Donald Trump

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ya know...most genius's I know ( I work for S.L.A.C...I think they breed those fuckers there in the basement) are generally pacifists. Im curious as to your logic train on how 1 usually handles on online personality like unclebuck.....

Do you find the interaction constructive?

Why does his calling your mother a whore matter so much? Is she?

Hence the qualifier of "quite such a large one" came into play.:mrgreen: some are faaaaar worse then others. Clinton was 1.....but I was still never worried he would start WW3 because of it.

Question you need to ask is is she hot
ya know...most genius's I know ( I work for S.L.A.C...I think they breed those fuckers there in the basement) are generally pacifists. Im curious as to your logic train on how 1 usually handles on online personality like unclebuck.....

Do you find the interaction constructive?

Why does his calling your mother a whore matter so much? Is she?

Hence the qualifier of "quite such a large one" came into play.:mrgreen: some are faaaaar worse then others. Clinton was 1.....but I was still never worried he would start WW3 because of it.
If you seriously have to ask me why I would get upset when someone calls my mother that then you would not understand anyway.
I've blocked him & The only thing I'm interested in now regarding him is his location.
If you had taken the time to read my posts you would have realized that a cple of people who disagreed w my political views decided to question my intellect & questioned whether I had a job, so I responded to those attacks.
It is just that simple.
I hear and agree that we all need something different than the norm.....however, not a single 1 of you pro trump folk can give me 1 single reason to believe trump really is.

All I hear is:
1. "hes different then the norm"
2 "hes rich thus above bribery by private interest."
3. "hes successful in business thus qualified to run the country."

Problem is that:
1. "different" does not = good.
2. Trump IS private interest. How do you stop politically corrupt politicians by giving their job to the people corrupting them? He openly admits/brags to bribing people for god sake! And if you think it gives him some deep insight into the machinations of the system that he will use to our benefit as a society I invite you to look at his track record of fucking over the working class throughout the late 80's-90's.
3. This country is a democracy. Not a business. Being the president isn't being a C.E.O. ...thinking 1 qualifies a person for the other is ridiculous and for the sake of ALL our freedoms we better fight to make sure it ISN'T treated like a business. Money isn't even close to whats really important in life and it can NOT be the bottom dollar fueling our actions as a nation or peoples.

But in short. Trumps history does not show an abundance or morality nor trustworthiness. So im not sure WHY you all think he will represent your interests even if he says he will.

Trump has not even produced and real plan I can see.

I guess I just require more. Or maybe I will truly never be ok with quite such a huge narcissist as president....meh...who knows

"not a single 1 of you pro trump folk"
Really? You're now telling me who I support? Isn't that MY decision?

!. If the norm is bad, the differant may very well be good
2.He has not admitted to bribing anyone. You label anyone who has contributed to any political cause a criminal. Are you advocating only those who are wealthy enough to self-finance a campaign be able to run? If so, that would leave only the Clintons and Trump as viable candidates.
3.This country is a republic, not a democracy. But it needs to be run as a business in order to survive. The President IS our CEO. it's the executive office, he/she is the chief officer.
Trump has produced a plan. He's going to make everything "Fabulous".
I do not support Trump. I like "some' of his policies, don't like others. But his demeanor is a deal breaker.
"not a single 1 of you pro trump folk"
Really? You're now telling me who I support? Isn't that MY decision?

!. If the norm is bad, the differant may very well be good
2.He has not admitted to bribing anyone. You label anyone who has contributed to any political cause a criminal. Are you advocating only those who are wealthy enough to self-finance a campaign be able to run? If so, that would leave only the Clintons and Trump as viable candidates.
3.This country is a republic, not a democracy. But it needs to be run as a business in order to survive. The President IS our CEO. it's the executive office, he/she is the chief officer.
Trump has produced a plan. He's going to make everything "Fabulous".
I do not support Trump. I like "some' of his policies, don't like others. But his demeanor is a deal breaker.
uuum....if your not a trump supporter how could you construe that to apply to you?

Literally the first sentence is "not a single 1 of you pro trump folk" ....meaning im speaking to "pro trump folk"

1.your right...different MAY be good.....may....but it does not = good simply by its own merit
2.Thats talking about his using his own lobbying to procure legislation and I do view it as private interest corruption. Personally I would like that donation money be removed from the process and be evenly provided by tax payers, leveling the field and eliminating it as a factor altogether.
3. Well if you want to get technical this country is in actual fact an economic should not be ......and using a metaphor does not make a reality. The many facets of government are NOT a business...that is a gross oversimplification and absolutely the worst mindset or model you could have for a free nation of free people.
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Maybe im into that :rolleyes:
So you guys think it's somehow funny & ok to trash a woman that you know absolutely nothing about & who has never made a single derogatory remark toward you?
If you have an issue w someone then have enough balls to deal with that individual, but don't bring an innocent woman into your BS! What is wrong with you people?
I hear and agree that we all need something different than the norm.....however, not a single 1 of you pro trump folk can give me 1 single reason to believe trump really is.

All I hear is:
1. "hes different then the norm"
2 "hes rich thus above bribery by private interest."
3. "hes successful in business thus qualified to run the country."

Problem is that:
1. "different" does not = good.
2. Trump IS private interest. How do you stop politically corrupt politicians by giving their job to the people corrupting them? He openly admits/brags to bribing people for god sake! And if you think it gives him some deep insight into the machinations of the system that he will use to our benefit as a society I invite you to look at his track record of fucking over the working class throughout the late 80's-90's.
3. This country is a democracy. Not a business. Being the president isn't being a C.E.O. ...thinking 1 qualifies a person for the other is ridiculous and for the sake of ALL our freedoms we better fight to make sure it ISN'T treated like a business. Money isn't even close to whats really important in life and it can NOT be the bottom dollar fueling our actions as a nation or peoples.

But in short. Trumps history does not show an abundance or morality nor trustworthiness. So im not sure WHY you all think he will represent your interests even if he says he will.

Trump has not even produced and real plan I can see.

I guess I just require more. Or maybe I will truly never be ok with quite such a huge narcissist as president....meh...who knows

"not a single 1 of you pro trump folk"
Really? You're now telling me who I support? Isn't that MY decision?

!. If the norm is bad, the differant may very well be good
2.He has not admitted to bribing anyone. You label anyone who has contributed to any political cause a criminal. Are you advocating only those who are wealthy enough to self-finance a campaign be able to run? If so, that would leave only the Clintons and Trump as viable candidates.
3.This country is a republic, not a democracy. But it needs to be run as a business in order to survive. The President IS our CEO. it's the executive office, he/she is the chief officer.
Trump has produced a plan. He's going to make everything "Fabulous".
I do not support Trump. I like "some' of his policies, don't like others. But his demeanor is a deal breaker.
uuum....if your not a trump supporter how could you construe that to apply to you?

Literally the first sentence is "not a single 1 of you pro trump folk"
Because I am constantly accused of being a Trump supporter by others, if not you. While I do not support him, I speak up when anyone makes false statements about ANY candidate. I leaned towards Carson until he made the bone-headed comments about the pyramids being used to store grain.Watch someone make that out to be racist now.
So you guys think it's somehow funny & ok to trash a woman that you know absolutely nothing about & who has never made a single derogatory remark toward you?
If you have an issue w someone then have enough balls to deal with that individual, but don't bring an innocent woman into your BS! What is wrong with you people?
Jesus...What we're saying is you should loosen up. None of us really think that....or care if it WERE true. Im sure she a lovely woman. Im sure you'll be able to think about it and come up with an intelligent solution to this situation.
Because I am constantly accused of being a Trump supporter by others, if not you. While I do not support him, I speak up when anyone makes false statements about ANY candidate. I leaned towards Carson until he made the bone-headed comments about the pyramids being used to store grain.Watch someone make that out to be racist now.

Gotcha.....well maybe you should address those folks directly then.....

And in this case no false statements were made...I gave my opinion...which is subjective....
soooooooo why did you call me out again?
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So you guys think it's somehow funny & ok to trash a woman that you know absolutely nothing about & who has never made a single derogatory remark toward you?
If you have an issue w someone then have enough balls to deal with that individual, but don't bring an innocent woman into your BS! What is wrong with you people?
You asked. Nobody can be insulted by person if they never knew what was said. Unless you tell her, only you were insulted.
Jesus...What were saying is you should loosen up. None of us really think that....or care if it WERE true. Im sure she a lovely woman.
I'm from Texas & we don't talk shit about people's mothers & when someone talks about mine I get very f'n offended & Im damn sure going to take up for her when it happens! Especially when she's being insulted by someone who has never ever even met her!
There are lines that you just simply should not cross! Talking about someone's children is another one
I have never been excited about who will take office next. I must say that I'm genuinely excited that there is a good chance that trump will be the next president. Life will be better. And yea buck im a dumb racist we all allready know thats how you feel.
I'm from Texas & we don't talk shit about people's mothers & when someone talks about mine I get very f'n offended & Im damn sure going to take up for her when it happens! Especially when she's being insulted by someone who has never ever even met her!
There are lines that you just simply should not cross! Talking about someone's children is another one

how do you know i haven't met your mother?
Gotcha..well maybe you should address those folks directly then...

And in this case no false statements were made...I gave my opinion...which is subjective....
soooooooo why did you call me out again?
Actually, you made several false statements. I kindly listed them for you. Nowhere is it stated that you were giving an opinion. Don't weasel.
"I speak up when anyone makes false statements about ANY candidate."
doesn't matter if i am in china the presidential election is world wide every one is watching who the next lunatic goes into office lol
Also Yes its important all over speially in Canada for trade and pipe lines so its rather important to Canada if somone gets into office that supports Canada's views in oil n gas trade

I guessed you were just wishing ill of the US and Trump was your man to do it. It seems that I was wrong. You actually think Trump would somehow be in Canada's best interest. I think I liked you better when you were carrying on with images of nuclear explosions. Trump reminds me most of Nixon but without the experience. He'd fuck up as bad or worse as Bush II. No more idiots for president please. We don't need a demagogue billionaire in the White House.
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