nitro harley
Well-Known Member
do you consider it racist when you tell obama to go back to kenya?
Poopy pants , you say he is headed back? Fuck that would be great. TRUMP!
do you consider it racist when you tell obama to go back to kenya?
Poopy pants , you say he is headed back? Fuck that would be great. TRUMP!
If I wanted to ride a couch I would get a gold wing
I know it's a hard concept to grasp, but I don't like Hillary. But I do understand why people will vote for her. There is a rational reasoning behind it, I just don't agree with it.
You however are supporting someone who has consistently lied to you and is a total con. I've asked you several times why you like Trump and you haven't answered. I've asked several others why they like Trump, and the best they could come up with is, "he will inspire us". Inspire you to do what? Build a wall? Don't be silly.
If you wish to label me liberal and think Hillary is my candidate, go right ahead. I know thinking that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. But this isn't about me. It's about you, the stupid shit you spam and why you are investing so much time and effort into supporting a candidate who lies to you.
Sure seems like you're the one eating all the candy. Oh, and you're my bitch.
You are stupid.But you didnt ride it, you blew it up... BRAVO!!!!
And you call me stupid....
You are stupid.
I am building a shed, you are building a bike... The difference?
My shed will still be standing in a month, that bike will probably be junk.
What I learned is.
You cannot double the HP on a 4 speed sportster without blowing up the clutch basket. It is a design limitation. I have discovered.
@fdd2blk @nitro harley
another day passes, and yet you are still too scared to answer a simple question.
i'll just keep asking because it's hilarious to watch you run away like a coward.
do you consider it racist when you tell obama to go back to kenya?
Poopy pants, You remind me of a stupid fish. You are to easy to flip flop around like a little mud cat or is it a ity bity mudscutle? Who the hell knows. I bet you are glad to be home today just incase your wife has a plug up. Fuck what a mess that would be. TRUMP!
I'm running a scorpion clutch. However they don't make any aftermarket baskets. And that is were the problem is. Bandit only makes a drag only clutch. No charging system can be usedBummer Chesus, I haven't ran a stock clutch in many years. I run Bandit clutches with 3.3" belt drives. They make one for sporty's. If you were to go that way it would be the last clutch you would ever buy. I bought one for my new drag bike a couple years back for around 3k and that was the clutch and belt drive set up. nitro
Poopy pants, I bet your lip is fucking sore from yesterday. I am surprised the other smart fuckers hang out with you. But maybe they are hanging out waiting to see what the fuck you are going to do about your wife stuck on the shitter. TRUMP!
My problem is not failing as a mechanic. But exceeding the design specifications on a component.This coming from a failed mechanic... BRAVO!!
I'm running a scorpion clutch. However they don't make any aftermarket baskets. And that is were the problem is. Bandit only makes a drag only clutch. No charging system can be used
I busted off every spline on the clutch basket shell
that's it, run away. don't dare face your own statements or own up to being the ball of shit that you are.
do you consider it racist when you tell obama to go back to kenya?
I dumped the clutch on the side of the highway. I wasn't revving it real high. But there was some throttle involved.Well that sucks Chesus, I have seen Dyno's break at lot of shit, like the transmissions. Was it on the dyno when it busted? What were you doing when it came apart? nitro
Or problems in America are the common cold type and the liberals are like AIDS. Easy to fight a common cold unless you have AIDS.
I dumped the clutch on the side of the highway. I wasn't revving it real high. But there was some throttle involved.
I'm going to fix this. But it will happen again if I am not careful with what I am doing. Which makes the bike kinda useless. One thing that might be a problem is the only replacement parts are from china for the clutch basket. Only one company makes em V Twin otherwise known as Taiwan Ted. Maybe if I can get the clutch to slip This wont happen again. But I'm kinda fucked now.
well if you limit government you need to attack social issues very seriously and you will be Very unpoplular with the masses about issues such as maybe people should prove they deserve to have a kid. Like issue a license , like a drivers license, to prove to be worthy parents or to even breed. lets face it you can talk about jihadists and the environment and immigration and the wall and wars, but the biggest threat facing , not just this county , but he whole wide world is that there is a lot of very stupid people having children who have no business in the first place. Not only do they just have one or 2, but they have 4 to 8, overpopulating the world with their stupid offspring, who they couldnt even teach simple life lessons to... this is why we need to implement some kind of rule and regulation to keep these people from doing it because they are burdening the system in so many ways,.. look at the homelessness, not enough jobs, social programs that are overburdening and taxes keep going up...and up!I find any presidential election to be rather amusing don's you all think with them attacking each other ??? One could Very well say its rather embarrassing thinking who ever gets the win is going to lead one of the most powerful Countries in the world ..
They bicker like children about tiny things, and yet they can’t even identify the biggest issues we face. They’re like a couple arguing about what color to paint the living room, and meanwhile, their house is on fire. They resort to character attacks as step one because they think voters are too dumb for a real debate. They very often prioritize the agendas of lobbyists (for whom many of them will eventually work) over the urgent needs of Main Street America.
Everyone despises both parties And why shouldn’t they? The main thing that unites most Democrats is being anti-Republican; the main thing that unites most Republicans is being anti-Democrat. No one knows what either party is for -- but almost everyone knows neither party has any solutions for our problems.
Just like this thread same shit page after page , were picking sides yet we know little of either. And what there going to really do ,
If we don’t get them to re-engage -- thinking about how we defend a free society in the face of global jihadis, or how we balance our budgets after baby boomers have dishonestly over-promised for decades, or how we protect First Amendment values in the face of the safe-space movement – then all will indeed have been lost. One of the bright spots with the rising generation, though, is that they really would like to rethink the often knee-jerk partisanship of their parents and grandparents. We should encourage this rethinking
TBH Both parties stink like shit and why are we confined to these 2 terrible options ????? This is America .
If both choices stink , we reject them and go bigger , that's what we do ..
Why can't America draft a honest leader one that would focus 70 percent on solution ,, you know a adult ...
one that didn't' spend his or her life in politics , or one that didn't want to stitch a coalition based on anger, But wants to move the whole nation forward
Some one like me that will focus on 3 -4 big national problems a every day person that sees the problems in everyone daily lives and not from the oval office being fed by a spoon
If i was president i would refuse to live in the white house ..
I would focus on the age of cyber attacks and jihadists
A honest budget reform so we stop stealing from future generations
Empowering, states and local governments to improve k12 education our most valuable resource
Taking a oath to preserve, protect , and defend the constitution there for i am for limited Government .