Donald Trump

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Trump is certainly a unique character.
The primary reason for his shocking ascendancy in the polls is his inflammatory outlook on immigration.

Kasich (in the most recent debate) tried to demean and belittle Trump's less than "adult" ideas regarding illegal immigration...;
Well, well, seems like Trump has hit a chord which resonates across about a single issue candidate...Trump has propelled himself into his dominance largely by speaking about an issue most politicians refuse to discuss with any degree of seriousness.
He may be a Clown or a cartoon character doofus but he has energized and animated his campaign on the illegal immigration issue alone!
Something is afoot in buttons???
I hate John Kasich. It's hard to believe he has any support at all.
" If Republicans join Democrats as the party of amnesty, then we are going to lose." -Ted Cruz
I agree with him on that 100%.
Do you mean "teacher"? teach is a verb. And my dick is bigger than yours. :roll:

I'm starting to notice a pattern with you as well

No,I called her teach, cuz I was the pet and all,.. I bet mine cums on her more often than yours. Just don`t try and pat me though, I`ll give you a reduction.
No,I called her teach, cuz I was the pet and all,.. I bet mine cums on her more often than yours. Just don`t try and pat me though, I`ll give you a reduction.
I've been waiting for you to respond to my post #1716, and haven't heard your comments on California AB 1461. Am I the only person who sees it as a law for illegals with driver's licenses to slip through the cracks and vote? Who has ever heard of such a BS law?
BWAHAHAHA, ninety pages of people blathering about Donald the Chump!

His PR flack should send you thank you cards!
Trump absolutely can not win. The two largest minority groups in this country can't stand him. Good luck winning without both.

We've already discussed it on this thread over and over, including yesterday. Unless you have ground breaking news, I'm not interested in having that conversation again.
We've already discussed it on this thread over and over, including yesterday. Unless you have ground breaking news, I'm not interested in having that conversation again.
Good luck champ! Maybe he should focus on the Pacific Islander group. I've read somewhere that there's almost a million of them.
I've been waiting for you to respond to my post #1716, and haven't heard your comments on California AB 1461. Am I the only person who sees it as a law for illegals with driver's licenses to slip through the cracks and vote? Who has ever heard of such a BS law?

In MA, a drivers license wont get you registered as a voter but it is a step in the processes that can, residency and a state ID, Moving in with a friend for 3 months establishes residency in MA, State ID was not possible until this bill was offered. It didn`t fly.

I have no doubt it was to attract votes. It says a lot about the Democrats. Why Hillary herself even promised more accountability from the VA on Vet.Day. Why would you do that ?
In MA, a drivers license wont get you registered as a voter but it is a step in the processes that can, residency and a state ID, Moving in with a friend for 3 months establishes residency in MA, State ID was not possible until this bill was offered. It didn`t fly.

I have no doubt it was to attract votes. It says a lot about the Democrats. Why Hillary herself even promised more accountability from the VA on Vet.Day. Why would you do that ?
My guess is that Hillary is competing for the anti-military vote. Bernie has promised to slash the budget, and it seems to be attracting a lot of support from Democrats. Specifically, young Democrats who prefer free college over national defense. The impression I got from the Democratic Presidential Debate is, it's a race to see who can give away the most free shit.
My guess is that Hillary is competing for the anti-military vote. Bernie has promised to slash the budget, and it seems to be attracting a lot of support from Democrats. Specifically, young Democrats who prefer free college over national defense. The impression I got from the Democratic Presidential Debate is, it's a race to see who can give away the most free shit.
The budget needs to be slashed. Unless, of course, you support their buddies (defense contractors) stealing billions.
The budget needs to be slashed. Unless, of course, you support their buddies (defense contractors) stealing billions.
In what way has Obama not already done that over and over? How much more of the budget is there left to cut? By the year 2019 or 2020, the interest on our national debt will exceed our military budget!!! How come nobody is talking about that? Or how our national debt went up 300 billion in two recent weeks? I see wasteful spending all over the place, but come on bro, let's get serious. When are we going to discuss where the REAL waste in spending is going to?
In what way has Obama not already done that over and over? How much more of the budget is there left to cut? By the year 2019 or 2020, the interest on our national debt will exceed our military budget!!! How come nobody is talking about that? Or how our national debt went up 300 billion in two recent weeks? I see wasteful spending all over the place, but come on bro, let's get serious. When are we going to discuss where the REAL waste in spending is going to?
Gotta keep that military budget up! How else are you gonna pay for all of these ridiculous wars, all of the Haliburton no bid contracts, the Blackwater private contractors who made 10X that of the inlisted men (slap in the fucking face), the $9 billion CASH that went "missing" in Iraq. Gotta pay for that shit somehow, right?
Gotta keep that military budget up! How else are you gonna pay for all of these ridiculous wars, all of the Haliburton no bid contracts, the Blackwater private contractors who made 10X that of the inlisted men (slap in the fucking face), the $9 billion CASH that went "missing" in Iraq. Gotta pay for that shit somehow, right?
Don't want to discuss Obama's liberal spending, do you?

Are we going way back, or coming up with ways to "make America Great Again"? If you are here to try and get me to defend the Bush or Cheney family, then I'm sorry to say, you are going to be very disappointed. This is the Donald J. Trump thread, and we don't support those idiots. How come George never listened to Trump's warning about Osama Bin Laden, and a likely attack on the World Trade Center? We don't really know, just left to assume all three vagina bushes are a trio of pussies. It looks like Kasich might be making a push on JEB for 6th place battle in the polls right now...
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Are we going way back, or coming up with ways to "make America Great Again"? If you are here to try and get me to defend the Bush or Cheney family, then I'm sorry to say, you are going to be very disappointed. This is the Donald J. Trump thread, and we don't support those idiots. How come George never listened to Trump's warning about Osama Bin Laden, and a likely attack on the World Trade Center? We don't really know, just left to assume all three vagina bushes are a trio of pussies. It looks like Kasich might be make a push on JEB for 6th place battle in the polls right now...
Because the whole Bush family is a bunch of war criminals.
I've been waiting for you to respond to my post #1716, and haven't heard your comments on California AB 1461. Am I the only person who sees it as a law for illegals with driver's licenses to slip through the cracks and vote? Who has ever heard of such a BS law?

Hhmmm. Thats very strange. Can you do me a favor? go here, copy and paste the tweet, let me know what happens
This is known as an APPEAL TO IGNORANCE.
Don't want to discuss Obama's liberal spending, do you?

Are we going way back, or coming up with ways to "make America Great Again"? If you are here to try and get me to defend the Bush or Cheney family, then I'm sorry to say, you are going to be very disappointed. This is the Donald J. Trump thread, and we don't support those idiots. How come George never listened to Trump's warning about Osama Bin Laden, and a likely attack on the World Trade Center? We don't really know, just left to assume all three vagina bushes are a trio of pussies. It looks like Kasich might be making a push on JEB for 6th place battle in the polls right now...
So we cant talk about the bush's cause its a Trump thread but lets talk about Obama instead? So you want to bash Obama for the deficit while ignoring it was republican (a.k.a. bush admin) that put us there in the first place.....k
This is known as DAMNING THE SOURCE.

I mean, at this point its obvious college wasn't your thing, no judgment there...but there are terms by which logical debate can regulated. I recommend reading them over.
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