don't know the difference between your and you're. Its not my fault you arent bright enough to figure that out. "Your to stupid" - as you would put it.

Oh, and subpar is one word, dumbass.



Well-Known Member
Stop avoiding the question...what major event happened to the American economy during the Clinton pesidency?

And the Clinton budget surplus myth has already been debunked. While he did pay down the Public Debt, Intergovernmental holdings ballooned meaning that Clinton just borrowed money from SS to pay down the public debt creating the myth of a "budget surplus"
The dot com bubble burst and we had a recession, for one thing. That was in 2000, yet we still had a surplus that year and the year thereafter. Bush inherited a healthy economy but the hogs went to the trough, got their tax cuts and the deficit shot up.

Oh and if we remove social security from the equation, we still had budget surpluses in 1999 and 2000. Removing social security during any of the years Bush operated the executive branch, we see even larger deficits.

You confirm my understanding that wingnuts know nothing.


Well-Known Member
I have already answered that in this thread. Because I do not get to pick who I want for president, I only get to pick from the 2 false choices the political system presents me. Given all of the current choices, Trump is the best.

This is not a difficult concept. Are you having trouble processing it?
So you are happy about a mediocre at best president. Guess what? You support a loser.


Well-Known Member
So you are happy about a mediocre at best president. Guess what? You support a loser.

Now you get it.

Most people are unhappy with career politicians bearing gifts. Guess who that would be ?

Mediocre change is better than stay this same course. Find people who actually love Washington`s progress in the last 16 years,...wont find many, in fact you`ll find more don`t like the USA in it`s current state. Hillary will do nothing but return political favors and reward special interests and continue on the same ole same ole.

3-5 Billion$ loser,....OK,...we see where you`re at. You like the broke Hillary act.
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Well-Known Member
Stupid, to mean lacking intelligence.

Intelligence, to mean the ability to learn.

If one is stupid, they lack the ability to learn.

Intellectual capacity is to mean how much one has learned, a quantifiable variable as opposed to qualitative.

Simplified for you: stupid = qualitative, intellectual capacity = quantitative.


Well-Known Member
You are really rocking dude. You should of been a school teacher with your ability to work with the less fortunate. Your education is making you shine like a daisy in a meadow at sunrise . Along with that medal of honor you presented yourself I just can't imagine that you are nothing but fucking perfect. Right on dude, that is taking names and kicking ass. TRUMP!
Thanks nitro. That means absolutely nothing coming from you. I mean that sincerely.


Well-Known Member
...You should of been a school teacher...
*should HAVE been

I know nitro. Intellect is not your strong suit. And it probably appears to you that I am nit picking and being a jerk, but in reality I'm actually helping you. I'm helping you present yourself as a more intelligent person, so that maybe someday, if you're lucky somebody will actually take you seriously.


Well-Known Member
*should HAVE been

I know nitro. Intellect is not your strong suit. And it probably appears to you that I am nit picking and being a jerk, but in reality I'm actually helping you. I'm helping you present yourself as a more intelligent person, so that maybe someday, if you're lucky somebody will actually take you seriously.
Nitro gets it. He knows exactly what he's posting about.


Well-Known Member
Except for his poor grammar.
Some people type how they talk. He may not be perfect, but it's average. You might be suprised how many people out there can't even put two sentences together. I've seen the English language butchered beyond recognition.


Well-Known Member
Some people type how they talk. He may not be perfect, but it's average. You might be suprised how many people out there can't even put two sentences together. I've seen the English language butchered beyond recognition.
That's true, and a good point. And for the most part, slight grammatical errors go unnoticed. But when someone is trying to insult someone else and using intelligence as the tool of attack, and they are unable to discern the difference between "your" and "youre", well, you see where I'm going with that...

Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
Now you get it.

Most people are unhappy with career politicians bearing gifts. Guess who that would be ?

Mediocre change is better than stay this same course. Find people who actually love Washington`s progress in the last 16 years,...wont find many, in fact you`ll find more don`t like the USA in it`s current state. Hillary will do nothing but return political favors and reward special interests and continue on the same ole same ole.

3-5 Billion$ loser,....OK,...we see where you`re at. You like the broke Hillary act.
You can blame subpar intellectual voters who chose idiots (tea party) to OBSTRUCT and halt any meaningful progress couple that with the idiot pres that we had (bush Jr.).

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