Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
why do ppl debate over the lesser of two evils whe its more than obvious to even the least retarded among us that the fucking system is broken and the game is rigged. we don't choose shit...we are given a choice between the lesser of two evils....oh woe is me....thank god I don't have kids


Well-Known Member
I listened to Trumps 'speech' last night.


  1. He doesn't give speeches; he tells stories and speaks the truth as he sees it..right or wrong it's his style and I can see his draw. It's like the difference between visual learners and not. He's not a politician; he's an entertainer.
  2. I really appreciated hearing his side of the Brexit/Turnberry story which all fell into place and he can't lie that well..he was telling the truth.
  3. There was only one time that he said an outright nontruth and it was so minuscule I can't even remember what it was.
  4. I see a father; a business man who's had his own share of fallout from Atlantic City high interest loans that were only available at the time. So in essence, he's had his share, too.
  5. This has given me pause and I need to see what Bernie comes up with besides pending free tuition which is huge but I need more than Hillarys less than sterling word that it will happen..I need to see something immediate like getting rid of DWS..which was Bernies #1 obvi they can't say but he's no longer talking about..did it ALREADY happen?

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I listened to Trumps 'speech' last night.


  1. He doesn't give speeches; he tells stories and speaks the truth as he sees it..right or wrong it's his style and I can see his draw. It's like the difference between visual learners and not. He's not a politician; he's an entertainer.
  2. I really appreciated hearing his side of the Brexit/Turnberry story which all fell into place and he can't lie that well..he was telling the truth.
  3. There was only one time that he said an outright nontruth and it was so minuscule I can't even remember what it was.
  4. I see a father; a business man who's had his own share of fallout from Atlantic City high interest loans that were only available at the time. So in essence, he's had his share, too.
  5. This has given me pause and I need to see what Bernie comes up with besides pending free tuition which is huge but I need more than Hillarys less than sterling word that it will happen..I need to see something immediate like getting rid of DWS..which was Bernies #1 obvi they can't say but he's no longer talking about..did it ALREADY happen?
Check out my link to the origin of rape allegations.

Trump may be the literal definition of diamond in the rough. He is probably the only person who stands a chance of beating hillary in this election too.


Well-Known Member
I listened to Trumps 'speech' last night.


  1. He doesn't give speeches; he tells stories and speaks the truth as he sees it..right or wrong it's his style and I can see his draw. It's like the difference between visual learners and not. He's not a politician; he's an entertainer.
  2. I really appreciated hearing his side of the Brexit/Turnberry story which all fell into place and he can't lie that well..he was telling the truth.
  3. There was only one time that he said an outright nontruth and it was so minuscule I can't even remember what it was.
  4. I see a father; a business man who's had his own share of fallout from Atlantic City high interest loans that were only available at the time. So in essence, he's had his share, too.
  5. This has given me pause and I need to see what Bernie comes up with besides pending free tuition which is huge but I need more than Hillarys less than sterling word that it will happen..I need to see something immediate like getting rid of DWS..which was Bernies #1 obvi they can't say but he's no longer talking about..did it ALREADY happen?
What speech did you watch???
I saw a crazy manic on stage, who could not stay on message.
A bumbling fool that should never hold the office of POTUS.
I could never imagine this idiot giving a speech to the UN, we would be the laughing stock of the world.
mosquitoes WTF


Well-Known Member
a business man who's had his own share of fallout from Atlantic City high interest loans that were only available at the time.
from USA Today:
"Trump pushed to take over, saying he needed full control to get prime financing instead of high-interest, high-risk junk bonds.

“The rates are so high on the junk bonds that they make the company – (a company) that could have been a very good company – they make them junk,” Trump told the state commission at a Feb. 8, 1988, hearing. “So, it’s like a self-fulfilling prophecy almost.”

Trump’s testimony sold himself as a skilled manager who could achieve deals where others failed and get banks to offer better financing. “I mean, the banks call me all the time. It’s easier to finance if Donald Trump owns it.”

Then Trump financed the Taj with exactly what he promised he would not: $675 million in junk bonds at 14% interest, bankruptcy records show."

no matter how much you polish a turd, it's still a turd.


Well-Known Member
name 5 things that President Clinton (part 2) will do that will cause irreversible damage.
Take away your guns,disrupt the middle east,stir up racial tension,import syrian refugees,fuck us on trade,open the border,encourage civil unrest and rioting,sell out to big pharma and turn this country even more gay than it already is while celebrating abortion. And those are just the plans she tells us about.


Well-Known Member
Take away your guns,disrupt the middle east,stir up racial tension,import syrian refugees,fuck us on trade,open the border,encourage civil unrest and rioting,sell out to big pharma and turn this country even more gay than it already is while celebrating abortion. And those are just the plans she tells us about.
i hope a gay syrian refugee rapes you at gunpoint.
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