Donald Trump

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Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
NOTE: Persons marginally attached to the labor force are those who currently are neither working nor looking for work but indicate that they want and are available for a job and have looked for work sometime in the past 12 months. Discouraged workers, a subset of the marginally attached, have given a job-market related reason for not currently looking for work. Persons employed part time for economic reasons are those who want and are available for full-time work but have had to settle for a part-time schedule. Updated population controls are introduced annually with the release of January data.

June is 9.9%

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member

Maybe we should quit worrying so much about corporate tax rates and start focusing on creating economic opportunities for employment.


Well-Known Member
Posting data and news is desperate.

It's a vast right wing conspiracy.
i guess you're right.

it's totally obama's fault that people like you are sitting around, collecting food stamps and having babies that you can't afford on the taxpayer dime instead of actually going out and getting a job.

it's also hillary's fault too.

all we need to do is cut corporate taxes and they will magically create more jobs even though that does nothing to spur demand. fucking right wing smarts on display right there.

you have to be a pretty dim bulb to sit there and complain about people not working when you are one of those people who is able to work, but doesn't. to add insult, you even collect food stamps, welfare, and have kids you can't afford.

not only desperate, but hypocritical and pathetic.


Well-Known Member
it's totally obama's fault that people like you are sitting around, collecting food stamps and having babies that you can't afford on the taxpayer dime instead of actually going out and getting a job.

it's also hillary's fault too.

not only desperate, but hypocritical and pathetic.
This made me laugh. I love this post. cheers and peace

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
i guess you're right.

it's totally obama's fault that people like you are sitting around, collecting food stamps and having babies that you can't afford on the taxpayer dime instead of actually going out and getting a job.

it's also hillary's fault too.

all we need to do is cut corporate taxes and they will magically create more jobs even though that does nothing to spur demand. fucking right wing smarts on display right there.

you have to be a pretty dim bulb to sit there and complain about people not working when you are one of those people who is able to work, but doesn't. to add insult, you even collect food stamps, welfare, and have kids you can't afford.

not only desperate, but hypocritical and pathetic.
Nah we need to start using tariffs more.

That goes against the globalist free trade mantra tho.

China seems to have no problem taxing our imports with a VAT of 17% right off the bat . Plus they have an import tax on our products of 9.7% while we only apply an import tax of 2.5% to their goods.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Has no one learned from the Brexit what happens when conservative, xenophophobic, misinformed wankers get what they want?
Why? What horrible tragedy has befallen the brits?

Do you mean the part where obama said they would have to get to the back of the line in trade?


Well-Known Member
Nah we need to start using tariffs more.

That goes against the globalist free trade mantra tho.

China seems to have no problem taxing our imports with a VAT of 17% right off the bat . Plus they have an import tax on our products of 9.7% while we only apply an import tax of 2.5% to their goods.
A little bit of 'knowledge' is a fucked up, scary thing. You can't construct a post that doesnt sound like it came from stepford wives camp but you've got a grip on intl trade policy? GTFOH you're a spineless wench aping idiot shit that youve been programmed with.
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