Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member

Oops. Looks like Trump has been bilking and scamming thousands of people of their hard earned money, to the tune of many millions of dollars.


Well-Known Member

Seeing as Putin is a Fascist, it only makes sense that Trump, a fascist himself would make good bedfellows with the Stalinist dictator of Russia.

So much for a free and "great" America, if Trump becomes president.


Well-Known Member

I mean, if the man can't even manage his own campaign, how are we supposed to think he can manage a country?

We know how he handles finance, he just bankrupts everything. And now we know he can barely handle managing people.

He's the perfect con man.


Well-Known Member

This guy is a certifiable crazy person. He just vomits stupid shit out of his mouth on a daily basis, and dumb-shits like nitro gobble it up.


Well-Known Member


Well, so much for being honest about anything. How can we trust a man who lies about everything?


Well-Known Member

Yet another lie by The Donald. Says one thing on the podium and writes another on his website. He can't make up his mind on anything. He lies about everything.

What's worse? People like nitro and Flaming Poo need social security more than most. They suckle from the government's handouts more than most.

Typical of a complete fucking idiot to vote against their own interests.


Well-Known Member
Hey, you weren't entertained? Didn't it get you thinking about MaryAnn and Ginger? By the looks of all your Trump posts it looks like you got rattled. LOL TRUMP!
By the looks of your Trump posts and your quick to reply snarky dumb-shit comments, you're VERY rattled.

And the sad part is, you're too fucking stupid to know what you're rattled about.


Well-Known Member
By the looks of your Trump posts and your quick to reply snarky dumb-shit comments, you're VERY rattled.

And the sad part is, you're too fucking stupid to know what you're rattled about.
not only is he rattled, but he is desperate. really really desperate.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
By the looks of your Trump posts and your quick to reply snarky dumb-shit comments, you're VERY rattled.

And the sad part is, you're too fucking stupid to know what you're rattled about.
See4, Fuck , I'm not rattled. I am laughing at you right now and all relaxed, getting ready to load a bowl of some Oregon skunk weed. So I guess you are mad? LOL TRUMP!

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
hahah, that is so funny, I'm on the fucking floor dude. hahahaha :lol::P
why dosent someone make a t-shirt of that or a poster . and sell at the rallys or make a flag, its such a great photo. did you make that Uncle buck? Donald is SOOOO full of shit, he spends a lot of time on the can...and where is his Squatty Potty! hahha
I love the hair brush on the counter!.
How about this song for Trump!! this would be a good one for your other thread too!
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