Donald Trump

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Wow, wait until the voters see that! Oh, they did? And your candidate is still far, far behind her. Wow, he must really suck. How is he campaigning - by telling people to shoot elected officials and judges?

stop smearing trump. his quote is up for interpretation. he could have meant assassinating hillary clinton instead of federal judges. it's all very vague.
Dumb is kind. He is stupid. Low IQ without a developmental disability. Just plain stupid with no excuses.

Its ok you probably remember him vaguely. Remember being in grade school and walking to the bathroom. As you walked you wondered what the other kids were learning and you would peek into the other classrooms. You would see a stupid kid twirling in his seat in the back and you realized these kids weren't learning what you were learning. They were a little behind. And that's when you realized that some people in this world were just stupid and no amount of compassion or information or education would fix it. You grew a little older and sadder that day.
don't just plagiarize your posts, you racist fuck. cite your goddamn sources.

in this case, it is the beyond-retarded conspiracy network of alex jones once again.

i honestly feel sorry for any idiot who thinks that bumbling tin foil hatter is a valid source for anything, but nonetheless the stupidity of the racist losers who post this shit is really starting to hurt my feelings.

This is way different than David Duke supporting trump.
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hillary has already stated that it was an open event, and has disavowed his support. didn't even try to blame anything on a bad earpiece.

meanwhile, david duke came out in full support of trump and trump had a clear and unambiguous chance to disavow the KKK and david duke. he refused to do so.

it is not just david duke supporting trump either, or even just the KKK for that matter. white nationalists and white supremacists of all sorts are out there actively campaigning for trump.

go have sex with a bible.
You make me sad. Did you really believe this or do you just not care about what is true? There are so many lies in this article that I cannot even begin to cover them all, but it is total fabrication.

Your link is to a totally fake ABC site. Take a look at the other articles on their 'home' page. The other fake articles are hilarious. You would think they would at least get the logo right, but even that is an obvious cut and paste that the originator stretched and forgot to fix.

Please, try to save whatever pride you have left and stop. Just stop. The more you post the more your stupidity (or dishonesty) shows.

And by way, there is no honey in your candidate's carcass, he is simply a bloated bag of hate and lies.
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hillary has already stated that it was an open event, and has disavowed his support. didn't even try to blame anything on a bad earpiece.

meanwhile, david duke came out in full support of trump and trump had a clear and unambiguous chance to disavow the KKK and david duke. he refused to do so.

it is not just david duke supporting trump either, or even just the KKK for that matter. white nationalists and white supremacists of all sorts are out there actively campaigning for trump.

go have sex with a bible.
You make me sad. Did you really believe this or do you just not care about what is true? There are so many lies in this article that I cannot even begin to cover them all, but it is total fabrication.

Your link is to a totally fake ABC site. Take a look at the other articles on their 'home' page. The other fake articles are hilarious. You would think they would at least get the logo right, but even that is an obvious cut and paste that the originator stretched and forgot to fix.

Please, try to save whatever pride you have left and stop. Just stop. The more you post the more your stupidity (or dishonesty) shows.

And by way, there is no honey in your candidate's carcass, he is simply a bloated bag of hate and lies.

i know, i hate fox news, too.


TAPPER: I want to ask you about the Anti-Defamation League, which this week called on you to publicly condemn unequivocally the racism of former KKK grand wizard David Duke, who recently said that voting against you at this point would be treason to your heritage.

Will you unequivocally condemn David Duke and say that you don’t want his vote or that of other white supremacists in this election?

TRUMP: Well, just so you understand, I don’t know anything about David Duke. OK? I don’t know anything about what you’re even talking about with white supremacy or white supremacists. So, I don’t know.

I don’t know, did he endorse me or what’s going on, because, you know, I know nothing about David Duke. I know nothing about white supremacists. And so you’re asking me a question that I’m supposed to be talking about people that I know nothing about.

TAPPER: But I guess the question from the Anti-Defamation League is, even if you don’t know about their endorsement, there are these groups and individuals endorsing you. Would you just say unequivocally you condemn them and you don’t want their support?

TRUMP: Well, I have to look at the group. I mean, I don’t know what group you’re talking about.

You wouldn’t want me to condemn a group that I know nothing about. I would have to look. If you would send me a list of the groups, I will do research on them. And, certainly, I would disavow if I thought there was something wrong.

TAPPER: The Ku Klux Klan?

TRUMP: But you may have groups in there that are totally fine, and it would be very unfair. So, give me a list of the groups, and I will let you know.

TAPPER: OK. I mean, I’m just talking about David Duke and the Ku Klux Klan here, but…

TRUMP: I don’t know any — honestly, I don’t know David Duke. I don’t believe I have ever met him. I’m pretty sure I didn’t meet him. And I just don’t know anything about him.

TAPPER: All right.


TAPPER: I want to ask you about the Anti-Defamation League, which this week called on you to publicly condemn unequivocally the racism of former KKK grand wizard David Duke, who recently said that voting against you at this point would be treason to your heritage.

Will you unequivocally condemn David Duke and say that you don’t want his vote or that of other white supremacists in this election?

TRUMP: Well, just so you understand, I don’t know anything about David Duke. OK? I don’t know anything about what you’re even talking about with white supremacy or white supremacists. So, I don’t know.

I don’t know, did he endorse me or what’s going on, because, you know, I know nothing about David Duke. I know nothing about white supremacists. And so you’re asking me a question that I’m supposed to be talking about people that I know nothing about.

TAPPER: But I guess the question from the Anti-Defamation League is, even if you don’t know about their endorsement, there are these groups and individuals endorsing you. Would you just say unequivocally you condemn them and you don’t want their support?

TRUMP: Well, I have to look at the group. I mean, I don’t know what group you’re talking about.

You wouldn’t want me to condemn a group that I know nothing about. I would have to look. If you would send me a list of the groups, I will do research on them. And, certainly, I would disavow if I thought there was something wrong.

TAPPER: The Ku Klux Klan?

TRUMP: But you may have groups in there that are totally fine, and it would be very unfair. So, give me a list of the groups, I will let you know.

TAPPER: OK. I mean, I’m just talking about David Duke and the Ku Klux Klan here, but…

TRUMP: I don’t know any — honestly, I don’t know David Duke. I don’t believe I have ever met him. I’m pretty sure I didn’t meet him. And I just don’t know anything about him.

TAPPER: All right.


TRUMP: I disavowed David Duke a day before at a major press conference, and I'm saying to myself, how many times do I have to continue to disavow people? And the question was asked about David Duke and various groups. And I don't know who the groups are. I said, would you do me a favor and tell me the groups? He was unable to tell me that.
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