please read a book or study up before releasing dribble out of said pie-hole.
the mortgage industry is a fraud machine.
the appraisers, the rating agencies, the entire mortgage industry switched from stringent credit checks under old savings and loan standards and because of securitization providing faux liquidity into credit markets, these scum bags worked hand in hand flipping homes with liar loans, ninja loans. they would sell fresh mortgages ( very bad mortgages ) into wall street meat grinder so more faux liquidity could be created at 40-1 leverage.
a pin head could see the home prices explode on a simple case/shiller chart since the late 90's as securitization gathered pace. a 2% trend became a yearly 6% trend in value. the banks ( citi , jp morgan, goldman sachs ) payed off the clintons the first go around when they de-regulated the system. much like the 20's-30's depression, the regulation was put in place so these trading houses could not become systemic risks but under the corrupt clinton regime, they went back and revisited sins of the past. deregulated banking so they could pump trillions of fresh liquidity via cds, cdo, out of control leverage.
then the economy crashed in 2007 because of this deregulation exploding in everyones face as those bundled mortgages started imploding. dragging the world toward global depression. this forced .gov to bailout the fucking bankers, countrywide. who bailed out the banks ? tax payers...... so because bill and hillary being totally fucking corrupt, the system crashed. now the clinton foundation gets " kick -backs " from citi, goldman sachs, jp morgan for enriching the elite who run these businesses.
25 trillion gone from global banking system, families crushed, job market destroyed, bailouts........ but yet not one fucking banking, mortgage, rating agency ceo in prison ? yet i can turn on cops and see 30 people in squad car per hour for petty shit.
viva hillary and her corruption. a dirty ass family that has destroyed america with cocaine running, corruption, deregulating banking industry over decades ....