Donald Trump

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How is Ruby Blows going to take Hispanic votes away from Democrats? He is completely innefective, and probably the biggest puppet running for president. He is completely controlled by his big donors, their desire for H1B visas, and cheap foreign labor.
My bad, I misunderstood the question. I thought you were asking which republican candidate has the best chance at winning the Hispanic vote
How come Lindsay Graham isn't in the early debate this time? Did he finally figure out his chances would be better with the Democrats?
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How come Lindsay Graham isn't it the early debate this time? Did he finally figure out his chances would be better with the Democrats?

you fucking love the republicans. you should rename yourself "is GOP" or "loves GOP".

@rollitup , can we make this happen? might as well have some fun with the spammer.
My bad, I misunderstood the question. I thought you were asking which republican candidate has the best chance at winning the Hispanic vote
Its not a real question when I type "that's right, nobody" afterward. He has zero chance of taking the Hispanic vote, or even a worth while piece of it. Especially as a former "gang of eight" memeber. He sounds robotic to me. Scripted and rehearsed. If Rubio wins the nominee, I won't vote. The best chance republicans have is keep pushing the illegal alien agenda, otherwise we will end up with another moderate/leftist nominee that nobody is excited about voting for.( i.e: Romney, McCain)
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Its not a real question when I type "that's right, nobody" afterward. He has zero chance of taking the Hispanic vote, or even a worth while piece of it. Especially as a former "gang of eight" memeber. He sounds robotic to me. Scripted and rehearsed. If Rubio wins the nominee, I won't vote. The best chance republicans have is keep pushing the illegal alien agenda, otherwise we will end up with another moderate/leftist nominee that nobody is excited about voting for.( i.e: Romney, McCain)
Dude, nobody is interested in voting for a hard-right nominee except the extreme members of the republican party. There are not enough of those kinds of people to win an election. The GOP is fractured into two factions at the moment, moderates and extremists, and that's exactly what the republican field mirrors. The extremists seem to be made up of angry single issue voters, namely abortion, illegal immigration or gay rights, they'll be voting for Cruz, Trump or Carson. There are many more moderates in the party, that's why they nominate a moderate to the general election, if you think an extremist like Cruz could win in a general election, you're kidding yourself.

In regards to the Hispanic vote, the truth is, that's going to the democrats pretty much no matter what, especially when you have people like Trump, who represents the republican party, saying all illegal immigrants are rapists and murderers... Democratic policies benefit minorities, so it shouldn't be a surprise when minorities vote democrat..
Dude, nobody is interested in voting for a hard-right nominee except the extreme members of the republican party. There are not enough of those kinds of people to win an election. The GOP is fractured into two factions at the moment, moderates and extremists, and that's exactly what the republican field mirrors. The extremists seem to be made up of angry single issue voters, namely abortion, illegal immigration or gay rights, they'll be voting for Cruz, Trump or Carson. There are many more moderates in the party, that's why they nominate a moderate to the general election, if you think an extremist like Cruz could win in a general election, you're kidding yourself.

That's you opinion, and I don't really see any point in arguing with it. I'm sure you care a lot about who might be the best republican nominee :roll:

In regards to the Hispanic vote, the truth is, that's going to the democrats pretty much no matter what, especially when you have people like Trump, who represents the republican party, saying all illegal immigrants are rapists and murderers... Democratic policies benefit minorities, so it shouldn't be a surprise when minorities vote democrat..
I agree with that, except Trump never said "all" illegal immigrants are rapists and murderers. But some are. sure. And even the ones who are not need to be deported. Let's try something. I want to see where your head is at. Watch this video. When Trump says "we are going to be saying merry christmas" do you think he means ALL people must become Christian, OR that those who wish to say it, write it, and hang it on a wall will be able to do so once again?

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It wasn't a direct quote, that's why I didn't quote him. I remembered he said something to the effect of illegal immigrants being rapists and murderers - I'm sure he didn't mean "all" of them, but it's still a dumb thing to say, he effectively handed his democratic opposition any chance of gaining the Hispanic vote. These guys saying "Fuck it, I didn't need it anyway!" says a lot about their priorities.
It wasn't a direct quote, that's why I didn't quote him. I remembered he said something to the effect of illegal immigrants being rapists and murderers - I'm sure he didn't mean "all" of them, but it's still a dumb thing to say, he effectively handed his democratic opposition any chance of gaining the Hispanic vote. These guys saying "Fuck it, I didn't need it anyway!" says a lot about their priorities.
Trump needs and wants some of the Hispanic vote. Those here legally. Probelm is, when Democrats get people across the border illegaly, next step is registering to vote. Last I heard, he is doing far better among Hispanics here legally than any other Republican. Especially in Nevada. But to say it is possible for ANY Republican nominee to "get the Hispanic vote" is ridiculous. Not going to happen.
Trump needs and wants some of the Hispanic vote. Those here legally. Probelm is, when Democrats get people across the border illegaly, next step is registering to vote. Last I heard, he is doing far better among Hispanics here legally than any other Republican. Especially in Nevada. But to say it is possible for ANY Republican nominee to "get the Hispanic vote" is ridiculous. Not going to happen.
Democrats don't get people across the border illegally. People cross the border illegally because their lives are shitty largely because of the war on drugs, an American invention. Where does the support for the war on drugs usually come from in our government? How many republicans in congress want to legalize marijuana?

Democrats don't get people across the border illegally. People cross the border illegally because their lives are shitty largely because of the war on drugs, an American invention. Where does the support for the war on drugs usually come from in our government? How many republicans in congress want to legalize marijuana?

Democrats promote the snap program in Mexico all the time. Then they blame it on Bush, the fiscal socialist. I can post numerous articles. AlI citiing illegals who come across the border because they expect to receive public benefits here in America.

Have you heard anything from Trump on marijuana? I believe he may have cited the 10th amendment on that, but I'm not sure...
Democrats don't get people across the border illegally. People cross the border illegally because their lives are shitty largely because of the war on drugs, an American invention. Where does the support for the war on drugs usually come from in our government? How many republicans in congress want to legalize marijuana?


This is typical Democrat bullshit, an excuse for the trespasser, then blame the guy that`s beating up the people the trespasser is running from.
Trump has a incentive to get them to go back over on their own and retry using his method. Trumps ..."wall" is not a material one.

Hillary promised more accountability from the VA in New Hampshire today. Hillary, the typical Democrat has no offers, just same ole promises and favors. She cares only about making history, nothing more.
Democrats promote the snap program in Mexico all the time. Then they blame it on Bush, the fiscal socialist. I can post numerous articles. AlI citiing illegals who come across the border because they expect to receive public benefits here in America.

Have you heard anything from Trump on marijuana? I believe he may have cited the 10th amendment on that, but I'm not sure...
"Myth #4: SNAP benefits go to undocumented immigrants.

FACT: Undocumented immigrants have never been eligible for SNAP. Documented immigrants can only get food stamps if they've lived in the U.S. for at least five years (with exceptions for refugees, asylees and children). In fact, immigrants are far less likely to apply for food stamps because they worry about jeopardizing their immigration status and because the application process is especially daunting for non-English speakers.

Important: SNAP is a nutrition program run by the USDA and is not considered a welfare program. Receiving SNAP benefits will not affect a documented immigrant’s immigration status or any effort to gain U.S. citizenship."
This is typical Democrat bullshit, an excuse for the trespasser, then blame the guy that`s beating up the people the trespasser is running from.
Do you believe the drug war hasn't had any effect on illegal immigration into the United States?
"Myth #4: SNAP benefits go to undocumented immigrants.

FACT: Undocumented immigrants have never been eligible for SNAP. Documented immigrants can only get food stamps if they've lived in the U.S. for at least five years (with exceptions for refugees, asylees and children). In fact, immigrants are far less likely to apply for food stamps because they worry about jeopardizing their immigration status and because the application process is especially daunting for non-English speakers.

Important: SNAP is a nutrition program run by the USDA and is not considered a welfare program. Receiving SNAP benefits will not affect a documented immigrant’s immigration status or any effort to gain U.S. citizenship."

Do you believe the drug war hasn't had any effect on illegal immigration into the United States?
How is the snap program difficult for Spanish speaking people if snap advertisments, and applications are in Spanish all over the place? If anything, seems like it would be more difficult to apply in English. The Obama administration has been advertising the snap program in Mexico for years now.

Some of the materials the USDA encourages the Mexican government to use to educate and promote the benefit programs are available free online for order and download. A partial list of materials include English and Spanish brochures titled “Five Easy Steps To Snap Benefits,” “How To Get Food Help — A Consumer’s Guide to FNCS Programs,” “Ending Hunger Improving Nutrition Combating Obesity,” and posters with slogans like “Food Stamps Make America Stronger"
"Myth #4: SNAP benefits go to undocumented immigrants.

FACT: Undocumented immigrants have never been eligible for SNAP. Documented immigrants can only get food stamps if they've lived in the U.S. for at least five years (with exceptions for refugees, asylees and children). In fact, immigrants are far less likely to apply for food stamps because they worry about jeopardizing their immigration status and because the application process is especially daunting for non-English speakers.

Important: SNAP is a nutrition program run by the USDA and is not considered a welfare program. Receiving SNAP benefits will not affect a documented immigrant’s immigration status or any effort to gain U.S. citizenship."

Do you believe the drug war hasn't had any effect on illegal immigration into the United States?

I believe the "drug war" has nothing to do with illegal immigration so I wouldn`t try to connect the two.
How is the snap program difficult for Spanish speaking people if snap advertisments, and applications are in Spanish all over the place? If anything, seems like it would be more difficult to apply in English. The Obama administration has been advertising the snap program in Mexico for years now.

Some of the materials the USDA encourages the Mexican government to use to educate and promote the benefit programs are available free online for order and download. A partial list of materials include English and Spanish brochures titled “Five Easy Steps To Snap Benefits,” “How To Get Food Help — A Consumer’s Guide to FNCS Programs,” “Ending Hunger Improving Nutrition Combating Obesity,” and posters with slogans like “Food Stamps Make America Stronger"
"Undocumented immigrants have never been eligible for SNAP."

That seals the case on your criticism. It's a moot point as illegal immigrants are not eligible to receive SNAP benefits.

That being the case, I'm quite sure whatever evidence you believe you have for democrats enticing illegal Mexican immigrants to cross the border just to secure their vote (when illegal immigrants can't vote either), is right-wing bullshit, like it usually is.

So let's see it, and don't forget to cite the source
"Undocumented immigrants have never been eligible for SNAP."

That seals the case on your criticism. It's a moot point as illegal immigrants are not eligible to receive SNAP benefits.

That being the case, I'm quite sure whatever evidence you believe you have for democrats enticing illegal Mexican immigrants to cross the border just to secure their vote (when illegal immigrants can't vote either), is right-wing bullshit, like it usually is.

So let's see it, and don't forget to cite the source

The agriculture secretary Tom Vilsack addressed the fact that non-citizens who enroll in SNAP are not considered to be government-reliant under the current policies governing immigrant inadmissibility under the public charge statue. He additionally noted that the agency has provided guidance to this effect — pointing to a February 2010 letter from USDA Under Secretary for Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services Kevin Concannon to all state commissioners.

“USCIS agency guidance clearly stipulates that certain public benefits are not subject to public charge determinations, including Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits,” Concannon wrote, bolding portions of the letter for emphasis.

“The Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) has long supported USCIS’ policy on public charge and encourages States administering SNAP benefits to make the policy well known in the immigrant communities in your State.”
"Immigrant" =/= "Illegal immigrant"

If you're documented you can receive benefits

You just want to blame anyone who is brown, legal or not

And you guys wonder where the 'racist' accusations stem from.. Well, here's a perfect example whether or not you're conscious of or acknowledge it.

Where's the evidence that democrats are bribing illegal immigrants with food stamps for their vote? Show me some of that evidence
Democrats don't get people across the border illegally. People cross the border illegally because their lives are shitty largely because of the war on drugs, an American invention. Where does the support for the war on drugs usually come from in our government? How many republicans in congress want to legalize marijuana?


When you say "legalize" you aren't really advancing freedom if you then turn around and make marijuana available by "permission" only, taxed, regulated and with arbitrary limits on plants etc.

That kind of "legalization" is really just kinder treatment of the livestock. Fuck that.
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