Donald Trump

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Trump is the rallying point for bigots and racists in the US. Witness the garbage just spewed out here. Trump is the racist separatist and discredited Klan and Klan Klone's best hope for a revival. A dying group is hanging on to Trump's coattails in a effort to revive itself.

How America’s dying white supremacist movement is seizing on Donald Trump’s appeal

For large numbers of Americans, Trump’s blunt rhetoric surrounding immigration, minority groups and crime may sound like finely tuned retrograde vitriol. But for Pendergraft and a growing number of white nationalists flocking to the campaign’s circus-like tent, the billionaire sounds familiar, like a man fluent in the native tongue of disaffected whites.

It’s a language people such as Pendergraft never thought they’d hear a mainstream politician in either party use in public.

The same rhetoric that frightens critics (“Trump has really lifted the lid off a Pandora’s box of real hatred and directed it at Muslims,” said the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Mark Potok) draws praise from supporters such as former Louisiana politician and KKK Grand Wizard David Duke.

Duke told The Post in December that while he has not officially endorsed Trump, he considers the candidate to be the “best of the lot” at the moment.

“I think a lot of what he says resonates with me,” Duke said.

The real problem and source of anger is the erosion of earning power within the working and middle classes. Poorly educated crackers and white blue collar workers can't get this through their thick heads. So, fall back to the old familiar ways of scapegoating minority groups. The 1% and especially Trump are playing these fools.

I mean sure yeah ...people won't agree on my views and way of thinking. ..but that is what makes me me

Not 1 person on this earth is the same
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It takes a while for court cases to make it to trial. It's going to be a real circus when Trump is called to testify in a couple of months. What an ass. Most laughable is how Trump's racist and ignorant supporters lined up to get the shaft from him.



According to the Week, the real estate mogul is listed as a witness in a huge fraud case regarding one of his most infamous business fiascoes, Trump University. The Week notes that Trump has been called as a witness for both sides in the case and that any court appearances could interrupt his campaigning during primary elections in May and June.

As explained in a report published by Politico, Trump University was founded in 2005, but the endeavor was not established as a traditional learning institution. Rather, the curriculum involved seminars and specially produced materials. Those who enrolled are said to have paid thousands of dollars in hopes that they would learn the kind of practices and skills that would make them wealthy and business savvy.

Trump University was sued in 2013 by the New York State Attorney General, who alleged the program made false claims regarding its services. As previously noted by the Inquisitr, Trump University has also been the subject of two class action lawsuits in California. The aforementioned actions were filed by former students of that program.
I read about this earlier. "Trump University" lol. Some people dropped up to $35,000 for this bullshit. There really IS one born every minute.
David Duke: Voting against Trump is 'treason to your heritage'
The white nationalist and former KKK grand wizard encouraged his listeners to volunteer for Trump.

“And I am telling you that it is your job now to get active. Get off your duff. Get off your rear end that’s getting fatter and fatter for many of you everyday on your chairs. When this show’s over, go out, call the Republican Party, but call Donald Trump’s headquarters, volunteer,” he said. “They’re screaming for volunteers. Go in there, you’re gonna meet people who are going to have the same kind of mind-set that you have.”

In December, Duke told POLITICO that Trump’s candidacy allows Americans to be more open about their racial animus.

“He’s made it OK to talk about these incredible concerns of European Americans today, because I think European Americans know they are the only group that can’t defend their own essential interests and their point of view,” Duke said. “He’s meant a lot for the human rights of European Americans.”

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No, we're not broke yet, Big Oil needs help with melting ice caps.
Now weather or not the spoils come back to "us" is another matter.

Now the smart thing to do would tax the Oil Industry.

Edit:Unless your intent was to be bankrupt.

I thought the oil companies were all ready paying tax's? What makes you think people like you and your friends they won't pay more tax's at the pump if you raise tax's? Be careful what you ask for, unless you don't drive or something. TRUMP!

no doubt you are headed off to a rally.


Hey Poopy Pants,

You should start noticing that this super hero crusade you have been on doesn't work anymore. Its funny though watching the left lose their grip on reality. TRUMP! is crushing it. TRUMP!

I read about this earlier. "Trump University" lol. Some people dropped up to $35,000 for this bullshit. There really IS one born every minute.
I worked my ass off in college. At graduation, I had high marks but was in no way even close to mastery of my subject and I knew it. To think that a couple of expensive seminars can impart a secret knowledge to compete with experienced professionals in real estate is completely foolish. Real learning is hard work and takes time.

This story shows Trump for what he is. A con man with great skill in playing his marks.

Trump is an asshole but not a fool. He's not brilliant in any way but he knows how to play the con. There is no way he can win and he knows it. Maybe he will sell more candy bars to his depressed followers after the election, Trump will profit.

I thought the oil companies were all ready paying tax's? What makes you think people like you and your friends they won't pay more tax's at the pump if you raise tax's? Be careful what you ask for, unless you don't drive or something. TRUMP!

Not Exxox/Mobil not one band-aid for the wounded american, And the Oil they gained, all sold to China, @$2.00 /bbl.
How old are you bro ? You need to grow the fuck up. Andy the Nazi . Lol
Belly scratcher Buck .
Thinks everybody is a racist when in fact he really is .
You don't fuckin know me .

Hello TWS,

Just so you know, I have seen a picture of Buck and he is just a young white kid with a lap top and a racist mouth trying to be a super Hero for minorities. IMO I am sure after Buck or his super fans get done with the racist shit they go right to "your wife is fat" so just brush them off and watch the Trump Train run them over. TRUMP!
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Not Exxox/Mobil not one band-aid for the wounded american, And the Oil they gained, all sold to China, @$2.00 /bbl.

Hey to be honest I am no fan of oil companies. I burn on average of up to 250 gallons of fuel everyday so I am savoring the moments of cheaper fuel right now. So any tax from a business stand point will bite me and everybody else when fuel prices raise like it has before. I have never heard of 2.00 per barrel before but who the hell knows. TRUMP!
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Hello TWS,

Just so you know, I have seen a picture of Buck and he is just a young white kid with a lap top and a racist mouth trying to be a super Hero for minorities. IMO I am sure after Buck or his super fans get done with the racist shit they go right to "your wife is fat" so just brush them off and watch the Trump Train run them over. TRUMP!

I can't wait until I visit relatives in Colorado Springs .
I hear the train a coming, The Trump! Train! And this is a bitching tune incase anybody missed it. TRUMP!


Donald Trump has “made it OK to talk about these incredible concerns of European Americans today," former KKK grand wizard David Duke said. | AP Photo

David Duke: Voting against Trump is 'treason to your heritage'
The white nationalist and former KKK grand wizard encouraged his listeners to volunteer for Trump.

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