Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
So you want your politicians to be people that aren't politicians? Definitely bro, that makes tons of sense. I have a Dr's appointment tomorrow, hopefully he's not a real Dr.
doctors are accredited by the AMA. politicians are accredited by what? twitter bots? pic related is hillary and her "followers" somehow posting the same thing in the same instant. those are totally a sign of a good politician.1465545112566.jpg



Well-Known Member
Hey Dog, I liked Ali , and I still do. But the liberal cartoon people could have had somebody proof read the cartoon before they printed it. There were plenty of boxers that didn't have the bigotry and racism attached to their past like Malcolm X and sunni muslims that kill people for being gay and abuse women like they do. Just saying?

And like I said I like Ali and I am not sure if Ali would of agreed to be a character in a racist cartoon anyway. This was a major back fire on liberal funnies. imo
it is agreed by all that ali was a hero against bigotry and racism, which is the opposite of how you see things.

probably because you are a racist though. a dumb racist. a high school dropout racist.


Well-Known Member
There is another aspect of this that shows Trump is not just creepy for looking, touching and speaking about his daughter "that way". He also said he'd date his daughter from his first wife when married to his second one. That's really fucking insensitive behavior to his wife. There is almost always tension between a step daughter and a man's second wife. It's a public humiliation of his wife. Just plain trashy behavior on Trump's part.

That said, this not what disqualifies Trump for prez. It's about as germane to the election as Bill's well known past regarding Lewinsky and other women when Hillary is the one running for office. It's a character issue that may or may not be important.

What disqualifies Trump among many other things are his incredibly dense ideas about national defense and the police action he promises to unleash on the people of this country to root out and deport 11 million people. Speaking of which, why is that a good thing to do?
trump sexualizes his 1 year old daughter.



Well-Known Member
If politicians put the US into the double digit trillions debt, maybe someone that is successful with money can turn that around. Lord knows, Obama did not, Bush did not. So Dems and Repubs are out.

I hope you get a hot nurse.
bush did turn it around. he took a surplus and turned it into the most massive deficit in all of united states history.

obama has turned that around in the other direction and lowered the deficit more than any other president in history.

you are mentally retarded.


Well-Known Member
i knew you were racist. and a pussy.

now go collect your federal welfare check and send me a thank you note for it, bum.
You didn't notice the reply I attached it to? It's mocking trump. Fuck trump. And I'm a disabled vet receiving what's owd me. It's Army compensation. I've already told you this.


Well-Known Member
Trump never protected a pedophile.
trump is being sued for pedophilia.

Donald Trump Named In Lawsuit Alleging Rape Of Teen Girl

Some of the details are quite graphic. Of those charges, Trump is accused of tying the young girl to a bed and raping her, at one point.

Ms. Johnson claims that she begged Trump to use a condom, which he did not. When she expressed fear after the rape that he’d impregnated her, she said he angrily threw $100 bills at her and told her to “get a f***ing abortion.”



Well-Known Member
bush did turn it around. he took a surplus and turned it into the most massive deficit in all of united states history.

obama has turned that around in the other direction and lowered the deficit more than any other president in history.

you are mentally retarded.
Obama`s 2017 spending is higher than all other Presidents including W combined. That should fix it and lower the deficit. You agree ?

Call me on it, put up the 2017 spending bill.
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