Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
you're witless, without humor or coherent thought, you are trump.

And just another flaccid half with obsessed with my gear.
You`re stumbling, WTF does that last sentence even mean ?? Slow down. You`re posting to a 4th grader, remember ?

I don`t think it`s worth educating someone to post that sentence.


Well-Known Member
Man you have no idea how contractors work many lay out work and material up front to some of their customers in The hope of getting future work and hoping the customer doesn't bail out on him. I did the independent contractor bit for a year with my buddy we wound up putting 3 mechanics lien before we folded and just did side jobs instead.

Most contractors have a line of credit with supply houses if his customer goes belly up he can't pay his workers or the supply house who might not be able to pay his employees, I see you don't know jack shit about contract work.

The employees would still get paid as they get paid every week - two weeks.

Yes, the contractors may take a loss but that is business.


Well-Known Member
The employees would still get paid as they get paid every week - two weeks.

Yes, the contractors may take a loss but that is business.
Why is it "just business" when somebody rich games the system and fucks people over, but if someone poor does it with Food Stamps or something, your solution is to cut the entire social program, even for the ones that played fair?


Well-Known Member
Why is it "just business" when somebody rich games the system and fucks people over, but if someone poor does it with Food Stamps or something, your solution is to cut the entire social program, even for the ones that played fair?
That has never been my solution.

Why is it you create strawmen rather than address the real issues?

And to answer your question, investment is voluntary, taxes are not voluntary.


Well-Known Member
That has never been my solution.

Why is it you create strawmen rather than address the real issues?

And to answer your question, investment is voluntary, taxes are not voluntary.
That's not your solution... but you believe taxes are theft...

So you're OK with the government stealing from you to pay for social programs?

Or, just like I said, is your solution to eliminate the whole program entirely?


Well-Known Member
First off, I never even mentioned racism. So I don't see how you could argue that somehow I said the wall was racist. I pretty much only said it was ignorant and will cause violence. I never said it was racist.

Second, that is not a wall in that picture. From the shadow, it looks like a fence. And we already have a fence. So how is that any different than say, this:

Which already exists and doesn't need Trump to build it.
Inductive reasoning at its finest


Well-Known Member
Bat shit crazy. It takes one to know one. And Trump has his crowd covered well.

I love the "woman" at 1:05. Her face just screams bat-shit crazy. But the lady at 5:28 is fucking priceless. $10 says that's nitro's whale wife.


Well-Known Member
Bat shit crazy. It takes one to know one. And Trump has his crowd covered well.

I love the "woman" at 1:05. Her face just screams bat-shit crazy. But the lady at 5:28 is fucking priceless. $10 says that's nitro's whale wife.
Would anyone be surprised if one or two of our good friends here at RIU were discovered to have made an appearance on this video?


Well-Known Member
So it's ok to fuck your contractors because it's the business way! Wow.

Lets back up a minute here. I think the problem is that your dont understand chapter 11 bankruptcy.

Scenario 1. The business closes it's doors. All employees are fired and lose their jobs. All bills go unpaid, the contractors get nothing because there is nothing left, that is why it is called bankruptcy.

Scenario 2. The business files for reorganization. The creditors negotiate a lower settlement. Note, they still get PAID, it is just less than what they would have. The employees keep their jobs.

What part of Scenario 1 is better than senario 2.

Again, on your knees ready to suck.
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