Uncle Ben
Well-Known Member
Yeah like that is going to happen.
I am surprised he remembers to breath.
brain farts
Yeah like that is going to happen.
I am surprised he remembers to breath.
The Five do have a great sense of humor. Give them a try rather than spouting the same old ignorant liberal mantras.
It's not FOX you hate. You feel threatened by their truths as they expose the left for the crooks and hypocrites that they are.
Enjoy your Kool Aid
Oh Benny, Benny, Benny from the Block...
Remember when Eric Bolling said on the gun control issue that countries with higher gun controller and stricter gun laws face more gun violence?
Spin, take it out of context, do what you do best.
Here's what actually went down.
I have heard Bolling say on several occasions what's actually true, that no-gun zones have the most incidences of violence and the only way to protect communities is to give law abiding and sane people hand guns so they can protect themselves.
in another "fight" with Geraldo Rivera.
“Do you agree that crazy people shouldn’t have access to guns,” Rivera asked pointedly.
“Absolutely,” Bolling replied. “Arming people with – sane people – with handguns and rifles, makes the community a lot more safe.”
I wont vote for anyone that started as a political party. We are where we`re at because of them.
Obama can close the camp at will.
The Supreme court should not even be involved, yes it`s Constitutional, and within the law,...But it`s the second version of it, the first draft Obama penned,.. Worked for everyone equally and fairly and always. He sold that to lobbyists for big insurance and I will never forget it. We`re stuck with ACA2.0 that only works for exchanges and big insurance. Nothing or no-one else.
His Nobel is a joke and you know it. He ended nothing, he postponed the inevitable. Now we have Both ISIS and refugees angry at us.
Sadam was killing his own people and was taken out, ISIS is killing there own people brutally as well, they are allowed to continue by Obama. He has no choices, if he goes all out on ISIS now, what does that say about his Nobel ?
WE can`t go on having a two Party system bought and paid for by the super rich.
Had Carson or Sanders said they would not support the eventual nominee,...they might get consideration. But they are bought and pre-programed.
The Five do have a great sense of humor. Give them a try rather than spouting the same old ignorant liberal mantras.
It's not FOX you hate. You feel threatened by their truths as they expose the left for the crooks and hypocrites that they are.
Enjoy your Kool Aid
You just called me a liberal...The Five do have a great sense of humor. Give them a try rather than spouting the same old ignorant liberal mantras.
It's not FOX you hate. You feel threatened by their truths as they expose the left for the crooks and hypocrites that they are.
Enjoy your Kool Aid
Gitmo was created after 9/11 by an act of congress, and if you understood the 3 branches of Government NO president can close it down, it requires an act of Congress... Civics 101, guess you didn't do to well in that class huh? Your statements truly demenstrate that you lack understanding of that vital fact, google it if you care to want to know how that works.
The moment Bush went in and took out Saddam AlQaeda, then ISIS was created by the vacuum left behind. We had a sworn enemy of Iran when Saddam was there, remember Iran-Iraq war?
I don`t need to Google it scholar.
Gitmo is a military base with a military prison. While Obama and Kerry can`t touch funding for it, Obama can evac. it at will. Congress does not move troops.....eva. He can order all off the base, Who`s down there ?...the 3rd. As soon as he puts the 3rd in place he can evac. it. He is the CinC.
That is that. His problem is , he has to charge the prisoners with war crimes or return them to their country as POW`s. He wont get the go to put them in US prisons so he will have to set them free or return them.
He wont do any of that because he knows what will happen.
Yes, I remember the tanker wars and how the US BB`s pretty much ended that with presence alone. No further action against shipping went down with those two in the Gulf.
Sadam was killing his own people that were against his policies. Now, Bush may have struck down Sadam, but because of ROE`s could not suppress the reaction after. You forget that NO WARRANT WAS SERVED (declaration of war)....that changes everything.
More bad guys are running around Iraq now, not because Sadam is gone, it`s because nothing was put into play after the deed. That`s right,....Obama has done nothing in 8 years but pull troops out and let bad guys grow.
Today you have refugees in Hungary hating on the US because of the lack of the help they should have gotten.
Where you one of the .."get out" .. people that thought things would improve after we pulled out? The,... "it`s none of our business"... guys ?....
However he did it, Sadam was an elected official, the sloppy job of putting an official back in place by the Administration, I think it was Hillary at the time, was piss poor and boarders on criminal,....that`s why we have ISIS,....ISIS killed off all those threats from the .."Badass".. Iraq has in charge.
Well done,....agree ?
How far does that extend? For example, do you support the NSA domestic spying program or the drone program that has killed an American citizen abroad?Look I'm not an Obama supporter, however I will support MY president Replican or Democrat
How far does that extend? For example, do you support the NSA domestic spying program or the drone program that has killed an American citizen abroad?
I understand where you're coming from, but I think nationalism can be dangerous
Aah, I see, good sentiment, I feel the same way. People who hate the policy because of the president, even if it's actually a good policy, are idiots.. I'm not sure I can really hold conservatives responsible for that though because the liberal/conservative paradigm affects both, liberals and conservatives.. Both of them see the "left/right" issue while ignoring the "up/down" issue.. I think people in our society are all equally as susceptible to political/social propaganda, and we've all been exposed to it on a daily basis our entire lives, regardless of any of our personal beliefs or feelings about our educations or where we were born or the way we grew up or any of thatI'm just saying I just don't hate our President simply because i dissagree with him, black, white, Democrat or Republican like some folks do. That is all I'm saying.
Domestic spying has been going on for decades and the drone program has been ramped up under this administration but the alternative are more body bags.
Ok, I understand now. You are a worshipper of that echo chamber called FOX. It's all Obamas fault. Look I'm not an Obama supporter, however I will support MY president Replican or Democrat
Your coward like,....FOX viewer and run tactic,....shows your aged .
Biden is a name you can trust not to defund the EPA.Most Republicans lose me with science denial & climate change. They wish to de-fund the EPA?....really?![]()