Donald Trump

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When are you going to learn that debt is not interchangeable with deficit?

when are you gonna learn that the only party in modern history to reduce either the debt or the deficit has been the democratic party under obama and clinon?

the republicans you vote for, while you voice your concern over the debt, is the party that invariably (that means every single time) blows up the debt and deficit.

when are you going to learn that voicing concern over the debt while voting for the party that grows the debt makes you mentally deficient in ways that even a semi-retarded 8 year old could point out?
Here are some highlights in chronological order:

  • The U.S. Department of Justice sued Trump for an antitrust violation in 1988 and won. Trump was forced to pay $750,000. The real-estate magnate agreed to pay the penalty stemming from his attempted takeovers of two companies. The feds said that his stock purchases in the companies violated the FTC’s notification requirements.

  • 1990 was a big legal year for Donald Trump. He was named as a defendant in 21 lawsuits filed by different businesses and individuals. Several sued him for securities fraud and breach of contract. Most of the complaints stem from the Trump’s corporation filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy from creditors following the building of the Taj Mahal Casino in Atlantic City, New Jersey. By 1991, the resort was nearly $3 billion in debt, according to the New York Times.

  • It’s not just Trump being sued. He has sued Palm Beach, where he has a home, at least three different times. In 1992, he filed a $100 million lawsuit over the membership club Mar-a-Lago, the council eventually “acquiesced” and allowed him to make some of his property into a private club. He then sued the Palm Beach Airport for noise violations, and tried to prevent them from expandingnear his private club. Palm Beach County estimates that legal fights with Trump related to the airport have cost taxpayers at least $600,000. The most entertaining is probably the $25 million lawsuit he filed against the town, who cited him for displaying an American flag on his property. “The town council of Palm Beach should be ashamed of itself,” Trump said, according to Politico. “They’re fining me for putting up the American flag. This is probably a first in United States history.”

  • In 1995, the personal assistant to Donald Trump’s ex-wife Marlafiled a federal lawsuit against them that went on for years. It readslike an article in the National Inquirer, with accusations of nude pictures being sent to tabloids, and panty stealing. In 2003, a judge finally dismissed the case, calling the plaintiff’s case full of “ramblings.”

  • A New Hampshire man, upset he didn’t appear on Trump’s reality show The Apprentice, sued for allegedly discriminating against an older contestant. The 51-year-old withdrew his lawsuit after entering into a settlement agreement, according to Law 360.

  • A college student filed a lawsuit against Trump’s profit seeking college, Trump University, and a federal judge eventually ordered the school pay $798,000 in legal fees, according to Courthouse News. The student claimed the university and Trump engaged in deceptive practices, and that the seminars were nothing more than infomercials. Trump’s name was eventually dropped from the suit.

  • Rafel Oliveras and Lopez De Victoria who live in Puerto Rico filed a lawsuit last year. The duo claim “Candidate Donald Trump publicly disgraced and discriminated against Hispanics by wholesale comparing them with murderers, rapists and known gang members.” The couple wants him barred him from seeking the office of President of the United States all together.

  • The most recent lawsuit was filed in December by Federick Banks — who says he is an American Indian Witch. He also sued the CIA director.

I guess the poor, sad, nearly retarded Drumpf had to recoup some of his daddy's lost bread SOMEhow! lol
I mean, after FOUR bankruptcies and MULTIPLE failed/scam ventures, he's just about tapped out! "Billionaire", lol!! It's karma in action, though, kiddies - His ruthless despicable father swindled that fortune from the BACKS of hardworking people via YEARS of slumlording throughout NYC!

Go ahead, ask him to release his tax forms....he gives next to nothing to charities, a truly grotesque creature if ever there was one!
Its just too bad that the Jews run that website.

Jill is that YOU?
"The Jews" eloquent, there's a place for you in Romneys PR dept. Dude that's a succinct turd statement that expresses your fecal character. It's going in my sig.

Surprise! this is the quality of character you find on a Trump support thread.

@StevieBevie @Flaming Pie you culturally impoverished heifers can probably put some feathers in the crown of assholery that @6ohMax proudly wears.
"The Jews" eloquent, there's a place for you in Romneys PR dept. Dude that's a succinct turd statement that expresses your fecal character. It's going in my sig.

Surprise! this is the quality of character you find on a Trump support thread.

@StevieBevie @Flaming Pie you culturally impoverished heifers can probably put some feathers in the crown of assholery that @6ohMax proudly wears.

Don't feed/fuel it, you'll only make it hang around longer....the fact that it's still permitted to even post here speaks volumes about anti-Semitism, sigh....
Don't feed/fuel it, you'll only make it hang around longer....the fact that it's still permitted to even post here speaks volumes about anti-Semitism, sigh....
The clot of fucking racist half wits that constitute his followers is bewildering. How ironic is it that every so often you get the false protest : 'oh those asshole libs will call you a racist everytime you ....' meanwhile shit brained , impoverished, fucking nit wits are dumber than fuck and proud to demean any race other than their own. It's the backwardness of the least fit to evolve. Assholes you are going bye bye
Donald Trump's garden

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