Donald Trump

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I'm not sure if you're so isolated and living in a bubble that you just honestly don't know the reality a huge portion of American's face or simply don't care for whatever reason, but for you to believe that everyone has equal opportunity and they just need to work hard to become successful is just as naive and ignorant as believing the opposite, that nobody can become successful through hard work. Both opinions exist on a spectrum and you're building the foundation of yours out of propaganda and resentment for the poor.

When faced with the fact that 50% of Americans make less than 30K/year, or that average CEO compensation has increased at unprecedented levels since the 1980s, encompassing both democratic and republican political policy, or that from 2009-2012, ~90% of economic gains made went to the top 1% of earners, or that since 1968, income for average Americans has decreased... you still lay blame on the victims of all of these circumstances instead of the people, organizations and institutions that caused them.

You need to listen to Trump when he said free trade has taken lot of the good jobs out of the country. Its not my fault and it is not Trumps fault and it is true. It is the fault of political kindness trying to help the rest of the world catch up to us. Trump will be a huge jobs creator. Right here in Hawaii they need all kinds of tradesman , house painters, carpenters, home appliance repair guys. Nobody can force anybody to work and be self employed, but its there for the taking, So Thinking about or getting all worked up over some CEO's paycheck is a defeatist attitude. When someone tells me I can't do something it piss's me off. And what you are pumping will only make people sit back and hope for free shit. Good luck with Bernie because Hillary just got flushed down the shitter. She wouldn't of helped anybody but her self anyway. TRUMP!
Those that can should pay for those that can't, that's the whole idea of a progressive tax policy

And that's exactly why it's "fucked".

Flat tax with no offset forces everyone to pay their fair share. If all you can make is 1K a year and the tax is 10%, pay your hundred bucks, make a "bazllion" pay your 10%. No favouritism.

Stop being a damn "leech" and get a job. Take responsibility for your life and be accountable. It's your life, make something of it and quit your "whining". No body wants to hear a "squeaky out of tune violin".

And that's exactly why it's "fucked".

Flat tax with no offset forces everyone to pay their fair share. If all you can make is 1K a year and the tax is 10%, pay your hundred bucks, make a "bazllion" pay your 10%. No favouritism.

Stop being a damn "leech" and get a job. Take responsibility for your life and be accountable. It's your life, make something of it and quit your "whining". No body wants to hear a "squeaky out of tune violin".


This is so economically ignorant it's laughable. Time and time again, people have proved how a flat tax rate is not "fair to everyone." Good job on falling for the 1984 news speak though. Flat taxes are usually called regressive for a reason. Moreover all of you going "oh it'll make the tax code easier," prove to me that you no shit about the IRS, our government, and our politics. Literally, you know nothing and you're fooling yourself if you think otherwise - google 'tax lobby.'

Economists, since the Reagan years, have slammed flat tax rates saying that they're unfeasible. It quite simply ignores the reality of the United States, the reality of economics, and the reality of spending and saving patterns of US citizens.
This is so economically ignorant it's laughable. Time and time again, people have proved how a flat tax rate is not "fair to everyone." Good job on falling for the 1984 news speak though. Flat taxes are usually called regressive for a reason. Moreover all of you going "oh it'll make the tax code easier," prove to me that you no shit about the IRS, our government, and our politics. Literally, you know nothing and you're fooling yourself if you think otherwise - google 'tax lobby.'

Economists, since the Reagan years, have slammed flat tax rates saying that they're unfeasible. It quite simply ignores the reality of the United States, the reality of economics, and the reality of spending and saving patterns of US citizens.
The only ignorant thing here is ME for actually reading your gov't sponsored garbage!!
Doing away with our income Tax & replacing it w a flat sales tax is the fairest & healthiest system. Period!
Whining that it will negatively affect this group or that group is gov't propaganda!
Our biggest problem is the cancerous Tumor called gov't & their willingness to bankrupt our country & our freedom.
Please stop spreading their lies!
The only ignorant thing here is ME for actually reading your gov't sponsored garbage!!
Doing away with our income Tax & replacing it w a flat sales tax is the fairest & healthiest system. Period!
Whining that it will negatively affect this group or that group is gov't propaganda!
Our biggest problem is the cancerous Tumor called gov't & their willingness to bankrupt our country & our freedom.
Please stop spreading their lies!

You're hilarious; you think you're correct but you're oh so wrong. Do a little bit of research and educate yourself - or did you drop out of elementary school?
My lexicon? You can't be serious!
These are 2 very simple words, that even a fifth grader understands, but you can try the Bill Clinton tactic of " it depends on what your definition of "is" is" If you really feel that desperate....
Common sense & Google are your friend
My lexicon? You can't be serious!
These are 2 very simple words, that even a fifth grader understands, but you can try the Bill Clinton tactic of " it depends on what your definition of "is" is" If you really feel that desperate....
Common sense & Google are your friend have no idea what you're talking about?

That's what I figured. :lol: have no idea what you're talking about?
That's what I figured. :lol:
No, I just don't feel like trying to have an intelligent conversation with someone who doesn't even know what the words "fairest" & "healthiest" mean....
Nor do I feel like waisting any more of my time talking to the type of individual who thinks that it's impressive to use words like "lexicon"instead "definition" in a normal pot forum.... Sad really!
Run along now & enjoy your "grey poupon" & plz don't get that confused w the dope ass album "gray poupon" by Doap Nixon
Let's get back to talking about Trump.
If Trump wins the Iowa caucuses by 5 to 10 points, it's over. From there he basically has New Hampshire and South Carolina in the bag. Not to mention Florida where he is facing a sitting senator and former governer.
If Trump wins the Iowa caucuses by 5 to 10 points, it's over. From there he basically has New Hampshire and South Carolina in the bag. Not to mention Florida where he is facing a sitting senator and former governer.
That is an excellent analysis. Trump sure does look good to win more support from angry white people. I wonder if he has topped out on the crazy yet.
Now stop crying, go put your big boy pants on and go in the kitchen and make me a ham sandwich

Sorry, sweetie, but your panties are all in a bunch and it's super off putting, so no. However, when I get home I expect dinner to be ready.

No, I just don't feel like trying to have an intelligent conversation with someone who doesn't even know what the words "fairest" & "healthiest" mean....
Nor do I feel like waisting any more of my time talking to the type of individual who thinks that it's impressive to use words like "lexicon"instead "definition" in a normal pot forum.... Sad really!
Run along now & enjoy your "grey poupon" & plz don't get that confused w the dope ass album "gray poupon" by Doap Nixon

You have no clue what you're talking about because you can't back it up without inane bullshit. Dude, it's just sad at this point. You're completely and utterly out of your element lol.
I never mentioned " angry white people". That is something a raciaist such as yourself would do.
Your right, I mentioned angry white people for a reason. You are very quick to jump to conclusions and insult people while offering only nonsense and pedestrian opinions.

I can't wait to see more of your verbal calisthenics. I'll give you some ammo..... You are a do nothing blueberry with a squishy heart.
I never mentioned " angry white people". That is something a raciaist such as yourself would do.

Except the overwhelming majority of Trump's supporters are angry, bigoted, white people. Even David Duke said, "I don’t agree with everything he says, he speaks a little more, actually he speaks a little more, a lot more radically than I talk."
I'm not interested in opinions. Go ahead and vent all your liberal fury and rage. Don't really care.
Hell, If I were you, I'd be worried about Trump too.

"She does have a very nice figure, I’ve said if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.”

Yeah keep supporting the guy who's sexually attracted to his own daughter... well I guess this is normal for you since you think the Catholic Church has a pass to molest children.
This is so economically ignorant it's laughable. Time and time again, people have proved how a flat tax rate is not "fair to everyone." Good job on falling for the 1984 news speak though. Flat taxes are usually called regressive for a reason. Moreover all of you going "oh it'll make the tax code easier," prove to me that you no shit about the IRS, our government, and our politics. Literally, you know nothing and you're fooling yourself if you think otherwise - google 'tax lobby.'

Economists, since the Reagan years, have slammed flat tax rates saying that they're unfeasible. It quite simply ignores the reality of the United States, the reality of economics, and the reality of spending and saving patterns of US citizens.

Who gives a shit what they call it. The flat tax gets slammed in the name of "civility" by those unwilling to hold others responsible for their own choices in life.

Our society has created this expectation that if people live beyond their means others will pick up the slack. If you can't support a family, mortgage or vehicle don't have them.

When your funds run out, and nobody is willing to support your sorry ass, (shouldn't be a problem finding a benefactor, by the count of bleeding hearts on this forum), think of your fellow man, be considerate and just leave.

The Danes are finally wising up:
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