Donald Trump

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Biden is a name you can trust not to defund the EPA.

Don't let Obama's failures bring his name down.

Unleash the Biden 2016
Unfortunately Biden will be a hard sell, as most will see him as just more of the same. He's tainted by association. Voters on both sides want change.....
People running for presidential office can't sell policy, by definition it's impossible. They sell wet dreams. The reality hits when they finally get into office. Our whole election process would be different if we voted based on policy.

This election cycle is fundamentally made of up of two camps, the "free stuff" guys and those searching for a "savior" from the "free stuff" guys.

It's not the season of moderates.

especially with people like you around pushing for fucking eugenics.
Trump was befuddled and gobsmacked in last nights "debate"
Fiorina and Rubio were the primary beneficiaries of Trump's abject and obvious confusion.
Good stuff.

Now on Oct. 13 we all we get to see the Dems hash it out for the first time...load up on the popcorn and jujubes, Kids!

Maybe Gov. Moonbeam will announce and provide us with mirthful, additional entertainment!! -----
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Most Republicans lose me with science denial & climate change. They wish to de-fund the EPA?....really?o_O

They will deny, deny, deny science and the biggest denier of them all ...James Inhoffe chairs the science commitee, hell the bozos believe the earth is 5,000 yers old! Really these are the thoughts of elected officials. The Republican party 2015 are graduates of clown college. Whew!

What ever happened to the party of Lincoln?
Trump was befuddled and gobsmacked in last nights "debate"
Fiorina and Rubio were the primary beneficiaries of Trump's abject and obvious confusion.
Good stuff.

Now on Oct. 13 we all we get to see the Dems hash it out for the first time...load up on the popcorn and jujubes, Kids!

Maybe Gov. Moonbeam will announce and provide us with mirthful, additional entertainment!! -----

Loading up on the popcorn pulled up a chair!!
I'm an Independant I look at all sides. The left, right, far right. Rush limpdick, Fox, MSNBC, Cnn, washington report, cspan and on and on. Most just listen to 1 idealogy only and man are you blatantly a hater!

And yes you are correct I am aged as you say but open minded unlike yourself who will vote against your self best interest based on hate, I use Obamacare because it can keep me alive yet I don't support all his views.

Where in this world did you pull this log of shit out of ? You must tell me where all this info on me was gotten. When you talk this kind of shit, reeks of Democrat.
This guy in my English class made an argument about WW2 paving the way for the work force in America. In his opinion WW2 helped minorities get better jobs in America because all of the white people where fighting in the war. Do people really think like that?
This guy in my English class made an argument about WW2 paving the way for the work force in America. In his opinion WW2 helped minorities get better jobs in America because all of the white people where fighting in the war. Do people really think like that?
It is true.
And what happened to the larger minority work force after the war?
now that I read his argument again It makes more sense. They held it down while others were at war. Just sounds like something is off to me but I can't put my finger on it.

It is called supply and demand. When there was plenty of white people the businesses could afford to be prejudiced against women, minorities, etc. When labor became scarce they were forced to accept people that would not normally have been considered. After the war things never went back to the way it was previously as people had proven themselves in their jobs. It has been getting better ever since.
You people are so full of it,...the last few posts couldn`t be more wrong. Minorities, ?? Really ??,.... It was the women that built the Tanks, jeeps, guns, artillery, shipping, clothes and the rest of the needs,....A lot of guys didn`t come back.

You guys are ridiculous and so far out,.............

Prejudice is legal,...Shut ya PC asses up.
It is called supply and demand. When there was plenty of white people the businesses could afford to be prejudiced against women, minorities, etc. When labor became scarce they were forced to accept people that would not normally have been considered. After the war things never went back to the way it was previously as people had proven themselves in their jobs. It has been getting better ever since.
They got fired after the war for the most part
Most Republicans lose me with science denial & climate change. They wish to de-fund the EPA?....really?o_O

Shouldn`t the EPA be met with ligatures ? Is it not the EPA that is ruining farming and changing the way we till our soil, with fees and taxes and rules that nobody wants. Member the guy with the pond on his land ? The EPA will soon have total control over what you can or cannot do with your land.

The denial is not that Global warming occurs, or is occurring,.. The denial is how vital the cronies and studies make it appear.

We should address Global warming, but not make such a "money grab/Legislative free for all" out of it. In no way shape or form does the US put the kind of pollution it used to into the air. The rest of the world isn`t our problem,....Remember ? We gonna police the sky now ?
Whatever we do goes East over the Atlantic and enters Europe or Africa, Whatever they do goes East over the Pacific and enters our soil.
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