Donald Trump

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Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
By targeting a gay nightclub, he said, Mateen struck "at the heart and soul of who we are as a nation".
"It's an assault on the ability of free people to live their lives, love who they want, and express their identity," Mr Trump said. "It's an attack on the right of every single American to live in peace and safety in their own country."


Well-Known Member
By targeting a gay nightclub, he said, Mateen struck "at the heart and soul of who we are as a nation".
"It's an assault on the ability of free people to live their lives, love who they want, and express their identity," Mr Trump said. "It's an attack on the right of every single American to live in peace and safety in their own country."
do you just post random shit? are your synapses OK?


Well-Known Member
@UncleBuck You're losing the battle, and going down in flames. LOL

Polls, studies, and white papers in general slant the truth, more times than not.

Sorry UncleBuck if all of this info ^^^^ flies right over your head. Hillary fans, tend not to think and I feel sorry for them.
Trump Airlines - Failed
Trump Casinos - Failed
Trump Mortgages - Failed
Trump University - Failed
Trump Vodka - Failed
China Connection - Failed
Bankruptcies - Four

He jumps at the chance to attack Muslims, Mexicans, journalists, newspapers, scientists, women who aren't pretty enough for him, women who breastfeed, people who are taken prisoner, Macy's, Apple, fat people, thirsty people, handicapped people, and even the Pope....but he has to be careful and do more research before he criticizes the KKK. What makes you think this sick shit-for-brains lunatic could ever run a country?

As per usual, Buck has you plebs foaming at the mouth by pointing out facts. And, it's Hillary-ous! I don't sympathize with people who suffer from rational thought neglect...Good day, sir.



Well-Known Member
Trump Airlines - Failed
Trump Casinos - Failed
Trump Mortgages - Failed
Trump University - Failed
Trump Vodka - Failed
China Connection - Failed
Bankruptcies - Four

He jumps at the chance to attack Muslims, Mexicans, journalists, newspapers, scientists, women who aren't pretty enough for him, women who breastfeed, people who are taken prisoner, Macy's, Apple, fat people, thirsty people, handicapped people, and even the Pope....but he has to be careful and do more research before he criticizes the KKK. What makes you think this sick shit-for-brains lunatic could ever run a country?

As per usual, Buck has you plebs foaming at the mouth by pointing out facts. And, it's Hillary-ous! I don't sympathize with people who suffer from rational thought neglect...Good day, sir.


And yet, somehow, he got the nomination.

Society is doomed, even when he looses.


Well-Known Member
Trump Airlines - Failed
Trump Casinos - Failed
Trump Mortgages - Failed
Trump University - Failed
Trump Vodka - Failed
China Connection - Failed
Bankruptcies - Four

He jumps at the chance to attack Muslims, Mexicans, journalists, newspapers, scientists, women who aren't pretty enough for him, women who breastfeed, people who are taken prisoner, Macy's, Apple, fat people, thirsty people, handicapped people, and even the Pope....but he has to be careful and do more research before he criticizes the KKK. What makes you think this sick shit-for-brains lunatic could ever run a country?

As per usual, Buck has you plebs foaming at the mouth by pointing out facts. And, it's Hillary-ous! I don't sympathize with people who suffer from rational thought neglect...Good day, sir.

Yet you ignore his success. What has Hillary Clinton been successful at? I can show you dozens of buildings and golf courses across the world built by Donald Trump. All you can show me of Hillary is a paper trail of scandal from Arkansas to the White House.


Well-Known Member
and Trump's bitch slapping down Hillary. I can hear the Whole Foods crowd shedding tears as I type. LOL

So not all his businesses panned out. So what, no one Died and no National Security Secrets were leaked as a result of that.

He's still go plenty of $$$, a hot wife, and kids that not only look up to him, but behave themselves. Looks like his house is in order.
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Well-Known Member
And yet, somehow, he got the nomination.

Society is doomed, even when he looses.
Bought his way through life with daddy's money. It's pathetic.
Yet you ignore his success. What has Hillary Clinton been successful at? I can show you dozens of buildings and golf courses across the world built by Donald Trump. .
B-b-but he has sooo much money! What a piss poor argument.


Well-Known Member
Bought his way through life with daddy's money. It's pathetic.

B-b-but he has sooo much money! What a piss poor argument.
How did he buy his nomination? He didnt use his dad's money to make his fortune. Your facts are incorrect so your conclusions have little chance of being correct.


Well-Known Member
and you believe those polls. How funny.

A quote from the Wall Street Journal : " Poll numbers, despite their seeming precision, are not hard data. They are clues to the mysteries that lie in human hearts. Polls tell us that the Affordable Care Act and the Iran nuclear deal are unpopular with most Americans, and polls tell us that the sharp partisan polarization of Americans today is based not so much on ephemeral preferences or ancestral loyalties as it is on deeply held moral and religious (or secular) beliefs. "

I agree with this, Poll numbers are NOT hard data.

I would add, Propaganda is not fact either. Polls are most often tools of propaganda. Now you do the math, and think for yourself.

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